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Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

Definitely not a knife I think Cocoa just being dramatic lmao

My guess is cell phone camera flash

But... what was she trying to do, stabbing her cell phone into Kei's back?
Something's kinda odd here.

Well, whatever it is, it's not a weapon, no way no way.

And I think Cocoa doesn't realize it, but throwing herself between Kei and (what she assumed was) a deadly threat is like an admission of love, lol. Like, she literally tried to die for her!

Good luck, after this stunt, trying to persuade Ryou that SHE is the one you really love, Cocoa!

last edited at Jun 9, 2024 4:14AM

joined Jun 27, 2023

the poly ending is a shitty idea.

There won't be any poly ending. I dunno where that idea comes from.

It's been showed time and again that Akane and Nadeshiko want each other and neither of them wants Jun. There's only one way to end such a story: Akane and Nadeshiko get one another, and Jun moves on.

Strangergirl Evergarden
Communism discussion 17 Mar 04:05
joined Jun 27, 2023

I would like to go back to talk about communist yuri

Well, technically speaking, every Chinese manhua is a communist manhua. :D

Except perhaps the historical and medieval fantasy ones? Hmm.

But seriously, it's like some people have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of China or Chinese communism, and just spout endless streams of empty propaganda. They don't know the history of the Chinese revolution, they never visited the country, they just repeat what they heard on cable news.

Mao conceived Chinese communism as an alliance of 4 revolutionary classes: peasantry, industrial workers, intellectuals, and national capitalists. "National" meaning that they don't submit to European and American imperialism. For ten years, this is how China worked. Then Mao was forced to change the model to a 100% state socialism because of the economic war both the USA and the USSR waged on China. Then the economic blockade crumbled and Mao, and later his succesor Deng, returned to the original model, the alliance of 4 classes, and to this day this is how China runs. The national capitalists are back? Sure! But all land is state-owned, all banks are state-owned, all corporations are around 40% state-owned, and all private big businesses must give most of their profits to the government. Wouldn't it be nice if the USA were like this, instead of a oligarchy of rich overlords with a powerless clownish government?

The funniest (or saddest) thing, when they claim there's no difference between the systems in China and USA, is that they don't even remember the Covid pandemic... and that happened, like, yesterday. China was hit by surprise, completely unprepared, and had to improvise measures to protect its people. USA had two frigging years to prepare for the time the deadly virus would arrive. The results?

China: 5,272 deaths
USA: 1,218,464 deaths

This is the difference between communism and capitalism, in cold hard numbers.

last edited at Mar 22, 2024 10:14PM

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

So I rest my case: it's not that abnormal that there was not any more ruckus or inquiries about her coming back, given the cultural background of Japan and their reluctance to infringe on privacy of people. She's an adult, case closed.

I'm so glad there are people like you and Gabinomicon who get it.
There's a crowd out there who don't get it at all. Even tho we explained it so many times.

10 bucks he's gay.

This is not the kind of feel-good yuri story where every girl we meet is a lesbian and every guy we meet has been raised by two married women and is gay.

I agree with Nene. He is, most likely, a sudden injection of heteronormativity in the story. A rival who is the "right" age and the "right" gender for Aya, and who'll make Koto question whether their relationship is really a good thing for her.

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

Narrow panels, lots of close, overwhelming background detail, perspective convergence points that tend to be near the center. You'd see this sort of stuff in her Galette one-shots but it's especially effective here, I think, contrasting with the way that backgrounds open up when characters make connections with each other.

Wow it's like you're describing Brides of Iberis haha lol.

Not to speak badly of Octave by any means, but whatever she was up to in the ~7 years after it was published gave her a massive level up in her compositional work. This is some of the best stuff in the genre.

I love Akiyama's Octave but I get what you mean. Her stories are still as good, I'd say; but her art has evolved a lot and for the better.

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

So beautiful....! Ema-chan is adorable. I'm in love.

I think Takara-chan understands your feelings very well.

The husband seems really nice and caring. I hope he'll turn out to be gay as well and noone will hurt X)

Hah, I see this a lot lately. It's a variant of this trope that hasn't been catalogued yet. We should call it Turn Gay For Our Ship.

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

at this point I'm just waiting for new developments. I'm not even sure what can I expect.

The new character, the lady who helped Aya when she fainted and later helped her get a job, is most certainly going to play a big role. I think she has taken a liking to Aya. She may be just what Aya needs in her life, something refreshing and new — someone who will look at her as a 21-year-old and treat her as an equal, not as a child who needs protecting.

Aya is a child. She is only an adult on paper.

Yeah. She needs to change that asap.

If you look at the history of mankind, you'll find millions of children who were forced into an adult's role because of circumstances out of their control.

A classic example (that you see a lot in books and movies) is the kid whose parents die in a war and has to protect his/her little siblings and provide for them. The only thing you can do in such a situation is to grow up fast and rise equal to the challenges. It's sad but there's no other choice.

Complaining about the unfairness of it all will do no good.

Aya needs to stop feeling sorry for herself and look reality in the face. Nobody gives a damn about her timeslip sob story because it sounds like chūnibyō delusions. She's an official adult now, she has to deal with the responsibilities of adult life.

Getting a job will help. Making adult friends who will treat her as one of them will help too. That new lady will be good for her, I think.

You're absolutely right and I'm shocked some people don't get something so evident. The authorities won't let a 21-yo woman enroll in a middle school, simple as that. Some posters seem to think that if you tell everyone that you're a time traveller you'll be accepted as one, tadah! Problem solved! Omg, srsly, I read this and I wonder which world these guys come from. (Not the same one as me, that's for sure!)

There ARE ways for a 21-yo who dropped out of middle school to complete her education. There are night schools for adults in Japan. Key word: for adults. All the other pupils will be grown-up men and women, and she'll be treated as a grown-up herself. Whatever Aya does, whichever path she chooses, society will see her as an adult and she'll have to live with it. I can't wait to see more of her and Kumagaya interacting, it will be like a breath of fresh air and much better for her than her actual situation.

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

But it's not just "missing person is found," but "missing adolescent returns after 7 years completely unchanged physically and mentally." And there are no parents or other family involved at all.

Come to think of it, what happened to her parents and family?

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

It's a magical fire, so it's all good. :-)

I can see Kaye, after they consummate their union in a raging fire of passion, saying: « Oh Ada it was like magic! »

last edited at Dec 9, 2023 1:14PM

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023


Where it says:

“If I'm that important to you, why didn't you tell me earlier that you could like girls?”

It should say:

“If I'm that important to you, why didn't you GO AFTER ME?!?”

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

Oh man Eli is in LOVE just look at the way she touches her lip and thinks of kissing honoka, kishi please make their next chapter just 20 pages of them making out I'm on my hands and knees begging you please

Some couples in Virgins' Empire have already tied the knot, so to speak; while some other couples are still dilly-dallying. But there are levels between these couples who haven't yet affirmed their relationship status. Some are closer to being official than others; and Elisha and Honoka are... not at the top of the list, sadly. Honoka's defenses are not down yet.

The confirmed couples are:
Ai x Chie: them who were firstest.
Mio x Shizuka: there was a sea of tears in their way... but they crossed it.
Mari x Yuu: they have even filled marriage papers.
Haruka x Kanae: them who value their privacy—because they closed the deal away from prying eyes.

The couples who need to commit:
Nononon x Yumimi: by sensible standards, they should be the next ones to become official.
Mahiro x Mahiru: on one hand they are, like, already an item... on the other hand, there are hints that they still have a way to go.
Elisha x Honoka: Elisha wants, Honoka dodges the issue.
Airi x Michiru: same as above, but Michiru's resistance is stronger.
Ayano x Miyoshi: they are both still beating around the bush and I can't even.

And then there are the other girls, Mariri, Mayuyu, Nao, Onibi, Mask, Kaoru, Hibiki and Midori whom I refuse to opine on—because I have no idea what it is that KT has in mind for them.

Wowie, cast sure is HUGE, huh? When you list them like that it's jolting!
Of course it's been 10 years, right.
Thanks for the summary of statuses! Great post!

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

Who knew that asking the girl you like if you can use them as fap material can be so cute?

Nitpick: it's "schlick" material! :)

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

That was quite the surprise in her curry...

I guess she isn't as good at chopping foodstuffs as she claimed to be, hm?

The author seems to have a thing for a particular type of girl: blonde, well-shaped, attractive, with a slim waist and bulging boobs. And, personality-wise, a bubbly airhead. Kinda makes me wonder if the author isn't an American white man, because 90% of them share that pref. ;>

This is a nice silly, funny manga. I'll keep reading to see how Hinata keeps expanding her harem of busty blonde fluffheads!

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

Happy Yamada is best Yamada.
Takashima Hiromi loves to draw a sad Yamada - because it's so fun, I guess, to draw the hundred faces she can make when she's troubled and crestfallen (she's like Marimite's Yumi in that) - but I like her joyful and delighted look the bestest!

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

I like how the winning hand is always scissors, and even when there's a tie it's a scissors tie.

A clever double-entendre that, not being clever myself, I didn't understand at all until I read your post and looked at the scissoring picture. :/

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

My soul has been healed by this wonderful balm. Thanks, Chisako and Princess Daphie!

Strangergirl Evergarden
Anime season 09 Jul 15:03
joined Jun 27, 2023

I watched Zom 100 first ep, and it's really well done. The first half shows incredibly well how's the life of overworked office employees, and I couldn't but recall Throw Away the Suit Together... this was exactly what Haru and Hii-chan were running away from.
Then the zombie apocalypse starts and mc Akira goes mad with joy because everything becomes so much better than his normal sarariman life! Literally, he goes mad: he starts seeing the world in a wildly colored palette that has nothing to do with reality (even the blood that is everywhere is rainbow colored) and has riotous fun running from zombies and playing games with them. First zombie story I watch where the main lead actually enjoys the apocalypse, heh.

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

Three volumes is the standard length for axed series so I fear that's what's happening.

Right, no one ends their manga this way unless they are forced. Like with Throw Away the Suit Together, which was in the thickest of the plot nearing the end of volume 3 - but got cancelled and next chapter will be the last. There were lots of characters with many unresolved issues in BCO too... but we'll never know what was to happen with them.

Strangergirl Evergarden
joined Jun 27, 2023

The girl cosplaying Nakano is a-mazing!! She can pimp me any time. ♡