Forum › Trying Out Marriage With My Female Friend discussion

joined Feb 18, 2013

There sure seem to be a lot of people coming out of the woodwork to say they hated this... why are any of you even in this thread? You've had three years to find some other comic. ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠` )⁠┌

maybe after they adopt a daughter or something),

You mean second daughter, right?

Ah, yes, my mistake, don't know what I was thinking. Let's call it "empty nest" since the eldest moved out?

joined Feb 1, 2021

Sorry to see this one go, it had a few chapters that didn't work but overall I really enjoyed it. The wedding was wonderful even I felt a little ambivalent about the vows - these characters were always at their best in the small ways, not the huge romantic gestures, and the low-key wedding fits them.

joined Sep 10, 2022

^ Only if you entirely disregard all the progress made since and the fact that they specifically organized this event to celebrate their true marriage now. Sure, they did go with the original rules as their vows, but seeing how these were the actual basis of their marriage at its start, it actually makes a lot of sense to do so, and the significant part here is that they now have thrown out the fifth rule.

Yeah, I guess relationship types that don't conform, don't count. They made their feelings very very clear, throughout the manga. Can't imagine seeing them as just friends and even not lesbians, as one comment joked. All they don't do is a lot of physical intimacy. That's really enough to discredit their marriage; they haven't reached the agreed on quota?

Anyway, was a lovely series. I do wish we could have seen their "daughter's" escapades some more though. The family feels they had was some of my favorite from this series. Seeing her at the wedding, still in that daughter role was really cute. It actually makes me crave more series like this but with a full family.

Now that I think of it, I can't think of another series that has that family dynamic (besides maybe I'm in Love with the Villainess)? Unless someone has recommendations?

last edited at Nov 10, 2023 3:55PM

joined Oct 27, 2018

There sure seem to be a lot of people coming out of the woodwork to say they hated this... why are any of you even in this thread? You've had three years to find some other comic. ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠` )⁠┌

I haven't seen anyone on here say they hated it. Besides, it's not uncommon for people to keep reading something they are ambivalent about in hopes it'll get better. There's also the fact that Yuri is still pretty niche and options are still fairly limited, so you have plenty of people sticking around with manga they aren't really into just because it's something to read. Also I'm just confused about your "three years to find some other comic" comment. You do know that people usually follow more than one manga at a time right? For me personally, this was just one of those manga I mostly forgot about until an update popped up on dynasty, then I read it because "why not?".

last edited at Nov 10, 2023 5:41PM

joined Aug 30, 2023

This mangaka really focuses more on relationships and writes from a pretty aroace perspective

Aroace, hm?
I wish I had been warned before. When ch1 was uploaded for example.
I would have dropped this and it would have saved me some time.

joined Jan 9, 2017

I guess... it's an asexual marriage? No kiss (except the one that came with a slap), separate bedrooms forever.
Sure, that's cool. Not satisfying from a story perspective, but if the author really wanted it that way, okay.

You people are aware that it's not uncommon for married people to have seperate bedrooms in Japan right?
It's 'practical and polite'

joined Aug 24, 2020

Thank you so much Sensei and Scan/TL for bringing this lovely manga to us, I'll be sure to pick my copy as soon as it hits my country!

joined May 8, 2017

Honestly, I see their marriage lasting a lot longer than a lot of so-called 'passion-fuelled' marriages out there. At least they know and respect each other's bottom lines.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Ending feels rushed and cold, which is a different vibe from the rest of the series. Something I like about this author is that they're able to make soft, fluffy relationships even from an aroace perspective, but this felt off. Was the series cancelled and cut short or something?

I disagree, I thought the ending was very fitting. But regardless of that, how was this series aro? When the characters are have explicitly expressed that they are in love?

joined Mar 26, 2014

Both the repetition of the rules and the lack of intimacy make for a strange ending though. What is the conclusion ? That being married is the same as living together with a friend except you also promise to stay together ? The question isn't so much about us knowing they are in love (we know that) and more about why their love takes that particular shape.

Also, there is a pretty thin line, maybe even just a matter of point of view, between intimacy being unnecessary to show your characters are in love, and having to show your characters are in love within the constraint of not showing intimacy. Which I guess is why this kind of resolution reminds people of works from 30 years ago.

In the end, we know they are married, in love with each other, and they don't mind kissing - their relationship is not just for show and there is nothing inconclusive. I don't think there is an argument that the story didn't go all to way to its conclusion, or that their relationship isn't as genuine as any other you could think of. At the same time the last chapter, in which they make their wedding "official" in front of others, emphasizes physical distance (repeat of separate bedrooms and wedding without a kiss), which is a deliberate choice which, at least to me, feels a bit off-putting.

I agree with this overall. I would've liked a kiss and the "vows" seemed odd.

Cause it should've been or could've been, "The two of us started as friends who wanted to try living together and pretend to be a couple. Yet I failed to realize (Kurumi speaking alone) that she offered that proposal because she had feelings for me. In the end, I agreed since then I got to see different sides of her and I liked learning more about her. I started to realize I had feelings for her too. From someone who didn't have any experience with romantic relationships that was a huge revelation for me and especially since part of me thought I'd never fall for anyone. But Ruriko isn't just anyone: She's my friend, and now she'll also be my wife." [Then she would turn to Ruriko to kiss her on the cheek and whisper I love you. Thank you for being with me. queue big smile from Kurumi and Ruriko blushing]

Now that's a speech. I think wedding vows is the wrong term. It should've been "the couple would like to do a reading of some revised rules they started with in the beginning of their cohabitation."

I guess not saying love or not displaying a kiss of any kind is otherwise strange to us since when most people think weddings we think kiss to seal the vow. Plus no other traditions like throwing flower petals or idk someone saying something for or about the couple. Like that friend with the kid Kurumi visited for advice. I feel like it would've been better to have someone else say something the couple (obviously) couldn't say themselves or they didn't notice. This friend was patient with Kurumi, and offered a safe space I think it would have been nice to see her say something and for the couple to look at each and have a final revelation.
Yeah, it felt rushed in some ways but slow in others.
But overall guess I should be happy it was a "good end" compared to the other stories out there. If we want kisses or better communication guess there's always the Webtoon "Mage & the demon queen". That's more on par with what a lot of us wanted or like to be written. Or "Greenhouse" also a webtoon. I love Greenhouse so no spoliers I haven't been able to catch up. And I'm not caught up on Mage & demon queen either but know about the conclusion cause the author's Instagram gave it away with celebratory art.

Guess most/enough Japanese person is ace or not good/typical at what people outside of Japan call romance. This reminds me of platonic relationship memes/jokes. Which is fine and I'm glad they'll be in an overall healthy relationship even if it's not what we'd call usual.
Or some of them are in it for the legal benefit which is also a thing or common occurrence. Even pirates would have contracts among the same sex incase of death the other would get the treasures (not romantically though just to maximize their ability to get stuff since they lived a dangerous life).
Same thing in modern-day some people get together for benefits you can only get as domestic partners cause the government will recognize your partnership.

But this wasn't that. It was love? For love? It takes a lot of courage to stand before your friends and family, they got that part but the vows were disappointing cause if they were going that route they should've mentioned the other rule about: if one of us falls in love with someone else then we break up but "we fell for each other", so now it's we'll work things out together and communicate with good intentions. Like goddangit if ya gonna say the rules that was one of them. A main one they often stressed about or mentioned so either way ya look at it the last chapter was a bust and there was no real momentum for the marriage or excitement on our end cause we barely got a kiss in the previous chapter. Just not organic or paced better. This started as a slow burn then it's like steps were skipped and I've read every chapter since release. shrug overall I liked the characters but the writing and pace were lacking.

Edited: for spelling mistake

last edited at Nov 11, 2023 8:19AM

joined Mar 26, 2014

Sorry for the double post I got lag
Also even two mangas that paved the way is still in better standing cause the characters expressed themselves better. Girlfriends by Milk Morinagi and Whispered Words/Sasameki koto. No offense at all, but those were more of a fluffy and light high school stories with realistic teenage reactions. First, yuri mangas I ever read in high school about 10 years ago. While this manga was two idiotic and thick headed adults finally getting their feelings sorted out. And it also felt rush because we didn't get to see Ruriko's tension or worries addressed more. She was stressed and slapped Kurumi and I'm still kind not into how that was handled

last edited at Nov 11, 2023 8:30AM

joined Oct 25, 2022

Now that I think of it, I can't think of another series that has that family dynamic (besides maybe I'm in Love with the Villainess)? Unless someone has recommendations?

She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat has some pretty strong found family themes, especially in the latest English volume.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Now that I think of it, I can't think of another series that has that family dynamic (besides maybe I'm in Love with the Villainess)? Unless someone has recommendations?

She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat has some pretty strong found family themes, especially in the latest English volume.

I haven't read that one yet. I'll look into it. It seems hard to find those especially involving a family with children. The only one that I know of that has this and actually spends time with this dynamic is the one I mentioned in the spoiler.

last edited at Nov 11, 2023 10:16AM

joined Mar 15, 2015

I'm in the camp that doesn't mind the lack of physical intimacy. I've heard that love is fundamentally based in friendship, so seeing Kurumi and Ruriko grow closer, iron out some of the issues in their living arrangement and gradually fall in love was a natural development. Having a modified version of their rules as their vows is a good way to show how far they've come, and to show that the fundamental foundation of their relationship- their years-long friendship- was there all along.

joined Sep 9, 2022

Another wholesome manga ended. I really like this series but I think the ending is kind of rush? After reading ch31 and the last chapter together, the vibe just feels a bit off, like they didn't get enough panels to convey out all the fluffy feelings like previous chapters, and where's the bouquet you're gonna throw щ⁠(⁠゜⁠ロ⁠゜⁠щ⁠)

joined Feb 16, 2020

more extra chapters as this is still labeled as ongoing? Well, I really enjoyed this refreshing adult relationship as things that I've read all revolved around hs lol

joined Feb 20, 2023

I teared up at the wedding. What a beautiful way to end it.

Of course I would like to read more but overall I think this story was a good length. It wasn't too short and it never overstayed its welcome. I've already pre-ordered the Seven Seas localization. I'm really happy this got picked up.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Happy ending!! So happy for them!!

last edited at Nov 17, 2023 5:32AM

joined Aug 29, 2023

Sigh, it's over now... I'll miss it a great deal, it was a nice little part of my life for a while, and as sad as I am to have that part die, it was going to do so sooner or later anyway... Thank you for your hard work, Usui-sensei, the editorial staff, and the translators. Goodbye, Kurumi and Ruriko, and congratulations on the wedding. This was quite precious.

last edited at Nov 21, 2023 2:26PM

joined Jul 4, 2018

thank you, author!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joined Jan 3, 2019

Ending feels rushed and cold, which is a different vibe from the rest of the series. Something I like about this author is that they're able to make soft, fluffy relationships even from an aroace perspective, but this felt off. Was the series cancelled and cut short or something?

I disagree, I thought the ending was very fitting. But regardless of that, how was this series aro? When the characters are have explicitly expressed that they are in love?

Way late seeing this, but you don't seem to know what aromantic is? It doesn't mean two (or more) people can't love each other if they're on the aro-spectrum. It means they don't do the whole typical romance thing, or take some things but leave some things. The relationship in this series and Crescent Moon and Doughnuts is clearly queerplatonic-ish at least.

joined Aug 22, 2014

Looks like she was friendzoned?

joined Oct 14, 2014

rio getting rejected last minute is so out of pocket I can't help but respect it

joined Oct 25, 2022

Oof, Rio. Friend-zoned in the closing pages.

joined Dec 16, 2014

Rip Rio. You've tried

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