Forum › A Story About Buying a Classmate Once a Week ~ 5,000 Yen for an Excuse to Spend Time Together discussion

joined Jul 21, 2021

I'm not sure where this is going in all honesty, especially since they're both "not gay" as they said earlier.

rare hot take but I do think it'd be more interesting if they had something entirely unromantic going on. there's something appealing about this fucked up little dynamic.

joined Feb 24, 2023

I cannot ascertain what’s going on through Miyagi’s head

joined Oct 25, 2023

I cannot ascertain what’s going on through Miyagi’s head

The manga cutting a ton of the WN's internal monologue doesn't help. But even with the internal monologue, Miyagi is an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery.

joined Aug 29, 2019

I cannot ascertain what’s going on through Miyagi’s head

Me neither, but I'm here for it regardless.

joined May 28, 2021

I cannot ascertain what’s going on through Miyagi’s head

It's a lot like Adachi and Shimamura, with most of the internal stuff taken out, the characters tend to come off like borderline sociopaths.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I cannot ascertain what’s going on through Miyagi’s head

The manga cutting a ton of the WN's internal monologue doesn't help. But even with the internal monologue, Miyagi is an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery.

Yeah, we manage to have unreliable narrator problems even with double internal dialogue.

joined Feb 21, 2019

This is the gayest thing I’ve ever read

joined Oct 5, 2016

I cannot ascertain what’s going on through Miyagi’s head

It's a lot like Adachi and Shimamura, with most of the internal stuff taken out, the characters tend to come off like borderline sociopaths.

Adachi and Shimamura suffered a lot from the later books obviously getting drawn out since they were successful.

Like the two girls in the first book or two are already pretty dang aware that they're flirting and are actively thinking through what that means. Shimamura is OK with them getting close but then when it's out in public she gets nervous and pulls back, because she knows what's going on, even if she's trying not to admit it.

Definitely feels like a similar thing happening with miyagi. Like she's always been awkward and prickly and afraid of commitment, but the rate at which she's working through it really drops after a while.

joined Sep 16, 2014

I can't believe yuyuyu never made Karin reference niboshi day.

joined Oct 25, 2023

I can't believe yuyuyu never made Karin reference niboshi day.

Did you reply to the wrong thread? I can't figure out how this has anything to do with Shuukura.

joined Mar 22, 2014

I can't believe yuyuyu never made Karin reference niboshi day.

Did you reply to the wrong thread? I can't figure out how this has anything to do with Shuukura.

Miyagi makes a... joke (?) that Valentine's Day is Niboshi Day because the numbers in the date (2, 1, 4) can, albeit forcefully, be read as ni, bo, shi day. I made the footnote in the novel translation, but it showed up in the most recent manga chapter now. I believe Karin from YuYuYu loves niboshi (the food), so the person you're replying to was just surprised Karin never mentioned Niboshi Day.

joined Oct 14, 2014

i like it when the art style decides to start shoujomaxxing

joined Apr 25, 2020

ion care, I like this manga

joined Sep 1, 2021

i realized reading texts is way better than consuming only*images, i advise reading the novel, or you will keep assuming things without seeing how their internal monologues dont keep up with their actions cuz of what

last edited at Feb 24, 2025 6:23AM

sanshouowo Uploader
Homusaki Shikibu
joined Jul 10, 2021

vary nice
next chapter wen

i realized reading texts is way better than consuming images, i advise reading the novel, or you will keep assuming things without seeing how their internal monologues dont keep up with their actions cuz of what

i like pictures i think they're cool and neat and awesome imo but that's just me

but words are also cool too

joined Oct 25, 2023

vary nice
next chapter wen

i realized reading texts is way better than consuming images, i advise reading the novel, or you will keep assuming things without seeing how their internal monologues dont keep up with their actions cuz of what

i like pictures i think they're cool and neat and awesome imo but that's just me

but words are also cool too

Mhm. Words good but pictures nice too. Agreed!

I wonder if the previous comment was recommending the WN/LN for this work specifically instead of in general.

Shuukura's manga seems to be cutting more internal monologue than most text to manga adaptations. Just off the top of my head, Otherside Picnic and AdaShima are two examples where the manga adaptation seem to lose less internal monologue.
And the internal monologue is arguably more important to Shuukura's story than it is in those two works.

I'm certainly still enjoying this manga though, massive Shuukura fan that I am.

joined Mar 22, 2014

Having read the novel versions of Otherside Picnic and AdaShima, I have to agree that their manga adaptations keep a decent chunk of the internal monologue. At least, way better than the current ShuuKura adaptation. I've noticed there were a few panels that substituted the internal monologue for quick flashes of "show, don't tell," but I personally don't feel like it's enough for a story that mostly takes place in our characters' minds.

That being said, I like pictures and I can appreciate the manga adaptation as its own thing.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Feelings are getting pretty obvious there.

joined Jul 21, 2024

I cannot ascertain what’s going on through Miyagi’s head

The manga cutting a ton of the WN's internal monologue doesn't help. But even with the internal monologue, Miyagi is an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery.

I think reading the web novel for this series before the manga could provide a deeper understanding of the story. While the manga already does a great job, the web novel adds more depth and helps reduce any confusion.
Edit: with how fast the manga is progressing compared to the WN (with 90+ chapters) I have a feeling this series won't be having many chapter.

last edited at Oct 31, 2024 2:04PM

joined Mar 22, 2014

I cannot ascertain what’s going on through Miyagi’s head

The manga cutting a ton of the WN's internal monologue doesn't help. But even with the internal monologue, Miyagi is an enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in a mystery.

I think reading the web novel for this series before the manga could provide a deeper understanding of the story. While the manga already does a great job, the web novel adds more depth and helps reduce any confusion.
Edit: with how fast the manga is progressing compared to the WN (with 90+ chapters) I have a feeling this series won't be having many chapter.

No, the WN has around 360 chapters. 90ish is just where I'm at with my TLs, LOL.

joined Dec 13, 2018

I cannot ascertain what’s going on through Miyagi’s head

I figure that Miyagi wants to see a genuine expression of emotion from Sendai rather than a polite smile, even if that emotion is disgust or annoyance. They both lack yet desire genuine emotional connection to others, so that's why they stick together in this dysfunctional relationship.

joined Jan 3, 2022

Going from seeing the disgusted face on page 8
To seeing the happy face on page 9 is soooo funny to me

Imagining it happened like a split second after she shows disgusts is so funny imo

She looks like she ascended go another plane when she saw that look of disgust or smthn lmao

last edited at Oct 31, 2024 4:51PM

joined Aug 11, 2022

Miyagi (Rich Anti-socal loner girl) has complicated feelings toward our popular girl (MC).

I guess to Miyagi, Sendai (MC) is pretty much the closet person to a friend/best she actually has so far I am assuming this...Miyagi you don't hate Sendai...You just have messed up confused feelings (Curiosity, jealously and satisfaction, frustration, surprise, yearning and longing for emotional connection, amusement + minor of other emotions probably mix in) that your not able to accurately describe and judge rationally due to being too young and inexperience in life lol XD

Sendai has great eye for attention for noticing the minor hair cut...As expected of one of the popular girls in her school...You need a keen eye and able to judge the room to be polite/make the correct social actions to not be hated/out-cast/seen as weird. Too much work to be popular and needing to have some extrovert energy~

Like the comment above me said (Genuine emotion connection), humans can be influence and read minor micro expressions on other humans' faces...It not perfect and their brain can falsely read the small facial/micro expression but it is kind of accurate 50% of the time.

Miyagi probably feels a tiny bit of superiority at seeing sides of Sendai that most people probably won't see (Disgust and annoyance instead of polite calm smile-Public face/ Different masks and persona depending on the location and people involved.) You can see and feel her minor shock/surprise at how Sendai is offering to cook/make her food without any orders/ulterior motive instead of going along with their current 'game type' relationship due to 'money'...That is usually something done with friends or people you enjoy being around.

Otakus with that weird niche fetish seeing Miyagi asking MC/Sendai to look at her with a disgusted look: "Could this girl be one of our people?"

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Miyagi (Rich Anti-socal loner girl) has complicated feelings toward our popular girl (MC).

I guess to Miyagi, Sendai (MC) is pretty much the closet person to a friend/best she actually has so far

Miyagi has friends. She's not a loner or an outcast.

She's just not in the "popular" caste.

Miyagi has trust issues and can't believe deep down that someone would be want to genuinely associate with her without an incentive (money) and Sendai, while tired by the weight of the mask she wears at all time, can't really drop it as it's become part of her.

joined Apr 10, 2023

vary nice
next chapter wen

i realized reading texts is way better than consuming images, i advise reading the novel, or you will keep assuming things without seeing how their internal monologues dont keep up with their actions cuz of what

i like pictures i think they're cool and neat and awesome imo but that's just me

but words are also cool too

Mhm. Words good but pictures nice too. Agreed!

I wonder if the previous comment was recommending the WN/LN for this work specifically instead of in general.

Shuukura's manga seems to be cutting more internal monologue than most text to manga adaptations. Just off the top of my head, Otherside Picnic and AdaShima are two examples where the manga adaptation seem to lose less internal monologue.
And the internal monologue is arguably more important to Shuukura's story than it is in those two works.

I'm certainly still enjoying this manga though, massive Shuukura fan that I am.

The internal monologues definitely aren't less important with Otherside Picnic, as we see in the anime version when they're gone the effect of basically everything dies. The very first encounter with the supernatural goes from "what the hell is that thi- oh god looking at it and perceiving it let's it into my head I'm being parasitized by this thing I cannot understand and yet I still think I should keep looking at it" in the novel and manga, to "that goo monster over there is causing the screen to glitch out. Imma throw a rock at it and make it stop:)" in the anime. And that's before we get to how the anime removing the internal monologues also removed basically all the homosexuality, to the point where a lot of anime viewers had no idea they were watching a yuri.
I'd say this is a series that could really use an adaptation like Otherside Picnic's manga, as both series are pretty much dead even imo in how badly they suffer if you get outside the protagonists' heads. This manga is not as bad as the Otherside Picnic anime, but it's still kinda suffering. I also found the characters confusing and kinda difficult to empathize with before checking out the great WN translation.

last edited at Nov 1, 2024 5:51AM

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