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joined Aug 6, 2015

“emotionally cheating”


Nanase was initially distant, cuz she didn’t wanna be open about their relationship and she prioritized her club over their relationship (which Yuni literally never said anything about)

Yuni cheated on Nanase to make it to her game… when she could’ve just communicated from the start, “hey I can’t make it to your game”

Nanase being more chill with Yuki makes sense. They’re childhood friends, they’ve known each other for wayyy longer, and unlike Yuni, Yuki isn’t a jerk who blows up at people without properly communicating nor gets jealous while actively cheating on an unsuspecting person

Nanase’s only fault is being inexperienced with dating (not setting proper boundaries, not knowing what she wants, not being able to balance a relationship with club stuff)

Yuni cheated first, then cheated again and is getting mad at Nanase for…. Being close with her childhood friend?? Like, Nanase literally HAS been showing interest, wanting to match and stuff— Yuni has given up on ‘them’ and I’m sure Nanase has too given how she clearly hasn’t enjoyed being with Yuni for a while. They are very clearly, not compatible, there’s also no trust left, I seriously can not comprehend why Nanase would stay with Yuni… like does she even love her anymore?? Was she ever even in love to begin with?

If Yuki stays single, that’ll be the biggest W ever

Nanase imo is the weakest character in the manga. She seems to exist just to give Yuni a reason to cheat. She's the only character that's shown no reason for loving someone else. She's the only character that never takes any action. Yuki has done more for her relationship in regard to the cheating than Nanase herself. She just comes across as such a bland character. You can't feel bad for her because you never feel like she ever tries to really be with Yuni. This chapter is the perfect example. Instead of talking to Yuni she runs away and decides to hang out with someone else. She's the dumb lover in an ntr story that's so pathetic you can't feel bad that their lover is cheating. Maybe if the author show3d Nanase being more proactive i would've cared a bit more.

joined May 11, 2013

It doesn't seem like either of these idiots want to be the one who ends it, so I guess Nanase will eventually start cheating with Yuki to create the maximum amount of drama possible.

joined May 9, 2017

Reading the comment section is always as entertaining as the manga's drama.

I kind of get it, that people wants to defend the girl being cheated on, but Nanase is just a terrible girlfriend. First of all, she is the one who confessed. Which doesn't makes any sense, because she never makes time for her girlfriend, nor does she is showing much affection to her. Since the beginning, the fact that she is busy with her club is comprehensible, but she not only takes a lot of time for her club activities, but also spends tons of time with her club members, going out and celebrating. On top of that, she is also very close to her childhood friend and spends a lot of time with her. Yuni is just never on her mind.

None of the things above are problematic, but when you get yourself a girlfriend, and still doing all of the above, making no time for her, WHILE expecting your girlfriend to support you (like taking a round trip to Osaka which is super expensive, just to see your game, while not spending time with your gf outside of that)... This is just super selfish. Did she get a girlfriend just for emotional support when she needs it while not wanting to give anything in return? Because it does look like this to me. Just stay single if you can't chose between all of your priorities, there is nothing wrong with that...

Don't get me wrong, cheating is bad, and Yuni is a terrible girlfriend too. I will never justify cheating. But damn, Nanase is also an asshole, just not the same kind.

joined Dec 16, 2014

Just break up already

joined Oct 4, 2024

please break up

joined Apr 23, 2024

all these bitches have a cheating kink i swear no one wants to end it i bet ten bucks nanase is gonna cheat on yuni with her bestie

joined Mar 28, 2015

I mean, no one talks about how Nanase had promised Yuni she'd get them matching rings, which Yuni was looking forward to, and promised to be a better girlfriend. When Yuni sees the package, she's excited and thinks "this is it!".

Then it turns out it was a gift for ANOTHER girl. She spontaneously bought an accessory for her best friend instead, buying nothing for Yuni and she has to be REMINDED about her promise.

And when Yuni comes over to confront her, Nanase looks at the departing Yuki instead of looking at her girlfriend.

Nanase gives to Yuki all the attention and care she should be giving to her girlfriend and she doesn't even notice it. And then she's upset when her girlfriend gets jealous.

And I'm not even sure Yuki is that innocent with her "Thanks for this!" while running away.

And at last, I have to remind you that the author said in an afterword that Yuni encapsulates what she pictures when she thinks "women are a pain in the ass". So the fact that Yuni is high-maintenance and a pain is on PURPOSE.

So yeah, every girl in this manga is shitty in their own way and it's written like that to anger the readers and keep them hooked.

Don't act like surprised Pikachus.

joined May 3, 2014

Reading the comment section is always as entertaining as the manga's drama.

I kind of get it, that people wants to defend the girl being cheated on, but Nanase is just a terrible girlfriend. First of all, she is the one who confessed. Which doesn't makes any sense, because she never makes time for her girlfriend, nor does she is showing much affection to her. Since the beginning, the fact that she is busy with her club is comprehensible, but she not only takes a lot of time for her club activities, but also spends tons of time with her club members, going out and celebrating. On top of that, she is also very close to her childhood friend and spends a lot of time with her. Yuni is just never on her mind.

None of the things above are problematic, but when you get yourself a girlfriend, and still doing all of the above, making no time for her, WHILE expecting your girlfriend to support you (like taking a round trip to Osaka which is super expensive, just to see your game, while not spending time with your gf outside of that)... This is just super selfish. Did she get a girlfriend just for emotional support when she needs it while not wanting to give anything in return? Because it does look like this to me. Just stay single if you can't chose between all of your priorities, there is nothing wrong with that...

Don't get me wrong, cheating is bad, and Yuni is a terrible girlfriend too. I will never justify cheating. But damn, Nanase is also an asshole, just not the same kind.

can you make more excuse harder for the dumb beloved Yuni? you spend a wall A WALL of text making excuses for way Yuni did what she did! Nanase is not an asshole but sure in your head all victims of cheating has to have a blame in the OTHER person cheating first, and continue to cheat and continue to be the biggest asshole ever

all Nanase did was tame and showed a lack of experience for dating……but go on an victimize Yuni because you might had not written the oh i do know Yuni is baaaad….BUT!!! BUT!!! so is Nanaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

what i learn from reading comments is how the majority is trying so god damn hard to put as much blame on Nanase, and make the most absurd excuses for Yuni, that is the most god damn disgusting scum you can find on earth, Nanase is inexperience in dating, Yuni has the simplest solution on earth! BREAK UP!

being inexperience at relationship, doesn't make you a fucking asshole LMAO, she only didn’t manage well the time spend on sports, school, and girlfriend!!! THAT IS ALL!!! she did!!!

and Yuni did what? CHEAT!!! NO other solution BUT TO FUCKING CHEAT

last edited at Nov 22, 2024 5:04AM

joined Feb 27, 2023

Bless her heart our mc is a bum. Natsume x Yuki OTP on top. Natsume ate the onigiri AND licked her fingers lol

joined May 9, 2017

Reading the comment section is always as entertaining as the manga's drama.

I kind of get it, that people wants to defend the girl being cheated on, but Nanase is just a terrible girlfriend. First of all, she is the one who confessed. Which doesn't makes any sense, because she never makes time for her girlfriend, nor does she is showing much affection to her. Since the beginning, the fact that she is busy with her club is comprehensible, but she not only takes a lot of time for her club activities, but also spends tons of time with her club members, going out and celebrating. On top of that, she is also very close to her childhood friend and spends a lot of time with her. Yuni is just never on her mind.

None of the things above are problematic, but when you get yourself a girlfriend, and still doing all of the above, making no time for her, WHILE expecting your girlfriend to support you (like taking a round trip to Osaka which is super expensive, just to see your game, while not spending time with your gf outside of that)... This is just super selfish. Did she get a girlfriend just for emotional support when she needs it while not wanting to give anything in return? Because it does look like this to me. Just stay single if you can't chose between all of your priorities, there is nothing wrong with that...

Don't get me wrong, cheating is bad, and Yuni is a terrible girlfriend too. I will never justify cheating. But damn, Nanase is also an asshole, just not the same kind.

can you make more excuse harder for the dumb beloved Yuni? you spend a wall A WALL of text making excuses for way Yuni did what she did! Nanase is not an asshole but sure in your head all victims of cheating has to have a blame in the OTHER person cheating first, and continue to cheat and continue to be the biggest asshole ever

Damn, people can sure become emotional with this title (this is the kind of comments I enjoy reading lol). I've never said I excuse anything Yuni did. I was just making a case of why I think Nanase is a terrible gf. Both Can co-exist at the same time. The whole post is about Nanase, not Yuni. I don't justify in any way Yuni's action. Just because of is a cheater doesn't mean the other party is a good person...

Not that you care, but my moral standard for cheating is actually pretty high. I actuality don't think I can make a case for justifying cheating, not matter the situation. Because for me, cheating is not only breaking the trust of your partner but also breaking your self trust in the process. This is also about self respect.

Still, I stand by the fact that Nanase is a terrible girlfriend. Nya-chan's post is also making really good points about it as well.

joined Dec 16, 2021

Yuni feel anxious when her girlfriend is not here, then she feel anxious when her girlfriend is here

joined Jul 29, 2017

can you make more excuse harder for the dumb beloved Yuni? you spend a wall A WALL of text making excuses for way Yuni did what she did! Nanase is not an asshole but sure in your head all victims of cheating has to have a blame in the OTHER person cheating first, and continue to cheat and continue to be the biggest asshole ever

Damn, people can sure become emotional with this title (this is the kind of comments I enjoy reading lol). I've never said I excuse anything Yuni did. I was just making a case of why I think Nanase is a terrible gf. Both Can co-exist at the same time. The whole post is about Nanase, not Yuni. I don't justify in any way Yuni's action. Just because of is a cheater doesn't mean the other party is a good person...

The person you are responding to has especially strong attitudes about cheating and tends to get personal, not to mention rabid, in excoriating cheating in general, cheating characters in particular, and commenters who see nuance in any situation that can possibly be construed as cheating.

joined Apr 10, 2023

I mean, no one talks about how Nanase had promised Yuni she'd get them matching rings, which Yuni was looking forward to, and promised to be a better girlfriend. When Yuni sees the package, she's excited and thinks "this is it!".

Then it turns out it was a gift for ANOTHER girl. She spontaneously bought an accessory for her best friend instead, buying nothing for Yuni and she has to be REMINDED about her promise.

And when Yuni comes over to confront her, Nanase looks at the departing Yuki instead of looking at her girlfriend.

Nanase gives to Yuki all the attention and care she should be giving to her girlfriend and she doesn't even notice it. And then she's upset when her girlfriend gets jealous.

And I'm not even sure Yuki is that innocent with her "Thanks for this!" while running away.

And at last, I have to remind you that the author said in an afterword that Yuni encapsulates what she pictures when she thinks "women are a pain in the ass". So the fact that Yuni is high-maintenance and a pain is on PURPOSE.

So yeah, every girl in this manga is shitty in their own way and it's written like that to anger the readers and keep them hooked.

Don't act like surprised Pikachus.

Seriously it's hilarious that people claim Nanase is a good girlfriend or even "almost perfect" when Yuni keeps making very clearly stated requests and Nanase keeps fulfilling those requests... to Yuki instead. Honestly the only thing really unbelievable/hard to accept is why Yuni wants to stay with Nanase at all given Nanase has been checked out and seemingly uninterested outside of "this is mine so nobody else can have it" right from the start of the manga. Nanase's got that "I don't want to donate my old clothes because then someone else would have my stuff" mentality about a girlfriend she absolutely does not seem to care about otherwise, and I don't really know why Yuni puts up with it when she's got Fuuko. My only guess is that Yuni doesn't want to be single and has a "too good to be true" anxiety about Fuuko, since her only romantic experience is how Nanase treats her. That and/or she's punishing herself for cheating by staying with a bad partner and denying herself a good one.

last edited at Nov 22, 2024 9:03AM

joined May 23, 2024

Honestly I don't like the MC and want girlfriend to leave and get with a girl who actually likes her . Mc seems really hateful and possessive . I'm only reading now so I can see gf leave .

joined Apr 10, 2023

PS Fuuko is still perfect just in general. Morally unblemished, a flawless lover, a truly honest heart, and a very sympathetic story. She's easily worth more than every other character in this manga combined.

joined Jun 25, 2019

PS Fuuko is still perfect just in general. Morally unblemished, a flawless lover, a truly honest heart, and a very sympathetic story. She's easily worth more than every other character in this manga combined.

nice joke

joined Aug 19, 2015

Aww man. This manga stresses me out every time but I'll be back next chapter. I need closure.

I only really care for Fuuko (guilty pleasure support) and Yuki.

joined Aug 10, 2016

I've had a great time ignoring this manga since the day it dropped here (because of the dogshit that is Nanashi no Asterism), but it's always really funny to see people fight over it in the comments every chapter.

joined Oct 27, 2017

I like that it still has the “Big Breasts” tag.

“Hey folks, we know that these three are in the relationship equivalent of a dying star but just in case you forgot Fuuko DOES have some supremely nice tits okay thanks goodbye”

joined Apr 10, 2023

I've had a great time ignoring this manga since the day it dropped here (because of the dogshit that is Nanashi no Asterism), but it's always really funny to see people fight over it in the comments every chapter.

What? This isn't written by the author of Nanashi no Asterism, and this series couldn't be farther from that one of it tried lol.

last edited at Nov 22, 2024 11:53AM

joined Aug 30, 2020

I like that it still has the “Big Breasts” tag.

“Hey folks, we know that these three are in the relationship equivalent of a dying star but just in case you forgot Fuuko DOES have some supremely nice tits okay thanks goodbye”

Hell, all three of them are pretty stacked in the chest department.

joined May 23, 2024

PS Fuuko is still perfect just in general. Morally unblemished, a flawless lover, a truly honest heart, and a very sympathetic story. She's easily worth more than every other character in this manga combined.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I only really care for Fuuko (guilty pleasure support) and Yuki.

Fuuko/Yuki yussss

joined Apr 10, 2023

Fuuko should get whatever she wants and what she wants is Yuni, not Yuki. She isn't dumb and mixing up their names like Nanase :P

joined Jan 11, 2018

Are losers still defending the needy bitch and borderline psycho with a mommy fetish?

Also love people still ignoring the MC never talked about any problems with her girlfriend before she decided to jump right to cheating.

last edited at Nov 22, 2024 6:41PM

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