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joined Jul 29, 2017

[singsong voice]: Somebody’s going viiiral!

joined Sep 23, 2021

[singsong voice]: Somebody’s going viiiral!

my first thought too

joined Nov 13, 2022

Time to go viral on TikTok

joined Aug 17, 2012

The title is "The Beginning" and from what little (and it is very little) I know of the music industry Mitsuki is going to need a very supportive and understanding person to lean on both when the downs hit and to keep her grounded on the highs. Hope Aya is ready.

joined Sep 28, 2021

“The Beginning” —> prolly a literal beginning of something.
Me, screeching with a sore throat and hyperactivity only midnight can bestow to a neurospicy dumbass: JUST GIVE ME A REASON~

joined Sep 10, 2022

Isn't the title more about her own beginnings? Do we think she's going viral from this? I didn't really get that from the chapter, though I see where everyone else is coming from.

last edited at May 26, 2024 1:11PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Lovely. ^_^

joined Jul 29, 2017

Isn't the title more about her own beginnings? Do we think she's going viral from this? I didn't really get that from the chapter, though I see where everyone else is coming from.

What is the point of having a through-the-lens shot of a video of Mitsuki playing taken by a stranger if not for the video to be posted somewhere?

joined Jan 6, 2015

Ohhhhhh she's growing up! Imagine Mitsuki from early in the manga trying to do something like this.

joined May 5, 2020

Oniisan... GUJOBBU!

joined Sep 10, 2022

Isn't the title more about her own beginnings? Do we think she's going viral from this? I didn't really get that from the chapter, though I see where everyone else is coming from.

What is the point of having a through-the-lens shot of a video of Mitsuki playing taken by a stranger if not for the video to be posted somewhere?

There are many reasons for a shot like that. For one, it could be part of the setting. It's natural for "street" performers to be recorded like this and Sumiko might have wanted to represent that real world excitement and atmosphere, while also creating an interesting panel composition.

Again, I wouldn't be surprised if this did lead to a viral hit. That would work too and I'm not against the idea. She also mentioned "wanting to be up there too, etc." which would compliment the idea. It just didn't cross my mind when reading the chapter.

last edited at May 26, 2024 6:09PM

joined Feb 25, 2013

Someone's gonna go viral~ And everyone in school is gonna know she can sing and play guitar!

joined Apr 1, 2015

Possibly the unveiling of the black clad musician

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I think gyaru MC deserves Idiot Couple status.

joined Feb 17, 2013

[singsong voice]: Somebody’s going viiiral!


joined Mar 1, 2018

Chapter 87
I'm gonna cry!

joined Oct 19, 2021

Awwwwwww :)

joined Dec 11, 2017

Man, this one really hit me. Her music helped the kid make friends with the other kids i'm not crying your crynig

joined May 2, 2018

She's her... summer babe!

joined Dec 9, 2023

Oh damn Aya might not be able to monopolize Mitsuki's coolness to herself anymore

joined Jul 29, 2017

Isn't the title more about her own beginnings? Do we think she's going viral from this? I didn't really get that from the chapter, though I see where everyone else is coming from.

What is the point of having a through-the-lens shot of a video of Mitsuki playing taken by a stranger if not for the video to be posted somewhere?

There are many reasons for a shot like that. For one, it could be part of the setting. It's natural for "street" performers to be recorded like this and Sumiko might have wanted to represent that real world excitement and atmosphere, while also creating an interesting panel composition.

Again, I wouldn't be surprised if this did lead to a viral hit. That would work too and I'm not against the idea. She also mentioned "wanting to be up there too, etc." which would compliment the idea. It just didn't cross my mind when reading the chapter.

So here are both of us, not being surprised.

joined Oct 4, 2018

I think gyaru MC deserves Idiot Couple status.

Let's wait for them to get together before we give them that one. For now, let Aya have and hold her Useless Lesbian card.

joined May 2, 2018

You guys fucking called it

joined Jun 27, 2017

Yeah, it's the sorta plot development that honestly just feels too convenient, contrived and frankly predictable.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yeah, it's the sorta plot development that honestly just feels too convenient, contrived and frankly predictable.

Well, the plot development was “predictable” because the purpose of the previous chapter was to set it up.

Three chapters ago no one was saying, “I’ll bet pretty soon a clip of Koga playing music in the park will go viral.”

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