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joined Aug 28, 2016

hnngnghghhgnnfffhfhhnfffuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh evil lady sexy

joined Sep 21, 2019

Witch hot, me like.

I'm so looking forward to seeing the other witches beaten up black and blue because our main witch turns out to be ridiculously overpowered or something.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Chapter 5 doesn't seem to be finished (there's no "to be continued" here), but since part three comes out next month, I thought I'd still release the first two parts so that people don't wait too long.

joined Jun 12, 2023

So many cool designs!!! Wow!!!

joined Apr 1, 2015

I just love how crazy this thing is

joined Dec 16, 2015

Typo on page 25, Our not Or. Also this manga is fun!

joined Jun 27, 2017

Yeppyepp. Suspiciously unaffected by magic ... at least when the story doesn't demand that she kinda is. ^^

joined Sep 10, 2022

Sal continues to knock it out of the park. So much energy on every page.

joined Jul 6, 2020

The outfits and character design are both so peak. No one else is doing it like sal jiang

joined Jul 21, 2024

This page gave me the chills. great art as always :)

last edited at Jan 18, 2025 4:49PM

joined Feb 28, 2013

Aaahhh!! They’re in Salem!!!! This ought to be fun.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Oh it's a party now

joined Aug 12, 2021

Very fun that Sadako is confirmed as like suspiciously strong for a witch who came out of nowhere. It figures after all she's not just some newby she's just been in exile for multiple centuries. Which I imagine will be coming up sooner rather than later at this point.

edit, re-reading chapter 1 made me realize Sadako has a tv in her house. and old one admittedly maybe 1930-1940s. But also with the way things are framed that city didn't look like it existed as more than a farming town in the way back when. So she's either younger than I assumed and cities can grow fast, or she is still centuries old but up until like 80-90 years ago her mom/guardian still looked after her before presumably going out to buy some cigarettes and never returning.

Though of course Hanako's weird resistance to magic is probably the more pressing weirdness to the witches.

last edited at Jan 18, 2025 2:15PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

Poor Hanako just can't catch a fucking break xD

joined Mar 28, 2015

BreadBunny posted:

Very fun that Sadako is confirmed as like suspiciously strong for a witch who came out of nowhere. It figures after all she's not just some newby she's just been in exile for multiple centuries. Which I imagine will be coming up sooner rather than later at this point.

edit, re-reading chapter 1 made me realize Sadako has a tv in her house. and old one admittedly maybe 1930-1940s. But also with the way things are framed that city didn't look like it existed as more than a farming town in the way back when. So she's either younger than I assumed and cities can grow fast, or she is still centuries old but up until like 80-90 years ago her mom/guardian still looked after her before presumably going out to buy some cigarettes and never returning.

She said herself that she's over 100 and has been living for the last 80 years in the mountains. So Sadako might have been born at the start of the 20th century.

joined May 10, 2021

Surely they're in garden they cannot leave unless they have sex.
Also this is pretty damn great.
Also also, is Hanako supposed to be a witch? Or the offspring of one? She seems way too strong and immune to magic stuff.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Sep 25, 2019

Surely they're in garden they cannot leave unless they have sex.

I see I'm not the only one who thought exactly this!

joined Feb 11, 2022

That was very sudden

And They Were Roommates
joined Apr 17, 2023

Oh this chapter was fun, looks like things are picking up

joined Oct 22, 2020

Sal Jiang just can't draw a woman who's not hot. Every witch lady so far is a smokeshow!

joined Aug 1, 2011

Sal's character designs are great but their expressions are on a whole different level, especially Sadako's. Every close-up of her is so full of energy. Also, I wonder if there's anything significant about the style of clothing everyone picked up when they were transported, since they're all completely different.

Aaahhh!! They’re in Salem!!!! This ought to be fun.

How do you know they're in Salem? Also, if they got sent all the way to the other side of the USA, that's some pretty impressive magic and it says some things a out the scale of this group.

joined Apr 2, 2023

The statue on the last page is of a real statue in Salem. If you’re a fan of the tv show Bewitched it might have been easier to recognize. Not likely meant to be known by a Japanese audience at first glance.

joined Nov 27, 2022

Sal Jiang is such an amazing artist! I first admired their work in Ayaka Is In Love With Hiroko-Senpai and the intensely animated and emptional facework. Great use of perspective and shading. Beautiful plot AND beautiul art?!

joined Jul 15, 2016

Hanako in a Gothic dress is not something I knew I needed, but here we are.

Also also, is Hanako supposed to be a witch? Or the offspring of one? She seems way too strong and immune to magic stuff.

My current guess is that she is kind of an "anti-witch", meaning she deflects all hostile magic cast against her, but cannot use it herself.

The statue on the last page is of a real statue in Salem. If you’re a fan of the tv show Bewitched it might have been easier to recognize. Not likely meant to be known by a Japanese audience at first glance.

Ah, that would explain @jaggyd's post above. Thanks for the heads-up. :-)

And They Were Roommates
joined Apr 17, 2023

Yes that is a real statue at the end there in Salem, Massachusetts that depicts actress Elizabeth Montgomery as her character Samantha Stephens from the 1960s sitcom Bewitched.
It was erected 20 years ago despite some local protests criticizing it for trivializing the tragic events of the Salem witch trials.
It was also vandalized a couple of years ago.

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