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joined Feb 23, 2016

I want chapter 9 already..

joined Dec 11, 2017

Fun fact: Liz's real name in Japanese is 橘花 いづみ.
Kitta Izumi in Japanese is written 橘田 いずみ.
The first kanji is the same. Also 橘花 can also be read as Kikka, but I'm not sure how widespread it is as a surname.
Kitta Izumi isn't even trying to hide that Liz is basically her self-insert and I'm pretty sure that some situations like having to hide her sexuality in order to attract male fans are based on her own experience.

"Self-insert" isn't really the right term here. Self-insert is when you put yourself in a story to fulfill a personal fantasy. This feels more like veiled autobiography.

I get the sense that this is her way of coming out to the world.

joined Dec 9, 2015

What happened? Why is it reuploaded?

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

kasu_nyan009 posted:

What happened? Why is it reuploaded?

Idk, maybe because of this?

drpepperfan posted:

Older chapters updated with fixed versions.

joined Aug 16, 2018

Older chapters updated with fixed versions.

Yay! Thankies, drpepperfan!

As for all those who wrote negative comments: geez, people, what part of "soft" don't you understand? Serving a selfish princess and catering to her every whim is obviously her boom. And she is rewarded with nookie. Frankly, I suspect a lot of us would agree to play that slave game, at least for a while, if sex with a gorgeous idol / rock star was our cut of the deal!
(I know I would... )

joined Dec 21, 2016

Fun fact: Liz's real name in Japanese is 橘花 いづみ.
Kitta Izumi in Japanese is written 橘田 いずみ.
The first kanji is the same. Also 橘花 can also be read as Kikka, but I'm not sure how widespread it is as a surname.
Kitta Izumi isn't even trying to hide that Liz is basically her self-insert and I'm pretty sure that some situations like having to hide her sexuality in order to attract male fans are based on her own experience.

"Self-insert" isn't really the right term here. Self-insert is when you put yourself in a story to fulfill a personal fantasy. This feels more like veiled autobiography.

I get the sense that this is her way of coming out to the world.

What I meant was that she's using this manga to talk about herself, so yeah it's kinda like a veiled autobiography.

joined May 2, 2018

There's no reason to think it's autobiographical and not a flight of fantasy...

last edited at Dec 20, 2018 5:35AM

joined Jun 30, 2017

I loved this manga :) waiting for more!

joined Jun 1, 2017

Maki needs a better girlfriend. And Liz may have a tragique past but she needs to sort out her issues first and being traumatized is no excuse to act like a dumbass.
Both of them are nice characters but the two of them together? nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
We could have had it aaaaaall

joined Dec 11, 2017

There's no reason to think it's autobiographical and not a flight of fantasy...

(Edit to cut me being an asshole. Sorry if you already saw it, sometimes my inner snark takes over.)

If you wanted to say "we can't be sure it's autobiographical", I would be willing to grant that, but "there's no reason to think" it is? She named the main character after herself. That is a strong indicator that there is some measure of personal statement here.

last edited at Dec 24, 2018 8:18PM

joined May 2, 2018

I'm sorry, "think" was the wrong word there and it came out a lot more extreme than I meant, you're quite right to call it out. My English is worse than I think. What I was thinking about there is just that for all we know the inspiration for the story is one of those thoughts you get while showering or waiting for an elevator. "How would my career play out if I was gay?" and by the time she's got her hair dried she has a lesbian idol romance scenario that's personal but not at all confessional.

last edited at Dec 25, 2018 10:13AM

joined Dec 11, 2017

I'm sorry, "think" was the wrong word there and it came out a lot more extreme than I meant, you're quite right to call it out. My English is worse than I think. What I was thinking about there is just that for all we know the inspiration for the story is one of those thoughts you get while showering or waiting for an elevator. "How would my career play out if I was gay?" and by the time she's got her hair dried she has a lesbian idol romance scenario that's personal but not at all confessional.

Yeah, I think if that was the case, though, she'd take more steps to distance it from herself, lest she give people the wrong idea.

It's possible that she's an ally, and this is her "I am Spartacus" moment of showing support, or it could even be that it's a publicity stunt to stir up controversy or something to drum up interest or support from less conservative young people.

But I think the most likely and simplest explanation is "she named this character after herself to make a statement about herself."

joined Jan 21, 2015

it could even be that it's a publicity stunt to stir up controversy or something to drum up interest or support from less conservative young people.

If you don't mind me butting in, there have been cases of seiyuu pretending to be into women for PR. Most notably, Itou Shizuka and Nabatame Hitomi pretended for years to be dating with each of them having their own harem of cute voice actresses on the side. They even held a wedding ceremony (to sell CDs). It was fun but pretty obviously fake. Of course, they both got married to men.

I agree with everyone else, Kitta Izumi's case feels different. But I'm not aware of anyone in the seiyuu industry being openly LGBT anything. It might still be considered career suicide. In fact, I'm surprised she has the stones to even dare to name a lesbian character after herself.

joined Jan 2, 2019

Shit getting hella good my nibba.

joined Dec 20, 2018

it's still ongoing right? How frequent is the japanese release?

joined Jun 12, 2015

it's still ongoing right? How frequent is the japanese release?

Every three months. New chapter will be released in Galette No.10. in May.

joined Nov 6, 2018

I went back to re-read it. This makes so much sense now.

joined Mar 12, 2019

I am officially hating the musician chick. Are you fucking kidding me?... the MC wants to help you and you’re treating her like a fucking slave (yeah they literally sign a master-slave contract, I saved you from reading this, you are welcome. :-)))) and taking out your anger onto her just because you are butthurt of some bitch who dumped you?...

Worse yet, she never really explains why she is being a bitch to this poor girl. Ugh, should have expected horrible characters [yet again] from Momono Moto.

But I am not at all against you if you like abusive relationships. If you like bitter relationships, by all means—go ahead and read it.

last edited at Mar 24, 2019 2:06AM

joined Jul 22, 2018

I am officially hating the musician chick. Are you fucking kidding me?... the MC wants to help you and you’re treating her like a fucking slave (yeah they literally sign a master-slave contract, I saved you from reading this, you are welcome. :-)))) and taking out your anger onto her just because you are butthurt of some bitch who dumped you?...

Worse yet, she never really explains why she is being a bitch to this poor girl. Ugh, should have expected horrible characters [yet again] from Momono Moto.

But I am not at all against you if you like abusive relationships. If you like bitter relationships, by all means—go ahead and read it.

Lmao but the story is not write by Momono, Kitta is the author and Monomo do the art.
Just calm down, the story seems pretty interesting and stop the hate about Momono, she's good in her way like Kodama (best example 'cz many ppl hate her)

joined Mar 28, 2019

I am officially hating the musician chick. Are you fucking kidding me?... the MC wants to help you and you’re treating her like a fucking slave (yeah they literally sign a master-slave contract, I saved you from reading this, you are welcome. :-)))) and taking out your anger onto her just because you are butthurt of some bitch who dumped you?...

Worse yet, she never really explains why she is being a bitch to this poor girl. Ugh, should have expected horrible characters [yet again] from Momono Moto.

But I am not at all against you if you like abusive relationships. If you like bitter relationships, by all means—go ahead and read it.

Yeah the slave contract is uncalled for. The girl should have apologized for her hitting the main character. But you know, Momono did not write this. It was some musician who barely has experience in writing and just got to write because she’s famous and liked Moto’s style I guess. And not all of Moto’s works are questionable. She did have some pretty decent works, like that one about the girl who was heartbroken about the teacher leaving their relationship behind.

joined Aug 18, 2015

Looks like two liberty chapters got uploaded? Only half of the 2nd part?

joined Feb 24, 2019

I have to say, if things don't start to go in a different direction I might be done with this one. Liz's stupid contract is one thing, but she has still not apologized for anything. And now we have her punching MC in the gut and kicking her out of bed for a giant teddy bear. Maybe it's all supposed to be whimsical and childish and funny, but it just feels cruel and I want better for MC. Maybe the ex will at least add some intrigue, but I almost wish she would steal Liz back and at least give this lovely tomboy a chance at happiness with someone better.

last edited at Jun 11, 2019 5:28PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

the pages are a bit out of order, looks like they are sorted by name ;) Look at the numbers

anyway, of course it's senpai :B So i guess there could be a tiny bit of character development here? When MC manages to calm one of Liz's tantrums down. Will Liz someday learn respect and grow up? Let's see next time.

I was thinking, maybe Liz is some kind of physical Tsundere. Always when she is having feelings she doesn't just deny it, she becomes violent. RIP main character, was nice knowing you.

last edited at Jun 11, 2019 5:48PM

joined Feb 9, 2019

"Today" what? It just cut it off. I hope that the next update will be faster. Liked that chapter, sadly feeling that the old love story will be a huge topic. Hopefully not.

joined Mar 16, 2018

This image is a perfect encapsulation of this series as a whole

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