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joined Jan 1, 2024

screaming crying throwing up

joined Mar 19, 2022

My only problem with this is that there isn't more epilogue stuff. But what we got was enough, and it let me end this story with a smile on my face. They improved each others lives massively, and got to convey their feelings to each other. There was no end of story gut punch for no reason, just a reminder that it was better to have a doomed relationship with a sad ending than none at all.

joined Jun 3, 2023

The ending was great in my opinion. Kaori's and Shizuku's feelings felt so realistic, and that made the whole every moment hurt so much more. But in the end, it was bittersweet. With Shizuku moving on but still carrying all of the good things Kaori did and still keeping her alive through her novel and actions.
Now I will re-read everything and cry again.

joined Feb 8, 2013

I cried hard.. the ending is perfect
4 years of great work.. thank you

joined Aug 14, 2020

One word: Beautiful.

I really enjoyed this series, despite knowing how it would end and fearing every chapter for that Tragedy tag. It was sweet, cute, sad, and really well done. I only wish we'd had some more epilogue to see what happened with the other girls, but what we got was still great.

11/10 would like to cri evrytim again.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I feel that the ending tried to do too much with too little room. Like it tried to jerk a few extra tears while trying to make our girl move her ass forward quickly and at the same time make an awkward attempt at adding something hopeful.

Regardless of my feelings towards this last chapter/epilogue, it's a great depresso story.

joined Feb 23, 2020

It's sad, very sad but I liked it. I think at the end Shizuku will grow up to be a better person not only for Kaori but for herself as well. She will make something of her life, maybe as a writer, maybe not, but she'll be happy, she'll have friends and find love again. Then one day once she's an old granny she'll be able to look back at her life and thank Kaori for everything.

joined Apr 27, 2021

Well, I have liquified

joined Mar 15, 2015

The ending's more or less what I expected, a satisfying bittersweet conclusion to the manga. It might have been nice to learn more about why Kaori's mother died, or what the future holds in store for Shizuku, but all in all, I enjoyed it.

Has anyone else read Yuama's other work, The Girl I Want Is So Handsome? The characters aren't as interesting and there isn't as much emotional complexity, but it's significantly more lighthearted and has a happier ending, so it's worth a read, if only to see how different the two stories are.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Such a beautiful ending. ^_^

And thank you to the scanlators for the most wonderful birthday present I could have asked for.

joined Mar 15, 2015

Sure, Shizuku. Just cry all over that paper, smearing out the ink all over the place. If I were her I'd keep that letter in pristine condition for as long as I live. They'd be Kaori's last bits of handwriting after all.

Anyway, what a depressing story. Just what I needed in times like these.

I could be wrong, but I'm fairly sure the tears on the "I Love You" are Kaori's, since they've already dried (although Shizuku probably cried on it herself, too).

joined Jul 13, 2015

Unaceptable, she didn´t give her the fingers :0

joined Jun 1, 2020

Couldn't hold the tears this time. That was beautiful. Kaori's letter and diary, her feelings, how deeply Shizuku affected her, especially after seeing the exact from Shizuku's side, and how much Kaori brought to her life. So incredibly touching and special. As my previous comment says, as painful as this is - Kaori saying that she wished they were a real couple hits like a truck - there's also something cathartic about it all. How Shizuku got to learn how important she was to Kaori, how important it is that she keeps on living, too. "I'll become the proof that you were here" and "...the summer you were here was a happy story" are both such incredibly powerful feelings and ideas to end on, especially considering how close Shizuku was to suicide. I wanted more epilogue, definitely, but I don't think anything could've given this feeling of a fire reignited and newborn hope better than these two sentences. Even without seeing it, I know that she will live life to the fullest, with Kaori by her side and in her heart all the way. To me, this is perfect.

This story has been phenomenal from the first minute. Incredibly painful and heartwrenching, as well as very hopeful, heartwarming, and endearing. It was convincing and gripping and struck deep to very uncomfortable levels. Especially considering how from the very beginning Kaori's fate was clear, the fact that I still dreaded the inevitable every chapter and how deeply I rooted for the ass-pull of the century, to me is a huge testament to how good this story has been. It has taken a very special spot in my mind and heart, and I am incredibly glad to have read it, even though, or perhaps especially since I try to avoid tragedies. Thank you very much to the translation team that has given us the ability to read this, and also to the author, Yuama, for creating it. Though I hope they do not actually read this comment lol.

An aside, this jumped to me in particular and I feel the need to say this - I lost a close friend to suicide some years ago. What I wanted to do more than anything was to go after them and drag them back even if it took everything from me. It obviously does not work like that. If you are dealing with suicidal thoughts, or with the loss of a loved one, please reach out and seek help. You are not alone, and there is a tomorrow.

last edited at Jan 28, 2024 12:13PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Cried for like half a chapter and then for like 5 minutes after finishing it.

joined Nov 30, 2016

My only problem with this is that there isn't more epilogue stuff.

Don't worry, the epilogue will probably have more epilogue stuff. Have faith!

Thanks so much to the scanlators for doing this and keeping the project alive across both groups! Such a great series

joined Feb 28, 2015

The ending's more or less what I expected, a satisfying bittersweet conclusion to the manga. It might have been nice to learn more about why Kaori's mother died, or what the future holds in store for Shizuku, but all in all, I enjoyed it.

Has anyone else read Yuama's other work, The Girl I Want Is So Handsome? The characters aren't as interesting and there isn't as much emotional complexity, but it's significantly more lighthearted and has a happier ending, so it's worth a read, if only to see how different the two stories are.

Haha yeeeah i was so surprised to see they are from the same author

joined Jun 21, 2021

ugh fuck me right up T.T

joined Apr 27, 2021

My only problem with this is that there isn't more epilogue stuff.

Don't worry, the epilogue will probably have more epilogue stuff. Have faith!

Thanks so much to the scanlators for doing this and keeping the project alive across both groups! Such a great series

I love it when an epilogue does epilogue. Jokes aside, I'd loved to see a grown-up Shizuku as an illustration of how she's going on whilst keeping the memory of Kaori alive. This was a thoroughly beautiful series and I'm absolutely planning to reread it once I'm mentally recovered enough to face the sadness once more.

joined Apr 1, 2015

That was an amazing story, not the kind of story I seek out, but the one that found me.
Many thanks to the scanalators for bringing this to us

joined Aug 21, 2017

screaming crying throwing up

Well, I have liquified

melting at the ending gang represent

joined Apr 29, 2018

speaking as a lesbian who's outlived a girlfriend, this story is not pointless. none of our love stories are pointless, even when they're bitterly sad. but this one was quite kind to its protagonists, i thought- they loved eachother, and it was both healthy and mutually supportive, they made a big difference to eachother, and in the end, they both knew it was mutual. sometimes life doesn't give you that final exchange, yk?

Speak for yourself. None of my personal experiences with love were useful. if i could rewind time i would have avoided living those bad experiences instead. I see everyone qualifying this ending as "bittersweet". i've found the "bitter" part but never found the "sweet" part. just another depressing story for the sake of being depressing. i wonder why the depressing as fuck tag wasn't applied there... art style was good i'll admit but aside from that it lasted way to long for nothing when it could have just been a one shot.

last edited at Jan 28, 2024 1:56PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

speaking as a lesbian who's outlived a girlfriend, this story is not pointless. none of our love stories are pointless, even when they're bitterly sad. but this one was quite kind to its protagonists, i thought- they loved eachother, and it was both healthy and mutually supportive, they made a big difference to eachother, and in the end, they both knew it was mutual. sometimes life doesn't give you that final exchange, yk?

Speak for yourself. None of my personal experiences with love were useful. if i could rewind time i would have avoided living those bad experiences instead. I see everyone qualifying this ending as "bittersweet". i've found the "bitter" part but never found the "sweet" part. just another depressing story for the sake of being depressing. i wonder why the depressing as fuck tag wasn't applied there... art style was good i'll admit but aside from that it lasted way to long for nothing when it could have just been a one shot.

Different people take away different things from a story so if this one didn't resonate with you that's valid. Speaking solely in terms of storytelling though, it was anything but pointless. At the beginning of it Shizuku was suicidal and Kaori was hanging on by a single thread of motivation. Kaori's death was a foregone conclusion but within that conclusion they we're both in a better place for having met each other.
Kaori gave Shizuku the will to live back (not just to survive but to live) and Shizuku have Kaori fulfillment and happiness she hadn't known since getting her ultimatum on life. It's heartrending and sad but also still an ending that looks toward the future positively, not spiting everything that happened but carrying it with it.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Thank you for the hard work on this translation. Absolutely loved the ending panel. The final title drop that doubles as a message to the readers was masterfully done.

I'm glad Kaori answered a lot of questions that were left and explained why she didn't confess herself even when she knew about Shizuku's obvious feelings. I think it still doesn't completely make up for dragging out the confession the past few chapters, but I feel better about it.

Looking forward to any extras. I hope there is a happy one showing Shizuku living a fulfilling life in the future.

joined Mar 31, 2023

This is a masterwork deserving of multiple reads. Sure, I teared up at the end but seeing Shizuku with her shorter hair and renewed attitude.gave me hope.

joined Mar 2, 2019

I can't believe 4 years passed since this started. It was a good ride, last chapter got me teary eyed.

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