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joined Mar 1, 2018

I feel like it was all over the place and I couldn't understand. Could someone please explain?

joined Mar 1, 2018

What's up with all the secrecy of Mahiro's girlfriend? I WANNA KNOW!
Is it Taga once they're together?
Is it someone we don't know?
Or is she lying about having a girlfriend?

last edited at Nov 17, 2024 12:50PM

joined Mar 1, 2018

Just my thoughts in the comment. I've already had thoughts about this but with the latest update it feels more concrete, but I think the radical anti-noble faction killed Lapis's noble half sister and Lapis is Aurora. After the death of her sister, the family forced Aurora to become Lapis in her stead. In Chapter 10, Lapis says "My entire existence is just an act" and it truly is. In Chapter 1 page 28, in the story of the game, when Lapis and Diana are fighting she says, "That thing died a long time ago" signifying that she hates herself and has been been feeling guilty about the real Lapis's death. At the end of Chapter 4, Lapis says, "I am Lapis Tenebrae" to remind herself her role and her plan to get revenge. I don't know how the revenge plays out but with Vino's ability to read minds and how disturbed he is with Lapis's plan, it tells me that it is dark, deep, and extremely calculative to the point he wouldnt want to be on the bad side of Lapis. In the game, Vino sided with Diana possibly in hopes to save Lapis in his own way. And the reason why Lapis is so surprised about Natori's "foreseeing" power and wanted Natori to become hers is because it can be seen as being one step closer to her dead sister.

joined Mar 1, 2018

That was sweet.

joined Mar 1, 2018

Ohmygodoohmygodohmygod. "Meguru" is the new sister? Guess we'll find out in like 3 more chapters

joined Mar 1, 2018

Oh okay. So he's just a classic bully? I can deal with that. At least he didn't steal her song and call it his

last edited at Jul 14, 2024 12:19PM

joined Mar 1, 2018

Is this going to be a big fan, a future promoter for our musician, or a douche who stole her music?

joined Mar 1, 2018

Wish there was one more page where it exposes their story to each other

joined Mar 1, 2018

Chapter 87
I'm gonna cry!

joined Mar 1, 2018

So, the ending is a bit ambiguous, but did Ana just fall for someone whom she initially mistook for a romantic rival, but who actually had feelings for her all along, while Kyoko has never noticed a darn thing?

That's the impression I got, but also agree it's too ambiguous to tell.

Too ambiguous. I like open endings but not this wide open.

Please discussion 30 Jan 07:54
joined Mar 1, 2018

I didn't come back but it was part of my featured novels. I'm glad I clicked on this even with the new tags cause I think of this story A LOT. I normally don't click on angst, depressing, or tragedy tags but I wanted to see where this went. I knew this story the moment I saw the bathtub scene and decided to reread this. Reading this again after 5 years made me realize this story was even sadder than the first time I read it. I originally thought that the promise to meet at the beach was true only to realize it was part of her dream. Along with a few other things but I need to sort them out first along with my feelings because I can't put them into words.

joined Mar 1, 2018

Okay, so... is the snake the tongue slipping in or something "slipping out"?

joined Mar 1, 2018

I've always thought about it but in Ch.6, do you think Meguru knew the MC liked her b/c she went through the same thing w/ her sister? Like the looking back only to make eye contact and turn around fast but your face turns red?

joined Mar 1, 2018

At this point they might as well make it a How to Keep a Triangle but a few years down the line to keep it legal

joined Mar 1, 2018

Wow... I feel as if I haven't read anything with this much drama and gayness in a good while.

joined Mar 1, 2018

Oooooooohhhh time travel????

joined Mar 1, 2018

Great story so far and really good characters, too. I'm excited for more updates. The only downside is that there's been three other girls who look similar to the antagonist and it has confused me a few times

joined Mar 1, 2018

Dating? I never would've known. Super glad she said it and it doesn't because a "misunderstanding" in the next chapter.

joined Mar 1, 2018

Aw. I wanted to see a little skip of Yoroizuka at work with the hickies.

joined Mar 1, 2018

No!! That wasnt an ending for me, just another cliffhanger! At least give me an epilogue!

last edited at Jun 27, 2023 2:53PM

joined Mar 1, 2018

Cute. Wholesome. Happy.

joined Mar 1, 2018

That was good. I like it when the title fits the one-shot so well

joined Mar 1, 2018

Whoa. She good-looking, too.

last edited at May 7, 2023 3:42PM

joined Mar 1, 2018

At this point, the mom might as well just date her. She can figure out her feelings after

last edited at Apr 25, 2023 6:58AM

joined Mar 1, 2018

I want to see what's making the noise.