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joined Feb 20, 2023

God I need more of these two.
Euphie here just admiring Anis' latest strap design.

Kill Switch discussion 20 Jun 12:55
joined Feb 20, 2023

Honestly I hope Hwayeon finds someone better than the MC. Hwayeon made mistakes too, but dumping literally ALL the blame on her like that was such a bitch move. Y'all were sleeping together, living together, everyone saw y'all as dating, and you even felt conscious about "not" cheating on her. Acting like the "not" breakup is all about Hwayeon's feelings somehow being unknowable, instead of just admitting you fell in love with someone else, makes me feel uncomfortable. Like watching someone get gaslit.

Also Jeong Won's actions in the latest chapter, 48, on Lezhin are so unnecessary. Misleading her like that was cruel.

I really hope Hwayeon and Jeongwoo get together. Jeongwoo seems genuinely nice and capable of handling her.

joined Feb 20, 2023

That damn cliffhanger was just cruel.

and the ironic thing is that Mashiro probably failed and then the scummy girl becomes the breadwinner supporting Mashiro

I can't deny suspecting this as well... Especially since she specifically only took the one exam. Scumbag at least had backups.

Looking at the phones whose case is slightly different in shade/color, the one who failed was makino

Makino's phone has two distinct buttons while Mashiro's has a unified button on the side. So it looks like Makino passed and Mashiro failed

joined Feb 20, 2023


For real though I hope he doesn't. She needs sanctuary but not from him. Man doesn't even properly take care of his existing daughters, and the older 2 need jobs so they can get by. The means just aren't there to take care of her. (I also don't know how to feel about him projecting his ex onto her.)

Weirdly im currently expecting Yonago will be the one to step up and pull Himawari put of this mess, though it'd require some development on her part.
Edit: I don't know why Yonago came to my mind first when the teacher has been the one trying to look out for Himawari, and its clearly meant something to her. Maybe Yonago will play a role but Ayame should be end-goal guardian imo.

last edited at May 9, 2024 6:51AM

joined Feb 20, 2023

First, a cliffhanger with a month of nothing after a slap, and now a cancellation + move to fanbox. I hope that at least the continuation will be from this more detailed version rather than the twitter one...

There was a chapter this month, I'm just slow at translating it because I'm feeling devastated.
The fanbox continuation will follow where the serialized version leaves off. The announcement confirmed the twitter version is discontinued.

That's good to hear at least. I've really enjoyed the pacing if the serialized version. I don't mind subscribing to their fanbox to support it. I really appreciate all the translation work puy into this

joined Feb 20, 2023

Sigh... misunderstandings because people refuse to be open and vulnerable. Lack of communication, sigh.

Some conversations aren't simple to have. What is the one woman supposed to say? "I know I'm married but I like you too?" It'd just come across as stringing her along. The wife needs to decide what to do about her relationship with her husband before realistically starting another.

joined Feb 20, 2023

"He's got plenty of money so stick your butthole out for him and live a happy life!"

I'm dead. She's so entertainingly scummy XD

last edited at Apr 29, 2024 3:21PM

joined Feb 20, 2023

This build up with "I just want to go back to THAT summer", almost feels like Koto is going to go back in time

joined Feb 20, 2023

Awww not another "dropped" manga

There are updates on

Looks like the (official) version is the censored play/apple store ap friendly version. So I would recommend the non-"official" version. (Kinda sucks that Pocket Comics picked it up, since they don't offer non-censored versions on their official site like INKR.)

joined Feb 20, 2023

Oh hey, Pito!

joined Feb 20, 2023

And unless i missed something, Tianli doesn't know the severity of what she did because Xingyuan didn't mention anything about her father. Which is understandable, but Tianli might realize how trivial her hangups are in the face of that info and understand the Xingyuan's response better. When that flashbacks were happening, the interactions with her father seemed to be the bigger deal, so I was pretty surprised he didn't come up at all in panels dealing with Tianli and that (even just like, a note about Xingyuan intentionally not mentioning him)

Yea, Xingyuan's family has been the main source of her trauma so far. Also even if Tianli found out there isn't much she could've done as a middle school kid once the rumor reached her parents. She made a mistake in the heat of the moment, but the sins of everyone who followed aren't all hers. She sought Xingyuan looking to apologize and offered to do anything, and I think she meant it. To be honest had Tianli found Xingyuan at a time she was still alone and not surrounded by a support network she may have been able to do something for her. As an adult I actually think Tianli took all the right courses of action she reasonably could.

joined Feb 20, 2023

I was so worried Miyako would break up with Ayako to "protect" her. I'm so glad they didn't go down that route.

Also what stage is their relationship right now. They've dated for months now, are sharing a bed, and taking baths together. But I don't think I've seen them kiss once yet. Is it implied to have happened off screen?

last edited at Apr 11, 2024 4:17PM

joined Feb 20, 2023

I do feel for Tianli. She's genuinely remorseful and I'd like to see her character grow more. The promise was to "stop talking about her" and she kept that by leaving the chat. So I wonder if she'll show up again next year.

(Not forgiving something doesn't have to mean cutting someone out of your life forever. It'd be interesting to see the nuance of moving forward under a different kind of relationship explored after they've had more time to grow apart.)

joined Feb 20, 2023

Like i saw in one of the comments in mangadex and i have to agree the lack of dialog and onomatopoeia in chapter 29 realy creates both a sad and peacefull vibe. But i realy am not ready for this to end like this...

Yeah, this ended up being way more powerful than any dialouge I can think of

joined Feb 20, 2023

I am a bit confused, is Yoshi Non-chan's old owner or not? In chapter 24 after Non-chan realizes the dark-haired girl is Yoshi, she becomes embarrassed that she confused Yoshi with her old owner. But I think in an earlier chapter, it is explained that Yoshi played with Non-chan for one summer in her childhood? And then "abandoned" her, leading to Non-chan being untrusting of people?

Yoshi just happens to look like Non-chan's old ownwer. Non-chan is already alive and trying to scare her when they first met in the ch 10 flashback of Yoshi and her dad touring the mansion when Yoshi was a kid

joined Feb 20, 2023

Aww, Yoshi looked good with her bangs cut. Too bad she didn't get a chance to make Ueno's heart flutter

joined Feb 20, 2023

Really cute series. The last few chapters were interesting to me because they confirmed something I'd been thinking about for a while.

When talking about discrimination against cat people, it's tempting to parallel it to real world racism. But unlike race Catulus syndrome isn't something inherited, it's a trait that shows up (almost) always during puberty and a catulus can even be born to non-catulus parents and vice-versa. Kinda like homosexuality. The bit about "catuluses being more likely to love the same sex" just makes it more obvious.

This also makes it fitting that the most discrimination we saw towards catulus came from the twins religious parents. This reading can also apply to Maron and Kurumizawa's complicated relationship. They definitely seemed to have a childhood crush on one another, but then became "incompatible" after reaching puberty. If you read this as Kurumizawa turning out to be straight, but not wanting to let go of her childhood wish to be with Maron, then her actions of pretending to be a catulus make more understandable sense.

Of course, just as nobody is simply "straight or gay" there are in-betweens in this world as well. Which we see with Riko, and why she and Yuki can end up together.

joined Feb 20, 2023

After tearing into Reika it's going to sounds really hypocritical if the story tries to give the dad a complete pass on dating a high schooler, who sounds like she was in an extra vulnerable position. Tbh I wasn't a big fan of Hime complaining about Yayoi, saying she didn't know how good she had it with the dad and doesnt deserve him, a few chapters back.

last edited at Mar 21, 2024 11:17AM

joined Feb 20, 2023

This one is a classic

joined Feb 20, 2023

What a beautiful afterword. I hope this series gets licensed so I can buy a copy.

joined Feb 20, 2023

It's funny, it didn't really strike me until this chapter, but Koto...

Now don't take this the wrong way. I don't wanna make anyone angry. But...

I think the character of Koto is kinda creepy. :/

Koto is fine imo, she's just put into a literally unprecedented situation. The closest real world equivalent would be someone waking up from a 7 year coma, and even that isn't one-to-one.

She also has to be aware of Aya's feelings. With no family, Aya has nobody but her girlfriend and Erika to lean on right now. Suddenly distancing herself from, or even dumping, Aya right now isn't great for Aya either.

joined Feb 20, 2023

Not far enough along, so I probably won't be on the lookout for replies yet, but as a quick aside I like the spirit intermediary magic system. Reminds me of MagiRevo. In general spirits add some flavor to typical fantasy magic, and avoids the currently overdone video game stat system.

joined Feb 20, 2023

I love this sort of adult drama

joined Feb 20, 2023

After reading the TN I'm more interested. I like genuinely flawed and complex characters.

Also lmao at "Let's get life insurance"

joined Feb 20, 2023

This is really interesting so far