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joined Jun 6, 2014

Needs World Without Yuri Manga tag.

And I know this isn't the first "divorcing parents split up twins" story I've read--is it just a story trope or another cultural weirdness thing?

I think it's neither, really. I think twin love is one of the more fascinating philosophically introspective topics in romance, and within the GL or BL realm in particular it takes on a nuance that is sorta a "double negative", given the core logical argument against incest is often the real problem and consequences of inbreeding..which sorta takes on a significant amount of water with homosexual love, whose own """wrongness""" comes from not furthering the bloodline or whatever bullshit.

And sometimes it's just people who really love incest in their fiction and honestly all the power to 'em lmao.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Somehow at the end of this I bet Matsuri is gonna be the most endearing character lmao

joined Jun 6, 2014

Wonder if that blonde girl in that flashback is the witch/Elsa's mom/Elsa herself or whatever combination of those are the same.

joined Jun 6, 2014

I don't think I could ever get enough of these two being in a room together.

Honestly Estella too although I'm not entirely sure that room would last longer than an hour before someone went unconscious.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Best they can do is go back and make Hibike Euphonium actual yuri instead of yuri bait.


joined Jun 6, 2014

With the angst tag I was sure Takina was gonna wake up from her "waking up from her nightmare" dream at the end.

I'm much happier with this. Go forth and be gay.

joined Jun 6, 2014

If this author's brain is wet then they'll start writing for a poly world soon but I really have very little faith after seeing eleventy million iterations of the "second option" in media ending up being the most lovable and most tragic at the same time.

If Diana ends up being the villain at the end of this road I'll be platinum mad.

joined Jun 6, 2014

idgi ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯

that said I'm not very familiar with Hibike Euphonium.

Yeah that's the short and the sweet of it. The viewing of 'Liz to Aoi Tori', the spinoff masterpiece by Yamada of the series, is required to know what's going on.

joined Jun 6, 2014

I was going to write "Just hit them with the broom" but I guess a baseball bat is fine too. To be honest I am surprised this does not happen more often IN japan seeing how intense bullying can be over there. actually does happen often here.

As a matter of fact, cruel violence is so common that most people here are desensitized to it. You just don’t hear about it unless you pay attention to local Japanese news. The news doesnt talk about bullying or domestic abuse or any of that...its a perverse form of Yellow Journalism (in of itself a perverse form of journalism) that emphasizes the results but not the means. People being cut up and tragically murdered and mutilated is more common than you would like.

I think the story is half playing off that, and half an interesting twist of your typical yandere. I dont think its trying to condone the actions, but rather illuminate something scary about human nature in how people can find an aspect satisfying in it. Also sort of getting at what is good about Yanderes in a backwards and cruel the end of the day they do just really love you, and loving them in kind brings a...happy end I guess.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Loved this~

TOTALLY thought this style (art and story) was familiar. Never a disappointment.

last edited at Apr 30, 2016 5:14AM

Image Comments 30 Apr 05:08
joined Jun 6, 2014


Image Comments 30 Apr 05:07
joined Jun 6, 2014

LOL MakiCard.

Image Comments 30 Apr 05:04
joined Jun 6, 2014

Yui's always the wild card for me with this show. Huge fan of this pairing because it's that rare instance where we get a tsundere trying her damndest to be honest and kind, and the pairing just works so well. Big fan of Akari x Chinatsu because it (for me) takes on this whole aspect of Chinatsu being a sneaky and clever girl planning everything just to get closer to Akari. HimaSaku is kinda a nobrainer.

Like I love Yui a lot but man I got no one to ship her with. Not that KyouYui isn't good, just prefer this one.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Unfortunately the third movie ends here and it is uncertain if they will continue with the franchise or not...

Funny you should mention that

Sweet Room discussion 15 Apr 12:41
joined Jun 6, 2014 I had just watched the movie and was so terribly disappointed with the ending (which was partially personal bias because of the glaring chance for some delicious HonoTsuba subtext that got kinda skimped) that I've been waiting for some more stuff.

But this? Damn. A "nice try" indeed.

Boyfriend discussion 15 Apr 12:14
joined Jun 6, 2014

...I feel like this shouldn't have been the first comment section I read after hiatus.


Gardenia discussion 18 Dec 10:38
joined Jun 6, 2014

Also, aren't Shinto, Confucianism and Buddhism not particularly fussy over how the world was created, but rather how we live day-to-day in the current time?

Congrats to me being way late on this but I can't resist after briefing back over some previous posts to make sure I didn't unintentionally ignore anyone.

Shinto is a bit more spiritual than it is religious, but the buddhism and the three great philosophies (taoism, confucianism, and legalism) are...well more philosophical than religious. Christianity has a moderate hold in Japan, especially when compared to other 'Eastern' countries, but it's in the overall minority.

Shinto and Buddhism both have creation stories, but they are no more vital to their frameworks than the story of Elijah is to Christianity's.

last edited at Dec 18, 2015 10:39AM

joined Jun 6, 2014

Can't fucking wait for the second season haha

Gardenia discussion 26 Nov 11:30
joined Jun 6, 2014

I wonder how much of this is actually 'Historical' and how much is actually just a modern day setting in yukatas?

Just a question. Good art, solid story. Not really pulling my heart strings though...I think it's because there wasn't much buildup? Hard to say.

joined Jun 6, 2014

So I think all doubt that Tachi is conscientiously using Kaede and Yuzu as starting out heavily subtextual is gone now.

Thank you bunches ShiN and the rest of Lazy Lily.

Stretch discussion 27 Oct 02:23
joined Jun 6, 2014

Hmm...I am so glad I never wasted my time with this one O.o

It's still a good series with a lot of teasing, really not much different from something like Nanoha

I think the fact Nanoha has the two continue to be together is what separates them. Keiko leaving...I can see what Shou was trying to get at, what with the whole "Started from the bottom and now we're here" kinda thing, but it honestly was just a pisspoor limp to the finish. I'd forgive him if he hadn't proved how masterful he was at manipulating symbols and circumstances to his will...there were just too many plot holes to let slide in the end.

I absolutly have no sympathy as to why people are not bothering with series because of a relativly harmless ending, Sakura Trick got a lot of flak for this too despite the good comedy, the great compensating of an low budget with clever use of animation and some unique character dynamics you usually don't get

I'm salty towards the Sakura Trick hate too because of all the above and the fact it actually is a very well-developed set of yuri relationships. I think people forget that people need to learn how to love at some point in their life.

This isn't Cross Ange which send shitty morals from the get go

Well tbf, that whole world is fucked up from another dimension. And that was the entire point behind the story...crude and rather blunt, with some storytelling issues but overall it accomplished what it set out to be.

Gemini discussion 27 Oct 02:13
joined Jun 6, 2014

as if someone else could legitimately tell them apart and fell in love with one of them, they would simply just have to reciprocate.

Thought I'd point something out. It seems like this Tasaki person was indeed able to tell them apart and fell in love with Sachika, but not only did Sachika not feel that she had to reciprocate, but she explicitly rejects him. On page 72, Sachika says "You don't have to worry about me going out with Tasaki-kun." So I really don't think their relationship has anything to do with "we have no other option." But again, this is just my own opinion.

Sorry if I'm looking past what you're really trying to say.

Late response because school and stuff. Sorry about that!

You're not really looking past much tbh. I think the details you've provided do indicate that they will end up being steadfast toward one another, and their characters seem to have enough fortitude to be able to stand by that.

Really it's just a matter of how it was conveyed, at least from my eyes. Makes the incestuous aspect of the relationship seem to make it inherently inferior.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Omg... Kinda DEPRESSING! T^T
Why oh why doesn't Madoka's series go happy end with yuri love?!!?! Kyouko... SAYAKA! Ma poor pure heart... O_o

It's depressing on the surface...butttt if you know what happens's a very happy ending.

Gemini discussion 09 Oct 23:24
joined Jun 6, 2014

...but to me incest is a story dynamic that has to be presented with care in order to keep the attraction both believable and positive...

Everything you said Cryssoberyl is very accurate, but condensing to this sentence because I feel it needs the most emphasis.

Society has stuck a boding and inescapable connotation on the word "incest", so much so that many hear the word and automatically assume '%sibling raped %sibling'. And completely and understandably so. As a survival tactic, it makes sense to try and get into people's heads that having children with your blood relation is bad. Not only this, but the nuclear household just naturally develops these days in "developed" nations that inherently make it not only nonsensical from almost every perspective, but also rather distasteful to even consider falling in love with a sibling.

So from a practical sense, healthy incest is likely only achievable in stories. For that very reason, the intrinsic dynamic is incredibly unstable and fragile. The story has to be pure (in a connective sense) and well-ironned at its roots in order to capture an audience. This one did not do enough of that. Even the idea of them not doing anything to look any different from the other is forgivable and surprisingly workable from a story's sense...but what broke the hinges was the way they so nonchalantly accepted the idea they could taken by someone else...**as if someone else could legitimately tell them apart and fell in love with one of them, they would simply just have to reciprocate**.

That just naturally makes the relationship become a "because we have no other option" scenario, which is not a bad start in many cases; but as the main focal axis? Bad.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Im loving all the fluff of YuYuYu, but Im just waiting nervously for the angst to start seeping its way to the top.