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joined Sep 13, 2022

oh the tragedy of comphet T.T

joined Apr 25, 2020

Oh oh, this is such a hidden gem!!! It's not often we get Yuri with mature adult women that involves coming out or realizing your sexuality. Takara is a really interesting character with a really great evolution and a train of thought so believable and relatable, so well developed!!

I'm all in for this slow burn, really hopes the translator keeps updating regularly and that this manga isn't axed like in volume 2.

joined Mar 18, 2023

I never thought about jealousy can be a yardstick for sexual orientation. Interesting theme.

joined Jun 3, 2023

Had been eyeing this for some and it did not disappoint at all it perfectly fits into my tastes, I'm so happy

joined Jun 27, 2018

Oh look, another story romanticizing jealousy. sigh

That aside, this really is very good. Complex adult yuri stories like this one are few and far apart. I love it so far.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Oh look, another story romanticizing jealousy. sigh

Jealousy is a real thing that is really usually attached to love. Letting it rule you is bad, using it as an excuse to treat someone badly is bad, but having it is just the way things are for most people. If you want your stories to pretend otherwise, you want your stories to be fake.

joined Sep 15, 2020

She's...surprisingly mature for most women in their 30's within manga LMAO
I hope this story rips my heart into shreds with the gentleness of a hummingbird landing on a thin branch <<<3333

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I really like this so far. I like the way she's feeling that massive urge to do something stupid but, as a responsible adult, thinks about the implications and hasn't actually done it. Yet.

joined Apr 19, 2018

At first glance the eggs on Chapter 4, Page 31 looked like grenades to me

joined Feb 3, 2021

i think jealousy is a useful tool because it can contrast areas in our life where we're passive and uninvolved. i think this is something a lot of people struggling with comphet can relate to

joined Jun 27, 2018

Oh look, another story romanticizing jealousy. sigh

Jealousy is a real thing that is really usually attached to love. Letting it rule you is bad, using it as an excuse to treat someone badly is bad, but having it is just the way things are for most people. If you want your stories to pretend otherwise, you want your stories to be fake.

Re read chapter 1. MC's friend is like "if you're not jealous of him then that means you don't really love him, when you find your destined person you're defs gonna get jealous of them." and that's never questioned, it's just accepted as is.

That's romanticizing jealousy, i.e. treating it as something good and expected, or even as a requirement for love, instead of what it actually is (a manifestation of insecurity, whether warranted or not).

I love stories about jealous characters, I like my characters to have flaws and problems, I just don't care for the way jealousy is portrayed as a good thing in chapter one.

joined May 10, 2021

Those first four chapters were great!
Thanks for picking this up!

joined Nov 13, 2022

So beautiful....! Ema-chan is adorable. I'm in love.

joined Oct 25, 2022

Oh hey, this got posted here! I've been following this on Mangadex, and found it really enjoyable so far. The particular brand of angst in this series is right up my alley. Really interested to see where it goes.

Uozumi Ami has a couple of interesting looking series in addition to this one, that I'm hoping will also see the light of day at some point.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Very impressive start so far.

joined Jan 14, 2020

You can love people without jealousy. The friend in chapter 1 could have been wrong.

But she could also have been right, and it turns out, she was.

joined Feb 7, 2013

The husband seems really nice and caring. I hope he'll turn out to be gay as well and noone will hurt X)

joined Jul 8, 2019

Yes, Japan, bisexuality exists. Deal with it.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks so much for scanlating this series and bringing it to us!

Getting some strong "Even though we're adults" vibes from this, which I am ALL for!

last edited at Feb 23, 2024 6:18AM

joined May 3, 2014

Oh look, another story romanticizing jealousy. sigh

Jealousy is a real thing that is really usually attached to love. Letting it rule you is bad, using it as an excuse to treat someone badly is bad, but having it is just the way things are for most people. If you want your stories to pretend otherwise, you want your stories to be fake.

Re read chapter 1. MC's friend is like "if you're not jealous of him then that means you don't really love him, when you find your destined person you're defs gonna get jealous of them." and that's never questioned, it's just accepted as is.

That's romanticizing jealousy, i.e. treating it as something good and expected, or even as a requirement for love, instead of what it actually is (a manifestation of insecurity, whether warranted or not).

I love stories about jealous characters, I like my characters to have flaws and problems, I just don't care for the way jealousy is portrayed as a good thing in chapter one.

yea it’s a garbage thing some people love to project that you REALLY need jealousy to show you “love” some one

joined May 3, 2014

Yes, Japan, bisexuality exists. Deal with it.

with chapter 4 i got to think, is the author setting up the story that the MC never got over he love for Ema?

-cuz she got jealous on Ema husband!
-she NEVER got Jealous over her boyfriends!!!
-the only reason she is bisexual is because she never forgot her love for Ema while SHE STILL can be in an relationship with men, tho i guess suppressed the idea of an relationship with women cuz she though it was dirty or even defiling to do that

tho, way ain’t that tag here?

ALSO a big worry for me, is this story the endgame were Taka confesses to Ema and they end up together? cuz it will kill me to see Taka feelings get crushed by Ema saying she only sees her as an best friend, even tho her reactions with Taka does HEAVY hint she might be into Taka :3

joined Oct 7, 2017

What about not being jealous over your significant other because you TRUST them? How about that idea?

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

So beautiful....! Ema-chan is adorable. I'm in love.

I think Takara-chan understands your feelings very well.

The husband seems really nice and caring. I hope he'll turn out to be gay as well and noone will hurt X)

Hah, I see this a lot lately. It's a variant of this trope that hasn't been catalogued yet. We should call it Turn Gay For Our Ship.

joined Mar 6, 2021

I love the art in this one!
Ema's mischievous expressions are so seductive, though I'm not sure if she's aware of the effect she's having on Takara (and us). I like that the characters' designs convey their age: I would have guessed that Takara was in her early thirties even without any mention of it.
Also, how are their eyebrows so cute! I absolutely adore the way they're drawn, and the effect is even stronger on Ema with her black hair. Insantly added to my list.

I'm looking forward to the continuation. It seems that Ema doesn't care much about her marriage, since she decided to get married as a way to get out of her family home. I do wonder if she's come to care for her husband, but she doesn't seem to be in love with him (or to ever have been). It seems to me that she was also in love (and possibly still is) with Takara when they were teens, but she remains a bit of a mystery. I do think it could be an interesting story even if Takara's feelings were one-sided, though I'm obviously hoping they're not.

joined Feb 20, 2023

I love this sort of adult drama

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