Forum › Sensory Sharing Maid-san! discussion

joined Jul 15, 2016

Chloe is so down bad for her boss, it's almost painful.

Also, what are the odds that Korn's first potion was just colored water, and the Mistress just needed a verbal push in the right direction?

Rather than dispelling the sensory sharing, extend it to the Mistress and Young Lady. That's the real ticket.

The Borg, but all they do is gay sex.

Ah, the future, truly.

joined Jun 17, 2021

That question at the end makes me think the answer is ... no.
It'd be funny if it made the sensory sharing swap between people.

joined Jun 21, 2021

i'm sad we're almost at the end, I really like this series

joined Jan 3, 2022

The grass is always greener on the other side, huh?

They’ve gotten so used to sharing senses that not sharing senses is weird. Funny lol. Uncomfy with it, uncomfy without it

joined Sep 10, 2022

The grass is always greener on the other side, huh?

They’ve gotten so used to sharing senses that not sharing senses is weird. Funny lol. Uncomfy with it, uncomfy without it

When they realize they can privately be with their lovers, they might come around to it. Probably needs an adjustment period. All happened so quick.

joined Feb 18, 2013

I'm still on Team Lesbian Hive. Also, spite for this KOЯM witch.

joined Apr 19, 2018

What is you endgame Mori-san?

joined May 3, 2014

that will be so fucking stupidity on bread to go back to share your sister fucking cumming!!! like UGH this story is werido as fuck!

joined Feb 18, 2013

that will be so fucking stupidity on bread to go back to share your sister fucking cumming!!! like UGH this story is werido as fuck!

You seem to be having a stroke, make sure to call an ambulance if you taste burnt toast.

joined Aug 10, 2015

was mia in love with chloe? if so, is she still in love with her? can they really go back to being normal sister after all the sex they had?

joined Jun 21, 2021

Nawww all in all that was really hecking cute, Enjoyed that very much. Adorable lil romance all around~

joined Sep 10, 2022

Got their sharing back. Repaired their relationship. Got their women. Two happy couples, and lots of senses all around. Everything is good.

last edited at Jan 25, 2025 2:31PM

joined Jul 28, 2016

I remember that the daughter (I forgot her name) was calling out Chloe’s name at some point after Mia left the room (I forgot what chapter that was in), so was that acknowledged at all? Was it just cause of the sensory sharing stuff? Also, I guess Sophia knows Mia is with her daughter now and apparently doesn’t care at all… anyway, that was a pretty unique and good series. Glad it ended the way it did.

joined Sep 16, 2019

I remember that the daughter (I forgot her name) was calling out Chloe’s name at some point after Mia left the room (I forgot what chapter that was in), so was that acknowledged at all? Was it just cause of the sensory sharing stuff? Also, I guess Sophia knows Mia is with her daughter now and apparently doesn’t care at all… anyway, that was a pretty unique and good series. Glad it ended the way it did.

Yeah… I’m thinking the author ran out of time, because there are a LOT of plot threads left completely unresolved and those last couple chapters were really rushing the plot along. That ending basically relegated Mia and the daughter to side characters, which is a shame.

That being said, the rest of the series was interesting, and the ending wasn’t awful. The pacing just needed work, and some of the side plots should have been taken out.

last edited at Jan 25, 2025 2:39PM

joined Sep 14, 2022

Honestly feels like the author just wanted it to be over to me. Not bad overall but definitely left me wanting for more. Anyway I guess they picked psuedo-4somes for the foreseeable future lmao

joined Sep 27, 2017

This was cute and fun, thanks for the translation.

I'm genuinely surprised it didn't end with a 4some scene lol

joined Jun 27, 2017

Correct choice to revert back, clearly.
... the interference arc didn't really do anything and the ending I guess is just sorta ... there.

But it was a fun (and sexy) idea. Decent length for that sorta thing, didn't overstay its welcome.

joined Jun 17, 2015

Well, I think it was fairly predictable that the plot being developed was that the sisters would want to keep the sensory sharing in the end... BUT with what we got in the last 2 chapters, the manga doesn't do a good job making the readers see why they would want to keep the sensory sharing. We just get a vague "something feels off" from Chloé and that's it.

Quite unsatisfying ending but oh well.

joined Jul 21, 2024

What a cute and lovely ending :)

joined Feb 17, 2013

I'm guessing they were suddenly told 'end it in a few chapters' and did so.

joined Mar 28, 2015

If it ended there, it usually means the sales for vol 1 were poor, the editor decided to cut it short, so the author rushed an ending

Blame the Japanese public, not the author.

last edited at Jan 25, 2025 4:04PM

joined Jun 1, 2020

Noooo, there could've been so much more debauchery and nonsense! Like others, I assume the author was told to wrap things up for one reason or another. A shame, since sex factor aside, it was a genuinely entertaining story with a neat idea or two that definitely could've gone places. Many of those were bedrooms, but still places. Still, definitely was a fun read, and also really hot, and I got my Maid x Mistress pairing. Though as one other commenter mentions, I'm surprised, and in all honesty, a tad bit miffed, there wasn't a full-blown foursome.

joined Jan 3, 2022

Honestly feels like the author just wanted it to be over to me. Not bad overall but definitely left me wanting for more. Anyway I guess they picked psuedo-4somes for the foreseeable future lmao

If felt rushed to me as well and it left me with wanting more

joined Nov 7, 2022

"I tooootally forgot the failed product, please throw it away and don't drink it, alright ?"

100% subtle, no one could have guessed any hidden intention, 10/10 bluff.

Good on Korn's antics, in the end everyone is happy, and I am too.

joined Dec 16, 2021

It turn somewhat shimaidon, oyakodon, Megadon?

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