Forum › The Fed Up Office Lady Wants to Serve the Villainess discussion

joined Jun 19, 2014

that page with diana and lapis as the queen card looks so pretty

joined Jan 30, 2017

Pls be poly

joined Nov 23, 2014

Diana is out of the race. For now at least.

joined Jul 8, 2020

Really can't choose for this one. Both Lapis and Diana are too good and i don't want anyone get hurt. Poly way is the only way.

last edited at Dec 7, 2023 9:48AM

joined Oct 30, 2023

Riot if not poly. Just kidding, but please, they're all so precious... It would be really nice if they're all happy and nobody gets hurt :<

joined Nov 7, 2022

Dunno how it will end but I'm greatly enjoying the closeness Lapis and Diana are showing now. Far cry from the frustrating earlier chapters where they were both obsessing over Natori.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Dunno how it will end but I'm greatly enjoying the closeness Lapis and Diana are showing now. Far cry from the frustrating earlier chapters where they were both obsessing over Natori.

Diana has always been a Lapis simp/admirer though, and Lapis has always been nice to her. It's just that Lapis' niceness towards Diana seemed fake and calculated before, while now it's slowly becoming more genuine (or at least seems that way)

last edited at Dec 7, 2023 2:00PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, this is not going in a good direction...

joined Aug 11, 2016

No no no no no no no no! Her love for the girl is getting messed with it's becoming something a little darker! Gods damn that pretty boy gods damn it!

joined Dec 18, 2013

I enjoyed the subtlety with which Lapis let Diana know that Natori is hers, just the perfect degree of pettiness and veiled threat that is so fitting for a ruthless villainess like Lapis. Very curious about what Gran is planning, he seems to be aware of Lapis' plans and I'm guessing that is what he revealed to Rubeus and if they are planning to use Lapis' newfound affection for Natori and Diana's crush as a way to stop Lapis' plans.

Since Diana's crush is being framed as something "darker" I wonder if her character arc will be about learning to deal with those feelings and ultimately give up on Natori.

Also, my headcanon is that Lapis and Natori did more than sleep that night.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Dunno how it will end but I'm greatly enjoying the closeness Lapis and Diana are showing now. Far cry from the frustrating earlier chapters where they were both obsessing over Natori.

Diana has always been a Lapis simp/admirer though, and Lapis has always been nice to her. It's just that Lapis' niceness towards Diana seemed fake and calculated before, while now it's slowly becoming more genuine (or at least seems that way)

My read is that Natori's presence gradually makes Lapis rediscover her humanity and a general capacity to have genuine relationships. Thus, while Lapis makes it very clear to Diana that Natori is romantically off-limits to her, she has no problem with Diana's friendship with both of them.

joined Jul 22, 2023

i am just absolutely BEGGING that this gets a poly end or smth

joined Apr 14, 2023

I want this to go poly, but I just can't see how. Natori only has eyes on Lapis and only looks at Diana as the main character who will 'always' win in the end. Thus Diana has been rendered as a secondary character to Natori since she wants to save Lapis. And that's were it goes wrong, Diana sees and notices Natori. Diana has already changed, from the personal interventions and interactions, between the two Natori as remembers her from the game.

Still don't know what Diana what's from Natori, but if it is the same thing as Laspis a poly isn't likely to happen. If Natori does come around and finally 'see and notices' Diana there is going to be some serious indigestion between the two over Natori. And, by then, it may too late for a polyamory relationship. I could be wrong, hope I'm am, but I'm not seeing enough meaningful connection between Natori and Diana to warrant more than friends.

joined Oct 14, 2014

Perhaps a mildly warm take but I'm hoping Diana x Lapis is endgame and Natori goes home with newfound self respect and bags a tired OL gf

joined Dec 13, 2018

"If I join a right wing death squad, will I finally get that OLussy?"

~Diana, probably

joined Aug 19, 2021

Also, my headcanon is that Lapis and Natori did more than sleep that night.

I really think something happened, like holding hands all the night.

joined Mar 25, 2019

Great news everyone! I've started a Tropes page for this work:

joined Dec 18, 2013

Great news everyone! I've started a Tropes page for this work:

Awesome! I'll make sure to help adding examples later.

joined Nov 30, 2023

So, like, is this dude, Rubius Macgrave, a reincarnated Henry Kissinger, and will he influence Diana into becoming a One-Girl Death Squad, crushing the revolution with extreme violence?

Damn I love isekai now, it's epic

last edited at Dec 11, 2023 3:21PM

joined Mar 19, 2020

Perhaps a mildly warm take but I'm hoping Diana x Lapis is endgame and Natori goes home with newfound self respect and bags a tired OL gf

Honestly I’d also appreciate that lol. Happy ending for everyone, eventually

joined Sep 6, 2018

Oh god her very earnestness and purety of heart is corrupting her into something dark and twisted… Lapis has not truly accepted Natori, but is planning to selfishly indulge in her until she’s forced to cast her aside for her own safety… Natori is being seen as an object by the two girls she cares most about…

Be still, my heart! This is almost too good! They’re going to suffer so much!!

joined Oct 14, 2014

Perhaps a mildly warm take but I'm hoping Diana x Lapis is endgame and Natori goes home with newfound self respect and bags a tired OL gf

Honestly I’d also appreciate that lol. Happy ending for everyone, eventually

We don't have enough modern isekai that ends similarly to older isekai - where both the isekai setting and the protagonist get lessons out of it.
I don't like the idea of them being permanently cut off from each other afterwards, though; that's too functionally similar to "it was just a dream."

Also like being able to live the fix-it-fic is a greater fantasy than banging a villainess ever could be LOL...

last edited at Dec 14, 2023 9:41PM

joined Feb 17, 2018

This is clearly destined for a het ending. When Diana starts slaughtering commoners, Lapis is gonna be like "oh damn, I don't even need to steal your jewel lets just team up and crush these people." Diana accepts, this shocks Natori out of her "I can fix her" trance and finally makes her wrestle with her moral conscience over serving a villain. She teams up with Gran instead who gives her a job she can be proud of without moral guilt. Lapis is shocked that the person she thought accepted her doesn't, and finds comfort in Diana's simpful arms, before they are both killed by Gran. Natori and Gran get together in the end.

0/10, terrible manga, Neko Tarou why would you betray me like this, remove the yuri tag

(this post is a joke please don't get mad at me)

Rubeus also dies because once he realizes Gran is terminally straight his depraved homosexual heart decides he'd rather kill him than see him with someone else

joined Dec 13, 2018

So, like, is this dude, Rubius Macgrave, a reincarnated Henry Kissinger, and will he influence Diana into becoming a One-Girl Death Squad, crushing the revolution with extreme violence?

Damn I love isekai now, it's epic

"I Escaped Justice In Another World, And Now I Set Up Dates With The Death Squad? Yuri Justice!"

joined Dec 16, 2015

For those who don't check up with the raws, seems there is a free to view campaign, up to right before the latest chapter, on Youngchampion right now. (although it seems you need to make a free account) Also the Raws are up to Ch16.

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