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joined Dec 21, 2016

She went from socially inept nerd to normie right after landing a job. She was stealing valour from us working nerds who continue to be socially inept. Totally deserved.

joined Dec 21, 2016

She's heard of lesbians.

joined Dec 21, 2016

You know it's yuri because there's theatre in it.

joined Dec 21, 2016

Thank you for the scanlation!

joined Dec 21, 2016

The author nerfed Komachi's boobs.

joined Dec 21, 2016

Hopefully more of Muromaki's works will be scanlated in the future.

last edited at Jan 26, 2024 6:09AM

Liberty discussion 25 Jan 13:23
joined Dec 21, 2016

Update: it's not slated to appear on Galette #29 either.
No trace of Goodbye, Daisy as well, but I didn't have much hope to begin with.
The official account of Galette hasn't tweeted about Liberty since October 2022.
Kitta Izumi hasn't tweeted about it since July 2022.
Momono Moto's last tweet about Liberty was on February 2023 to announce its indefinite hiatus, which later explained on Galette's fanbox (see my previous post).
It didn't get axed, it was an abrupt interruption for unclear reasons. Like I said, it was supposed to appear on Galette #24 (December 2022 issue), but it didn't. Then, on the same issue, Momono Moto and Kitta Izumi's name appeared on the preview for Galette #25 (February 2023 issue), but the only thing we got was the announcement for Goodbye, Daisy with no explanations for Liberty's disappearance.
The lack of communication about Liberty's hiatus is kinda infuriating, but there's not much we can do about it.

joined Dec 21, 2016

*Ellie died on the way back to her home planet

I like the idea behind this oneshot, but the reveal of Ellie's death was underwhelming.

joined Dec 21, 2016

As a scanlator, it's a pleasure for me to work on Akiyama Haru's manga. Not only do I like her brand of adult yuri drama, but the art is clean, she uses very little sfx and the Japanese is all grammatically correct and not overly slangy. A pleasure to translate and typeset. It took me only one day and a half to do it, while shorter chapters of other series are sometimes a typeset.

I look very much forward to the next chapter in February.

Thank you for your work!

joined Dec 21, 2016

The author wished to not be horny anymore

I suggest you to take a look at the release post on my blog.

joined Dec 21, 2016

it's manga with an irregular publication. The reason why it feels rushed is because the author can't spent too much time building up a story.

so make a good story and don’t make an badly written one if your story is publicated in such an magazine!, like let’s not make excuses for the author!, if they can’t make an good manga for this type of serialization the don’t make one in the first place >.>

it's a filler manga for a magazine that suddenly lost one of its major serialization, what did you expect?

joined Dec 21, 2016

Keep in mind that Goodbye, Daisy isn't slated to appear on Galette's next issue in December. Same thing for Liberty which seems to be on an unofficial hiatus.

joined Dec 21, 2016

Very, very good

joined Dec 21, 2016

For some reason, I had overlooked the Omake.

It's fixed.

Thank you Kirin, I ascended to heaven.

joined Dec 21, 2016

wait, what?

joined Dec 21, 2016

This is a novel concept that needs to be explored

joined Dec 21, 2016

You're right Father. They aren't.

This line goes hard.

last edited at Aug 4, 2023 2:24AM

Liberty discussion 04 Jun 16:29
joined Dec 21, 2016

Kitta Izumi got married, right? Maybe she won't continue writing this manga.

She kept writing Liberty even after she got married. Like I wrote on MD:

Chapter 22 was scheduled to appear on galette 24, but disappeared since then. Momono Moto explained the reason for this stop on Galette's fanbox, from what I could understand it's on hiatus because Kitta Izumi can't write, maybe because of personal reasons or because she run out of ideas. Our only hope to see a new chapter this year is the december issue.

joined Dec 21, 2016

it's manga with an irregular publication. The reason why it feels rushed is because the author can't spent too much time building up a story.

joined Dec 21, 2016

Excuse me for this naive question, but... these girls are Kyou and Mion, right?
Who the eff is Daisy??

Lol that's what I'm wondering too! XD must be a reference to something since it's not a Japanese name... Maybe a reference to the Great Gatsby, which well is kind of a tragedy

I think it's a reference. There's another, unrelated, manga called sayonara daisy which probably references the same thing.

joined Dec 21, 2016

Kyouko is clearly a cultured girl since she went for the meganekko with braids. The removal of glasses was just a move to get even closer with Mion and flirt with her. The move was successfull given how she confessed and started dating Mion.
Anyway, Momono Moto's name is listed on the preview of the next issue of Galette (out in september) so we'll probably see a sequel to this.

joined Dec 21, 2016

This is so painful, what a great manga.

Liberty discussion 10 Apr 02:51
joined Dec 21, 2016

Any news about this regarding its next chapter?

No news, it's not listed on the next issue of Galette which will come out in February.

Any updates coming in the next issue?

It's gonna skip next issue as well, but it will feature a story by Momono Moto. I think it's an irregular serialization. I'm gonna scanlate it if I like it.

Anemone discussion 24 Feb 03:12
joined Dec 21, 2016

I’m glad the maid stopped being a class traitor

perfect post

joined Dec 21, 2016

Muromaki is great