Well... That's done at least.
Not very happy that Kase won, though. She's just getting rewarded and doesn't have to face any consequences whatsoever for jeopardizing their moving in, delaying and losing the previous offer, etc. I was hoping that she'd be actually forced to choose and take a stand, instead of everything just going her way for reasons of plot.
It was overall a very weird arc, and I can't help but feel that despite living together, their relationship took a step back.
I must agree. With Kase winning this thing this whole arc seems pointless. No new information, no one grew, the entire middle could be cut out with only scenes of Yamada suggesting moving in and a scene of Kase coming into an appartment staying and all that would be left out would be pointless drama.
I was half expecting Kase losing, telling Fukami why she wants to move out and Fukami letting go. It would allow showing Fukami growing as a person and maybe even start her own coming out arc.
And, more importantly, it would allow to adress Kase coming out publicly. That's something that's been bothering me for a while. While Yamada seems to quite open to speak out about their relationship (though she doesn't really reveal it unprompted), Kase seems to be quite closed about, to the point of hiding it from people she calls her friends and colleagues. Aside from rumors only a couple of her close friends know she's actually a lesbian. I was hoping this arc was set up to explore this topic. It would really make up for this weird love triangle drama that's been going on.
But alas, nothing was learned, no one grew and all that is left is bad aftertaste of pointless drama and failed plot points.