Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Aug 12, 2022

Is this the first time they sleep together (no sex, but I still count!) or I have missed seeing that numerous times?

Nope. It already happened once during the school trip, ch56.

joined Sep 26, 2020

All this to say that yes, and anime is going to be a more difficult task but if they could pull something like de the CD Drama, it could~~ be possible, but with it's's has to be well done or an anime of 15 min maybe, not a full 30 min or so. That is my opinion~

While I was listening to the drama CD, I realized that the biggest barrier to making a good anime (or live-action drama) out of this is probably music licensing. The background music on the drama CD includes all your hit favorites from gunge bands like Nibana and alternate rock bands like the UFO Fighters, which is to say it's bland name stuff that sounds vaguely like songs from some of bands namechecked in the manga. A huge part of the charm of the manga is the specificity of the girls being super into bands that were at their peak decade(s) before they were born (believe me, writing that out hurt me more than you), and without that, it's less compelling.

Format-wise, I think it would work pretty well as a set of super-short minute-long episodes like I'm Kodama Kawashiri, especially if they kept the manga's color scheme and used highly stylized (maybe rotoscoped low framerate?) animation.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Format-wise, I think it would work pretty well as a set of super-short minute-long episodes like I'm Kodama Kawashiri, especially if they kept the manga's color scheme and used highly stylized (maybe rotoscoped low framerate?) animation.

That's cool and all, but does anyone actually care for these minute-long episodes series? (I would totally watch it tho)

joined Sep 10, 2022

Format-wise, I think it would work pretty well as a set of super-short minute-long episodes like I'm Kodama Kawashiri, especially if they kept the manga's color scheme and used highly stylized (maybe rotoscoped low framerate?) animation.

That's cool and all, but does anyone actually care for these minute-long episodes series? (I would totally watch it tho)

I care in the moment but they tend to be very forgettable.

last edited at May 6, 2024 3:06PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

While I was listening to the drama CD, I realized that the biggest barrier to making a good anime (or live-action drama) out of this is probably music licensing. The background music on the drama CD includes all your hit favorites from gunge bands like Nibana and alternate rock bands like the UFO Fighters, which is to say it's bland name stuff that sounds vaguely like songs from some of bands namechecked in the manga. A huge part of the charm of the manga is the specificity of the girls being super into bands that were at their peak decade(s) before they were born (believe me, writing that out hurt me more than you), and without that, it's less compelling.

They could name drop and reference the bands and albums without necessarily playing them. The only music that absolutely to be played at length is the stuff that Mitsuki makes, no? Otherwise it might be enough to license at most two or three dad rock songs for the most important moments.

joined Sep 26, 2020

That's cool and all, but does anyone actually care for these minute-long episodes series? (I would totally watch it tho)

I liked I'm Kodama Kawashiri enough to buy the Blu-ray+book of the series from Japan and hand-remux the English subtitles into it, so yeah, people do. There's something about a really good OP + the way a short episode can really let a capable voice actor cut loose (which Aoi Yuuki takes full advantage of in that series) that makes those kinds of series unique. And the slightly longer series like Play It Cool, Guys, where it's a few minutes of concentrated sitcom energy, are also really good. They feel like they really are the animated equivalent of 4-komas or Twitter comics.

joined Dec 20, 2018

If only for this moment, found her place.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Some notable tactile moments here.

joined May 28, 2021

Some notable tactile moments here.

They've definitely reached a point where skinship is no big deal at all.

joined May 5, 2024

shot in the dark, the manga will end at chapter 183

Astraea Hill
joined Aug 17, 2012

shot in the dark, the manga will end at chapter 183

Maybe, but someone will blink in chapter 182 ;)

joined Aug 12, 2019

shot in the dark, the manga will end at chapter 183

Maybe, but someone will blink in chapter 182 ;)

Is it cool if I hold your hand
Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance

joined Oct 4, 2018

Format-wise, I think it would work pretty well as a set of super-short minute-long episodes like I'm Kodama Kawashiri, especially if they kept the manga's color scheme and used highly stylized (maybe rotoscoped low framerate?) animation.

That's cool and all, but does anyone actually care for these minute-long episodes series? (I would totally watch it tho)

Yama no Susume exists. That one started out with those minute long episodes. It ended up getting more time every season until it managed to get its own full 20 minute 1 cour season.

If there are enough people who would buy the discs and the manga, there's a potential for a bigger audience.
The biggest barrier is still the music licensing. Japan's copyright system is such a complex beast that it'll definitely be hard to get all the right songs in the anime.

joined May 28, 2021

I don't see much the animated medium could add to this, TBH. To me at least, this is a lot more suitable for a live action adaptation, preferably a movie, given how short a lot of the chapters are. You could probably make a very good 1h45-ish movie out of this story.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I don't see much the animated medium could add to this, TBH. To me at least, this is a lot more suitable for a live action adaptation, preferably a movie, given how short a lot of the chapters are. You could probably make a very good 1h45-ish movie out of this story.

An animated film would be best to me. There's a lot this series does with washes of color that I think animation would express better than live-action. I agree though, this doesn't seem suited for a TV show unless they take a lot of creative license.

last edited at May 13, 2024 9:09AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

The biggest barrier is still the music licensing. Japan's copyright system is such a complex beast that it'll definitely be hard to get all the right songs in the anime.

If they could release a soundtrack for the manga, surely they can handle this.

joined Apr 2, 2023

I don't think there is anything to be worried about for song rights. The green manga seems very beloved by the music industry in Japan. In case some of this didn't get mentioned here before...she got an official spotify playlist early on, she got to keep a lot more music references in the print version than people expected, a merch collaboration with the Nirvana anniversary album, Mitsuki singing Creep on the Drama CD, they arranged for her to meet Beck, and soon the manga will have an officially released soundtrack with a lot of well known bands.

Currently the manga has a storyline that doubles as a product placement for a real music festival in Japan. They are basically lockstep together at this point. Domestically I could see an anime or live action getting enough music licensed for it to feel right because everything is leaning towards the industry wanting it too. If there are issues down the road for a US release for example... that wouldn't be stopping them from making an anime or live action if they really want it. They'll be making it for their domestic audience.

I think an anime or live action wouldn't be difficult to adapt. They might need to add some connective tissue, but this is a coming of age slice of life series. It's not like it's trying to add content to a difficult to understand avant-garde scifi manga. There's not much they can mess up if they just hit the major beats. Needing to add some school, cd shop, and home scenes that help flesh out their inner thoughts more in a visual way vs manga shorthand seems a reasonable use for extra time without changing the story significantly and there's enough there for one season with three volumes if that's as far as it goes.

Funny enough, a fan who is an animation student made this cute animation short this week and it has me really wanting an anime some day even more than before. I love it when a series I like attracts talented fans for fanart.

joined Jun 10, 2023

Funny enough, a fan who is an animation student made this cute animation short this week and it has me really wanting an anime some day even more than before. I love it when a series I like attracts talented fans for fanart.

TIL via the tags on this that some people shorthand this as "green manga" and man, I love that. Ive never figured out a good abridged version of this monster of a title; it's green manga now (wonderful lil animation too lol~).

last edited at May 14, 2024 8:28AM

joined Apr 2, 2023

TIL via the tags on this that some people shorthand this as "green manga" and man, I love that. Ive never figured out a good abridged version of this monster of a title; it's green manga now (wonderful lil animation too lol~).

Officially they have gone with kinioto it looks like, but green manga is easiest to use online as a tag. I did try that out when I was in a bookstore and a guy asked what I was currently reading. "Eh, I don't know them by their color. Anything I'd know?" "Spy x Family." Fail. I couldn't bring myself to say the full name out loud in public. Silly long webcomic names...

joined Mar 5, 2022

Giving me Beck Mongolian Chop Squad flashbacks. Music really is amazing

joined Jan 2, 2022

I don't see much the animated medium could add to this, TBH. To me at least, this is a lot more suitable for a live action adaptation, preferably a movie, given how short a lot of the chapters are. You could probably make a very good 1h45-ish movie out of this story.

As long as it's not like one of those anime adaptations with the excessive close ups and where everything looks too clean. It's gotta have a grungy, realistic feel to it, like a Linklater or Fincher film (although obviously less dramatic in the latter sense), or something like Only Lovers Left Alive or Booksmart. Actually, I'd even take Alice Wu, especially since she does sapphic films well, and the Half of It wasn't as clean as most of the other teen Netflix fair.

But then I'm thinking, it definitely can't be a one on one adaptation, because either the halfway point is the cultural festival reveal or that's the end of the film, and if it's the end then you'd probably want to put a kiss there. If it's the halfway, then the end could be Mitsuki writing her own song and sharing it with Aya.

...I got too into this.

joined Jan 3, 2022

For some reason, I’m low key expecting the uncle and kanna to get back together cuz of this.

Now bro knows not to sit in between the girls to avoid getting drooled on lol
A scene where the girls are sleeping on each other would be tots cute ☺️

joined Jan 2, 2022

Kanna is such a baddie. Joe needs to step up his game.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Poor Joe... :D

For some reason, I’m low key expecting the uncle and kanna to get back together cuz of this.

Pretty sure most of us have been expecting this for a long time now.

joined Oct 27, 2017

Man I really love this artist. Being passed out in the backseat of a car leaning on each other is peak high-school student behavior. Love it when the little details are done so right.

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