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joined Oct 25, 2023

Wow, nanase really is the only sane person here

Well...maybe until the most recent chapter. Bit of an issue with anger.

joined Jul 20, 2024

This manga reminds me so much of "with that forbidden girl in that forbidden place" and both of them are among my top favorite Yuri mangas. Guess Im a sucker for the troubled girl finding "true" love.

Anyway, it's sad to see cheating happening but the unfortunate reality is that Nanase is too conscious and healthy minded for the relationship Yuni needs, and I think subconsciously Nanase recognizes that as well, that is why she's hesitant in making her intentions clear.

Finding a lover like Yuni is one in a million as they are more intense and lovable that most people, but that same intensity can and will suffocate those who are not prepared people. Their love is like an endless wave of hearts and kisses. They will follow you to the ends of the earth and defend you with zero hesitation. There is no one else who will dedicate their to you as much. The hell though starts the moment they even think you are cheating or have after thoughts. Yuni already questions Nanase's loyalty, she's just sticking around because she's put Nanase on a pedestal and wrapped her in gold. It's only now that Yuni is wondering whether or not Nana's deserves that gold.

And while Nanase is possible the only redeemable person, she isn't making it clear to Yuni that she prioritizes her as a girlfriend. There is a lot of hesitation in her actions. She also doesn't have a clear view of what Yuni really wants in a lover due to little to no communication (again this is because she has a life outside of just thinking about Yuni). This is only hurting Yuni more and causing Yuni to think dramatically in a negative way

This isn't to say Nanase is a bad person. She will be a wonderful girlfriend for someone who doesnt live in fear of abandonment like Yuni does.

All my personal opinion though.

last edited at Oct 18, 2024 11:31PM

joined Apr 25, 2020

Wow, nanase really is the only sane person here

Well...maybe until the most recent chapter. Bit of an issue with anger.

I think you're mistaking nanase for yuni

joined Oct 25, 2023

Wow, nanase really is the only sane person here

Well...maybe until the most recent chapter. Bit of an issue with anger.

I think you're mistaking nanase for yuni

No...I don't think I am.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Poor Yuki's getting slammed around by everyone

joined Apr 25, 2020

Wow, nanase really is the only sane person here

Well...maybe until the most recent chapter. Bit of an issue with anger.

I think you're mistaking nanase for yuni

No...I don't think I am.

How the hell do you even recall this lol

Edit: what chapter even is this, I'm reading the first uploading that's only gotten to chapter 14 so if that's from further apart, then I haven't seen it

last edited at Oct 19, 2024 2:48AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

17hunter00 posted:

Edit: what chapter even is this, I'm reading the first uploading that's only gotten to chapter 14 so if that's from further apart, then I haven't seen it

It's in the latest chapter 27. The scanlator is redoing properly the chapters that were MTL'd on mangadex and fills them in here.

There's only chapter 15 missing here as of now.

joined Jan 3, 2022

Poor Yuki's getting slammed around by everyone

Yuki actually is the only sane person in this manga. I’m cheering for Yuki now, the other three girls don’t matter, as long as Yuki is happy, I’m happy

joined Oct 25, 2023

Poor Yuki's getting slammed around by everyone

Yuki actually is the only sane person in this manga. I’m cheering for Yuki now, the other three girls don’t matter, as long as Yuki is happy, I’m happy

I predict Yuki will eventually get her oh-so-desired future full of domestic abuse bliss with Nanase.

joined Apr 10, 2023

Honestly looking back at chapter 14 Yuni is basically in the right here? Yuki accuses her of not taking Nanase seriously and tries to force her to break up, but isn't it Nanase who is unserious about their relationship, especially before she knows about Fuuko and gets competitive. Forcing Yuni to act like strangers in public when Yuni doesn't want to so that Nanase can deny their relationship, only for her to just tell somebody without asking Yuni or even telling her about it? She had to learn about it from some nosy bitch with obvious ulterior motives getting up in her business instead? I know people consider Yuni and Fuuko to be the more serious violation due to the sex involved but what Nanase did is still a huge betrayal of trust and particularly feels nasty that she's the one who insisted on the rule of secrecy that she went and broke behind Yuni's back. Yuni being furious is definitely not her being "less sane" it's a completely understandable rational response.
Nanase's behavior implicitly frames herself as the boss of their relationship, the person in charge who gets to make the decisions and judges what's okay and what isn't, while Yuni's expected to just sit there and listen to her. As far as I'm concerned for anyone who acts like that in a relationship, if they get cheated on they had it coming.

last edited at Oct 19, 2024 12:48PM

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