Forum › Throw Away the Suit Together discussion

joined May 6, 2019

I mean, Bloom into You was also the subtitle and nobody really bat an eye.

Yes, because in that instance it didn't cause confusion. Still, they didn't need to do that then. It's better to use the actual title (unless it's impossible to translate). The subtitle for Become Yours was at least similar to the title, so they could get away with it.

Just to clarify, the "Eventually, I Will Become Yours" is a mistranslation. The Japanese title is more akin to "Eventually, becoming you", and "Bloom into you" is just a more fanciful/flowery way to say the same thing. It might not be a good example for this discussion.

joined Sep 10, 2022

I mean, Bloom into You was also the subtitle and nobody really bat an eye.

Yes, because in that instance it didn't cause confusion. Still, they didn't need to do that then. It's better to use the actual title (unless it's impossible to translate). The subtitle for Become Yours was at least similar to the title, so they could get away with it.

Just to clarify, the "Eventually, I Will Become Yours" is a mistranslation. The Japanese title is more akin to "Eventually, becoming you", and "Bloom into you" is just a more fanciful/flowery way to say the same thing. It might not be a good example for this discussion.

Yeah, I know but still thanks for the clarification. You're right that it works even better because there's little difference between the two. So they're actually very, very close to each other--as you say, just a more fanciful way of saying the same thing. A lot different from this manga.

last edited at Aug 6, 2023 5:56PM

And They Were Roommates
joined Apr 17, 2023

Perhaps the most depressing but realistic ending to a yuri manga I've ever read. This was really sad, but it's the reality of how things work, especially under capitalism. Makes me wonder if the author had more time to develop the story what they would've done. Would the couple have eventually settle in to the quiet little community? Would they have founded some kind of gay enclave with that other woman? We will truly never know, but it was an interesting and good story nonetheless.

joined Jan 3, 2020

The ending chapter was incredibly rushed compared to the pacing of the rest of the manga. Do we know if that was the author's intention? Were they just done with the work and wanted to move on?

I liked the ending, but I feel like it could have conveyed its concepts much better with more spacing.

Also maybe the author doesn't realize this but the last page's "good-bye" with a picture of traffic implies something I'm pretty sure wasn't intended.

joined Dec 16, 2017

Put the Suit Back On Together

joined Jul 29, 2017

Put the Suit Back On Together

If You Can Somehow Find Jobs That Will Let You

joined Nov 24, 2016

Yeah, I don't like the ending. I understand what others are saying about them "learning what really matters," but it honestly still feels so disappointing. Like, at the start of this we're shown two girls who have been absolutely beaten down by the world they're living in, and who resolve to find a place where they don't have to live under the weight of those expectations. It felt like it was as much a rebellion as it was an escape. To end it all by effectively saying, "the problem wasn't their situation, it was their attitudes," feels so lame.

I don't know, maybe I just came into this story with the wrong mindset. Maybe this story was always meant to be a pragmatically "realistic" story with some fluff. Maybe the author always intended to subvert audience expectations and turn a tale of romantic escapism into a realistic tale about finding what really matters. All I know is that it is not what I was reading this manga for, that the ending does not vibe with me, and that I won't be rereading it or picking up any official releases anytime soon.

Thanks to the scalation team for their hard work, but yeah, not for me.

Agreed. With everything.
I hate it.

joined May 25, 2014

Now that I think about it more... this is a good "life" story. It's not a romance, but it's about life.

Life, especially in young adulthood, is a lot of trying things, it not working out as you'd hoped, and figuring out how to keep going despite that. This is a story of that. It's not the end of everything if you try a thing and it doesn't work out. You have your feelings, you regroup, and try something else.

That's normal. That shouldn't be seen as a failure or horrible. That their relationship survived, that they landed back no worse for the wear, are successes, albeit small ones.

They may have more false starts, but I have a feeling they'll eventually both get jobs and be happy, hopefully with a real marriage certificate someday soon. This was just an interesting detour in their lives that the author wanted to draw.

It may have been better if it had ended with a page of them discussing the summer when they're middle-aged and successful, and how wild and misguided it was, but how they were happy they were able to do it.

joined Oct 6, 2014

I have mixed feelings about this.

I was the same as the others here. I came into this manga thinking it was the story of how these two managed to make it after escaping the horrible situation they were in. There were parts of the story where it genuinely felt like that's where they were headed, that they'd carve out a home in a small community away from the hectic chaos of city life despite the difficulties. Until it wasn't that anymore.

I really appreciate the bleak realism portrayed here. It's sad to think about, but this is how it is for a lot of us. My personal work life is doing well, but even I dream of escaping somewhere rural where every day isn't just corporate work. But you just know it won't work unless you get incredibly lucky. What a depressing wake up call.

Haaaaaaahhhh. I guess, just wishing the best for all the corporate slaves in the world. Hopefully even a few of us manage to get a Stardew Valley ending instead of a Throw Away the Suit Together ending.

Daughter of Hel
joined Sep 29, 2022

Perhaps the most depressing but realistic ending to a yuri manga I've ever read. This was really sad, but it's the reality of how things work, especially under capitalism. Makes me wonder if the author had more time to develop the story what they would've done. Would the couple have eventually settle in to the quiet little community? Would they have founded some kind of gay enclave with that other woman? We will truly never know, but it was an interesting and good story nonetheless.

I would have absolutely loved to see them go back to the island, with a better cash cushion and whatever needed degrees or luck they needed for work, and eventually find a spark with that other woman. I got so excited at the threes interactions I shared screenshots a few times with my wife and our partner, excited about the possibility!

The ending hurt my heart.. and I am a realist with a tendency to focus more on the less happier possibility of things. I genuinely thought they were going to just.. die together, finding no work ever. Them still trying and being alive was a surprise… but I can’t call it a balm. I still feel bad at the ending.. Grew to care about it them.. and I’m happy to see them still trying and together strong.. but man I agree with whoever said seeing a time jump with a hint of better times for them would have been good enough.

joined Oct 4, 2016

I have mixed feelings about this.

I was the same as the others here. I came into this manga thinking it was the story of how these two managed to make it after escaping the horrible situation they were in. There were parts of the story where it genuinely felt like that's where they were headed, that they'd carve out a home in a small community away from the hectic chaos of city life despite the difficulties. Until it wasn't that anymore.

I really appreciate the bleak realism portrayed here. It's sad to think about, but this is how it is for a lot of us. My personal work life is doing well, but even I dream of escaping somewhere rural where every day isn't just corporate work. But you just know it won't work unless you get incredibly lucky. What a depressing wake up call.

Haaaaaaahhhh. I guess, just wishing the best for all the corporate slaves in the world. Hopefully even a few of us manage to get a Stardew Valley ending instead of a Throw Away the Suit Together ending.

When my ex-wife and I got married, we took our honeymoon in a little resort town in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. Kind of place with snow on the ground 7 months out of the year. We completely fell in love with the place, and started talking about how great it would be to move there.

Several of the locals told us "If you don't already have a job here, don't bother moving here. And there aren't that many jobs in a town with a population of 2200." Seems that we weren't the only ones who had fallen in love with the place, and the town's history was littered with people who'd moved there and couldn't make it work and had to move back wherever they came from.

We ended up staying put where we were.

joined Feb 24, 2023

This author just adamantly refuses to give this poor girl a job already LOL

joined Jun 21, 2021

This ending (and the series as a whole really) is like the definition of bittersweet. heck.
and it's not even bad. taken by itself it's a pretty good ending actually. if only getting there hadn't been so rushed.

At least the omake gives it a much happier note to end on. they're still struggling and their dream escape didn't work out but things are still different for them. their trip helped them reaffirm what's important to them and they're able to keep going now, less on the brink than they were before.
and if I interpret those last panels right, then she finally got a job offer and their return is to celebrate finding stable work this time.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Love this. It doubles down on the themes of their love's perseverance through hardships. They really are still fighting together and finding their own happiness within. Also makes their intent to maybe try again at traveling even clearer than the last chapter made it. Honestly this extra is just reiterating the last chapter but being slightly less subtle about it. Still nice to see them again and a lovely series with a unique tone compared to most manga in this genre.

last edited at Oct 5, 2023 2:12PM

joined Apr 15, 2013

This was a fine series. I doubt I'll ever revisit it, but I'm glad I saw it through to the end.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Billboard in the extra--"Summer Won't Last Forever"

or, to put it a different way,

Winter Is Coming.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Perfect way to end this. ^_^

joined May 12, 2020

sob There should be a bittersweet tag.

joined May 26, 2020

Life doesn't work out the way you dream of it. The fact that they are STILL together and fighting for each other fills me with joy. It hurts when you fail, but you get stronger for it. TO have someone to share that with. As much as it hurt, this is a lovely and hopeful story, in the end.

And They Were Roommates
joined Apr 17, 2023

not for nothing but if you're hurting your partner during sex you might be doing something wrong, regardless of whether they're in the mood or not.
anyways this was like others have said a bittersweet but realistic ending, but that poster at the end gives me some hope that one day who knows, they might once again go to that paradise and throw away the suit together ;)

joined Nov 8, 2017

Finally got around to reading the last two chapters and the extra and I honestly can't tell whether that was a happy or sad ending

joined Jan 14, 2020

not suicide so good?

joined Mar 7, 2017

It's refreshing to see a mature take on life, they got the happiest ending they could have, and a happier ending than many get IRL. They have each other and they aren't going to give up. Some call it bitter sweet, but the fact that they talk to each other and respect their boundaries and work hard, I don't see the bitterness, I just see the harsh reality of the modern grindset.

joined Sep 19, 2019

That was a good read, I didn't expect it to end that way.
But now that I think about it, is it really surprising that it ended that way? Haru seems really averse to lying or even just twisting the truth a bit to get a job, which is what many(most?) people do. So it's no wonder she keeps failing.

For the first ever graduate job I was hired for, I don't think I said a truthful word at the interview other than what my name and qualifications(i.e. stuff which they can check) are. I was capping effortlessly throughout that interview lmao. It sucks but you gotta game the system if you want to get your foot in the door since there are many university graduates competing for the same positions.

last edited at Aug 18, 2024 11:19PM

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