Forum › Anemone is in Heat discussion

joined Dec 23, 2014

Oooooo an interloper! Okay, prediction time:

I'm guessinggggg, she's someone from the same middle school as Nagisa who admired her for being the serious model student and stuff. But now Nagisa looks all flashy, so the First year thinks it's Mashiro's bad influence leading Nagisa astray and tries to "pull her back to the right path". Or smth along those lines~

This. Or it might be because she saw Nagisa and Mashiro holding hands. A homophobia, and at the same time in love/has a crush on Nagisa while not knowing. Or something something

joined Jun 21, 2021

I don't have an issue with this per se, but how the hell did she recognize Nagisa? I'm going by manga logic with this one. In the first chapter, before the "transformation", she looked very different.

She was there for the fashion show they did at the school festival, they announced them with their full names, that's prob how

joined Jul 9, 2020

This new chapter was super cute, but then, suddenly... An underclassmen appears! I really want Nagisa to nip this confrontation in the bud and say "don't talk to my girlfriend that way"

And if words fail, backbreaker shall prevail.

...Though that may be my recent Guilty Gear binge talking. Few problems can't be solved by sufficient application of Potemkin Buster.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I don't have an issue with this per se, but how the hell did she recognize Nagisa? I'm going by manga logic with this one. In the first chapter, before the "transformation", she looked very different.

She was there for the fashion show they did at the school festival, they announced them with their full names, that's prob how

Oooh I see, thanks!

joined Feb 24, 2023

Kinda feels like the author ran out of plots to develop on so they threw in the random underclassmen to get some milage out of

joined Sep 10, 2022

I don't have an issue with this per se, but how the hell did she recognize Nagisa? I'm going by manga logic with this one. In the first chapter, before the "transformation", she looked very different.

She was in the audience during the culture festival (chapter 24). We saw her in one panel watching our girls perform. She was in awe and I'm assuming she was a fan of Nagisa then. So, this isn't new. It was always waiting to come back. Edit: just noticed someone else mentioned this as well.

last edited at Apr 24, 2024 7:55AM

joined Oct 25, 2022

Oooooo an interloper! Okay, prediction time:

I'm guessinggggg, she's someone from the same middle school as Nagisa who admired her for being the serious model student and stuff. But now Nagisa looks all flashy, so the First year thinks it's Mashiro's bad influence leading Nagisa astray and tries to "pull her back to the right path". Or smth along those lines~

Yeah, this is my guess too. I kinda doubt she's being introduced as a potential love rival; I think she's the girl who was shown in chapter 24 for one panel, and if she was there to witness Nagisa princess carrying Mashiro off the stage, then there's no way she could seriously think she has a shot. XD

Nagisa mentioned in the first chapter that she cut off all contact with her friends from middle school, so this new girl has got a lot to catch up on. She's also always been pretty straightforward and assertive, so I kinda doubt she'll seriously entertain anything this girl is saying in regards to distancing herself from Mashiro.

joined Dec 24, 2023

You know. there are so many death flags put in this chapter I am now even more worried for her.

joined Jul 9, 2020

If I made a drinking game out of every time someone said "death flag" in regards to this manga, my liver wouldn't be my only decent organ anymore. I do not understand.

joined Oct 22, 2018

A very sugary-sweet chapter... The ending kind reduced the sweetness, but it's not enough to entirely offset it.

A shame the flag raised in chapter 24 wasn't like some adult lady scouting out talent like it looked to me. For some reason, the glasses-ponytail-combo screams adult to me. But no, apparently, it was a junior high student looking into a high school to enroll at. Wonder how her role will develop from this not-too-flattering introduction.

As for the death flag comments... what are you talking about? This manga doesn't really have the kinda vibe that we should be expecting a major character death. Or any character death for that matter. Or is something going over my head?

joined Mar 8, 2022

Back off random person or I'm getting the shotgun

joined Mar 20, 2014

The more the merrier!

joined Jun 19, 2021

As for the death flag comments... what are you talking about? This manga doesn't really have the kinda vibe that we should be expecting a major character death. Or any character death for that matter. Or is something going over my head?

I can't speak for everyone, but I feel like The Summer You Were There traumatized me to some degree.

joined Jul 29, 2017

As for the death flag comments... what are you talking about? This manga doesn't really have the kinda vibe that we should be expecting a major character death. Or any character death for that matter. Or is something going over my head?

Yeah, at least as far as I can tell so far, Mashiro has a fairly mild case of the "Delicate and Sickly" trope--an unspecified "medical condition" that positions her as vulnerable but plucky and which can make her BSOD and end up in the infirmary from time to time as the plot requires.

As a general principle, "Delicate and Sickly" ultimately could go in any number of directions, ranging from being entirely cured by love alone or by some random health improvement (medicine, exercise, etc.) on the one hand to, yes, death, on the other.

But for the plot to head off in a tragic direction would constitute a truly epic tonal swerve for this particular series.

EDIT: I almost mentioned the contrast with "The Summer You Were There," which announced from the beginning and then regularly reminded us throughout: "She gonna die. Not kidding. Take it to the bank--dead as a doornail. I'm serious."

last edited at Apr 24, 2024 10:08PM

joined Sep 11, 2020

Every time I think this manga is winding down and moving towards a conclusive ending, some new thing pops up. I'm glad. I'm enjoying it! I haven't enjoyed these past few plots as much, but maybe this one will be fun?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, such a happy birthday chapter and a nice look at their first day in the same school from Mashiro's point of view. ^_^

And then a hint of the next little trouble to overcome. Shouldn't take long, knowing this series.

joined Sep 16, 2019

Glasses girl, you are several months too late to be pulling this goofy-ass maneuver. Those two are practically married by this point, rings and all.

As for the death flag comments... what are you talking about? This manga doesn't really have the kinda vibe that we should be expecting a major character death. Or any character death for that matter. Or is something going over my head?

Yeah, at least as far as I can tell so far, Mashiro has a fairly mild case of the "Delicate and Sickly" trope--an unspecified "medical condition" that positions her as vulnerable but plucky and which can make her BSOD and end up in the infirmary from time to time as the plot requires.

As a general principle, "Delicate and Sickly" ultimately could go in any number of directions, ranging from being entirely cured by love alone or by some random health improvement (medicine, exercise, etc.) on the one hand to, yes, death, on the other.

But for the plot to head off in a tragic direction would constitute a truly epic tonal swerve for this particular series.

EDIT: I almost mentioned the contrast with "The Summer You Were There," which announced from the beginning and then regularly reminded us throughout: "She gonna die. Not kidding. Take it to the bank--dead as as doornail. I'm serious."

With how light-hearted this has been for its entire runtime, the tonal swerve caused by Mashiro dying would go beyond “epic” and well into the “neck snapping whiplash” zone.

joined Jan 30, 2017

One of these days, these two are gonna give me diabetes for real...

And shush, third wheel, crawl back to whatever hole you came from.

joined Jul 8, 2020

Why all of them so damn good looking

joined Oct 22, 2018

And shush, third wheel, crawl back to whatever hole you came from.

I understand the sentiment, but I think crawling back to whatever hole she came from is a bit mean. I would argue she should find a different girl to crush on. And then flirt with. And then date.

joined Jul 9, 2020

I understand the sentiment, but I think crawling back to whatever hole she came from is a bit mean. I would argue she should find a different girl to crush on. And then flirt with. And then date.

So long as it doesn't cause yet another love triangle. (Unless she heads off to find herself a polycule.)

joined Jun 5, 2023

Mashiro's rival has appeared. The move is quite good as everyone on this forum is talking about it. Hopefully it's enough to help this series be adapted into an anime.

last edited at Apr 25, 2024 10:06PM

joined Jun 27, 2018

Kinda feels like the author ran out of plots to develop on so they threw in the random underclassmen to get some milage out of

Author has bills to pay, after all

joined Apr 5, 2024

This reminds me of "Anemone heart" from the Umi/Kotori duo single,
I have no idea why.

joined Mar 18, 2023

Why the sudden appearance of a new admirer character when we know Nagisa and Mashiro will never break up?

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