Forum › Posts by maninthemirroroftheworld

joined May 5, 2024

and as best friends they cuddled naked together

joined May 5, 2024

chat it's jover

joined May 5, 2024

what did nico do to the author to make them go throw so much

joined May 5, 2024

akko with short hair looks pretty good, this is know how i imagine her as a adult

joined May 5, 2024

i love the yuri trope of "fuck your rules, i'm gonna be with her because i lover her." it gets me every time

joined May 5, 2024

hey, i here your crying is pretty strong, can i fight it?

joined May 5, 2024

junko is probably one of my favorite example's of a protagonist villains, and dam the ending. when i was first reading this i thought they where going to do a "the girl your working with is manipulating you, i know this cause i'm very good at manipulating" then get a semi redemption ark, but dam this is nothing like i expected.

so love junko, fuck you junko, enjoy hell junko

Lost discussion 09 Jul 10:52
joined May 5, 2024

you can't do this to me without at least adding a tragedy tag

joined May 5, 2024

when i first started the anime, i thought it was gonna be ecchi trash that i would gain no enjoyment from, but then something weird happened, it made a joke and i laughed, it got ecchi again, but after the ecchi left i laughed again, while i don't like the echhi if it was removed i genually think this could be up there as a great twist on magical girl tropes while paying ohmage to it and also having some fun yuri.

joined May 5, 2024

Thats it? where's the rest of it?

joined May 5, 2024

femc: if only i could get girls
junpei: here me out

last edited at Jun 12, 2024 9:52AM

joined May 5, 2024

shot in the dark, the manga will end at chapter 183