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joined Nov 30, 2016

I think it's pretty clearly a stable time loop

What makes you say stable time loop over route hopping?

Mainly the fact that this time travel part is filling in the previously mentioned blanks in Evie's memory, which would imply that she did not have these memories because the time traveling version of her was in control at the time. That, and as we are seeing right now, she's also laying the groundwork for Elsa going for her instead of any of the original male love interests, explaining this particular already seen change in the story's direction.

Ohhh, that's my mistake on describing the idea. The theory is that the other Elsa is route hopping away from a bad end route to this one and is initiating the time loop in this route to avoid a bad end. And I wasn't sure if that was a common or the running theory

Any chance this demon is the future nun? This at least seems like the setup for the orphanage, so Dorothea might show up if that isn't her

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 1:17AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

All those lilies. :D

And did not see that twist coming.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Oh thank god, the plot is coming back. My faith in the story is being validated. Noblemen are dying. nature is healing.

I haven't checked the older comments, but do we just have two distinct sets of amnesiac commenters? I seem to remember as we were wrapping up the previous arc that the tone of the comments was that the Big Fantasy Plot was getting out of hand, convoluted, and causing tonal whiplash with the fluffy romance elements.

I remember pointing out, with glee, that this arc was just going to be an excuse for fluff and a break from said Big Fantasy Plot. Pertinent at the time was someone pointing out that this whole manhua has always been at odds with itself regarding the plot and the fluff. How are readers not already used to the way this comic is structured?

I think the issue may be that two different sets of commenters have different priorities. For my own part, I'm interested in the story, but I also find the dynamic they have as adults, which we've been adding depth to for like 50+ chapters, to be more interesting.

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 3:18AM

joined May 25, 2023

love how the cat noped out of that.

joined Jul 10, 2015

uh. excuse me? is future!elsa getting involved again or....?

anyway, that cat spirit... im not sure if it's just a visual effectfromf it leaving evie's body, but i think it has two tails? that probably makes it a nekomata, which is a bit of an outlier in this largely western fantasy setting. neat!

joined Jun 21, 2021

uh. excuse me? is future!elsa getting involved again or....?

don't think that's future!elsa. Different cloak, hair and eye color look different too. And Elsa is not a demon

joined Jun 17, 2021

"there's too much loli fluff", they said. "not enough plot", they said.


I hope the people complained that there was too much fluff are happy now.

Geez, you get butthhurt people no matter what you say on these forums.
Yes, the people who were reading the story for the plot are glad the plot has come back and stopped middling around doing nothing.
Happy with that response?

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 6:48AM

joined Feb 18, 2013

Dang, demon nun(?) is a kill stealer! That was supposed to be Evie's!

joined Mar 20, 2017

That seemed kind of silly. What Duke would be in a room alone with someone he knew was both a demon and was a person he had screwed over?

Not really
Not talking alone with that demon = death
Deceiving that demon = death
So his best chance was telling the truth and promise a better deal for the demon. His mistake was (I guess) mentioning the heart extract

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

What a lovely sweet optimistic world. Where if orphans are in trouble, they'll get rescued not just by one random miraculous benefactor, but two competing ones! And high status villains victimizing the orphans avoid the comeuppance headed their way from one of the rescuers only by getting slain by the other one!

last edited at Sep 25, 2023 1:14PM

joined Oct 19, 2021

Oh no.
That new demon guy seems like very bad news . . . .

joined Apr 15, 2013

I think this demon is likely the nun who eventually ends up running the orphanage, or perhaps a new character related to the attack going on in the future. I'm looking forward to getting back to plot progression.

joined Aug 21, 2020

himedanshi lol

joined May 26, 2020

When you mess with time travel, time tends to mess back. Whatever she did to the timeline is snapping back hard! Good thing she got all the licks she could handle, before the crap hit the fan.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Let me simply state for the record that while I won’t mind whenever the story gets around to progressing the plot, as long as we’re getting scenes like little cutie Elsa wandering around in her little slippers, I’m fine with it.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Elsa finally meets her mother-in-law (future)! Mom approves of this courtship and next I expect we'll see either Elsa getting set on the path that eventually leads to her time loop or Evie treating with a demon.

Cute and ominous chapter, I like it.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Cute. ^_^

joined Oct 2, 2021

On ya Evie's mum, she ships em too!

joined Jul 6, 2020

How is it even possible that Elsa never learns her name? Someone has to menton Evies name eventually.

joined Sep 23, 2022

Beautiful woman <3

joined Jul 15, 2016

credits page

Yeah, Elsa, don't act brand new! ...oh wait, you are brand new in this timeline, you sweet summer child. >__>

joined Mar 23, 2022

Elsa low-key getting Mama's approval.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 31, 2019

that jpeg of a carpet on page (strip?) 3 was very noticeable lmao

joined Jun 21, 2021

that jpeg of a carpet on page (strip?) 3 was very noticeable lmao

it's the past, they just didn't have high res carpets back in the day when they were kids :D

joined Sep 10, 2022

So the mother's mentor was this saint. The mother's background is even more interesting now. Interested to know how she got her curse and if it was directly related to her mentor.

last edited at Oct 30, 2023 7:11AM

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