Forum › The Fed Up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Villainess discussion

joined Sep 10, 2022

Anyway, when you get down to analyzing things, Natori hasn't shown any romantic or sexual interest in any character. I wouldn't even be surprised if she was ace.

She's definitely shown those interests towards Lapis, but I agree with everything else you said.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Team poly let's goooo

joined Jul 15, 2016

When Rubeus claims Diana wants to marry Natori, isn't that basically a confirmation that same-sex marriage is possible in this kingdom? I don't think it has been mentioned before. If that information was in the game too, it's even funnier that Natori still hasn't figured out that she is in a love triangle with two girls.

I wouldn't put a lot of stock into that interpretation, as he had also described Natori as a "summoned beast". Legally, she appears to not even qualify as a human, so I don't think her gender and sex are even relevant to her marriage prospects. My guess is that Rubeus was using the term "marriage" in a general sense, not the legal kind, and he chose that word specifically to rouse Lapis' jealousy.

Lapis is super savvy about manipulating people. It would be kind of bad writing for her not to see through Rubeus pretty much immediately. I get that jealousy is a powerful force but it feels like she is smart enough not to get dragged down by it. Then again, her whole plan is basically a pointless self sacrifice so maybe I am giving her too much credit.

Oh, I am pretty sure Lapis has figured out what Rubeus was trying to achieve from the word go. She has never trusted anyone except Natori, and even if her trust in the latter is undermined by jealousy, I do not expect her to start trusting Rubeus instead, all of a sudden.

joined Aug 11, 2022

Technically once again...Lapis original plan is to be a sacrifice (Scapegoat) to boost the prince's reputation and have Diana appear as a hero for the commoners so Commoners and Nobles will never long fight/civil war risk while killing off the crazy radical commoners...I don't consider Lapis' plan to be that pointless...but yes her plan is somewhat stupid and suicidal very much yes [Could have pin the blame on some corrupted noble]...If Lapis or some other smart character was in IRL...They would be smarter than 60% of the world population lol.

Lapis' original plan didn't count with her sacrifice nor was meant to boost the Prince and Diana's reputation, it was straight up just eliminating all commoners, she died because she was the villain of the story and that was how the story was written.

Honestly sure Lapis plan was solely focus on killing all the commoners involved in her Adopted sister's death but that did not mean she not willing to die at the end after she got her revenge. She is a smart girl that fooled the Gamers/Fan-based who played the otome game into thinking she is a totally nice person (Chapter 1- Stealing magic jewel for magic booster).

She could easily just adjust her plans to let herself be killed to boost the (Her Fiancee) Prince's reputation and Diana's reputation. Kill off all the commoners from the Anti-Noble fraction that she saw responsible for her little sis' death [Any innocent bystanders are acceptable casualties though to her lol... (Lapis' trauma from chapter 2 and other chapters)] then Lapis can be satisfied dying either way...because if Lapis want to survive she could have flee to another country and be a thorn to the Prince and Diana easily with her influence and power.

Chapter 8 (Lapis teaches prince that he is the player and not the chess-up...Queen piece dropped as she talk about the bigger picture, Lapis tells prince there is no way to preserve all the pieces and even refers that she is a chess piece too...).

Since she probably achieved her goal then she was ready to set things up to so her death is at least beneficial to the Prince and the future of the kingdom...she would have sacrificed her family, the prince and Diana if she didn't achieved her goal of killing all the [Anti-noble member (Low rank nobles are helping them due to greed for more power which can cause civil war)] but since she got her goal finished in the original timeline then she doesn't have to go that far for her [REVENGE].

I won't deny Lapis want to kill all the commoner [Mainly from the Anti-noble fraction (Any innocent people dying are probably acceptable to her though since she will rationalized it as the Bigger picture idea thing)] but she cares about the prince, Diana and her family to a small extent...not enough to not kill them for her plans for [REVENGE] but enough to not cause trouble for them in the future...The MC here on the other hand...Lapis cannot sacrifice the MC for [REVENGE] due to being to involved/care about MC too much. Lapis tried her best to keep herself emotional distance while making sure MC's life will be comfortable and somewhat happy but failed lol

MC and the gamers seem to not know much about Lapis' backstory (MC does not know about the little sister except Lapis throw away line about having a commoner sister) and the reasons why she want [REVENGE].

You can call my idea and analysis of Lapis' character stupid and wrong, saying her wanting to kill the commoners is not deep and that is just the way she is written in the game but eh whatever, Agree to disagree XD

joined Oct 20, 2017

I was surprised to see how MangaDex's comments section is absolutely dominated for calls for this to have a poly ending. Some of the calls for that have almost 100 upvotes, which is pretty wild.

It made me really curious what separates this manga from others with love triangles where you don't see that type of behavior in the comments. I think it's probably because the least likely corner of the triangle (Diana, the one not in the title) is so hard to dislike. She's earnest, straightforward, and fairly relatable (a teen girl having a very obvious crush on another girl who is oblivious). Since you can't see an obvious "Natori + Diana" only outcome, Diana fans hope for poly, I guess?

Typically, most love triangles I read are manhwa with much higher stakes and where most of the characters are very manipulative. The comments on those stories are generally like "X is a bitch and should die". Nobody is calling for a poly ending there, lol.

Anyway, when you get down to analyzing things, Natori hasn't shown any romantic or sexual interest in any character. I wouldn't even be surprised if she was ace. Obviously, the OTP is Lapis + Diana. Let's go!

Yes, Diana is such a sweetie that most of us don't want her to end up alone, and there isn't a fourth girl to pair her up with. (There is the cat girl, but they haven't interacted almost at all.) It's kind of rough.

The few yuri and lesbian stuff I have seen with a poly ending, that were remotely serious (i.e. not goofy harems like I Won't Sleep With You For Free), signaled that endgame pretty early - at least before the half-way mark. (E.g. Muted by Miranda Mundt.) It feels like this one is past the point where it should have marked Diana as having a legit chance, and Lapis as open to sharing Natori with someone. If Lapis were on a route where she would eventually warm up to the concept, that should have been signaled by now too. I say this because the story feels like it has concluded its first act, where most of the players including their goals and character arcs have been established.

Lapis' arc of getting de-radicalized from her mass murder plans could theoretically happen in parallel to learning to love polyamory. But after the disaster has been avoided and Lapis has found a reason to keep on living, the story will probably end pretty soon. So if she doesn't complete her polyamory journey by that point, we will probably never see it at all.

last edited at Apr 27, 2024 6:53PM

joined Apr 10, 2023

We will see Lapis's journey to polyamory complete on ao3 if nothing else :P

joined Jun 6, 2014

If this author's brain is wet then they'll start writing for a poly world soon but I really have very little faith after seeing eleventy million iterations of the "second option" in media ending up being the most lovable and most tragic at the same time.

If Diana ends up being the villain at the end of this road I'll be platinum mad.

joined Jul 31, 2019

Yes, Diana is such a sweetie that most of us don't want her to end up alone, and there isn't a fourth girl to pair her up with. (There is the cat girl, but they haven't interacted almost at all.)

It's a cat boy though (unless I missed another cat person somewhere? :P)

EDIT: and actually rereading his first appearance, he apparently has "fox ears" so he's neither cat, nor girl :P

last edited at Apr 29, 2024 11:35AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Nekotarou just posted that the special edition of Volume 3 sold out and that preorders increased compared to Volume 2!

joined Dec 18, 2013

Vol 3 cover is gorgeous

joined Dec 18, 2013

One of the preorder bonus for Vol 3 is this acrylic stand of Diana and Natori

Natori is wearing a crown with four leaf clovers and Nekotarou posted this with a screenshot of a language of flowers site, according to the site the four leaf means Good luck or Be mine. Make of that as you will

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