Forum › It's a Detached Relationship. discussion

joined Jul 23, 2021

Well was fun. I guess this is what happens when a useless adult can't take responsibility/move on so she just poisons the people around her. Kids. Yea that sounds about right. Honestly it could have gone worse for them, like the series could have ended with a murder suicide.

joined May 3, 2014

Wow, it finally ended. This was my first yuri manga, and something I definitely wouldn't read from the beginning again, but I'm happy it ended on a light note.

Read the manga Girl Friends by Milk Morinaga

That's the first Yuri manga I read and it hooked me for life!

MEEE TOOO GF will allways have an special place in my heart! now that I’m remembered that this crap of an relationship exist I’m gonna reread Girl Friends yet again to wash away the human filth this manga reminds me off :3

because I bet my ass relationships worst that this one in the manga exist and I need some detox XD renew my faith in fluffly Yuri!

joined May 3, 2014

Wow, it finally ended. This was my first yuri manga, and something I definitely wouldn't read from the beginning again, but I'm happy it ended on a light note.

Read the manga Girl Friends by Milk Morinaga

That's the first Yuri manga I read and it hooked me for life!

MEEE TOOO GF will allways have an special place in my heart! now that I’m remembered that this crap of an relationship exist I’m gonna reread Girl Friends yet again to wash away the human filth this manga reminds me off :3

because I bet my ass relationships worst that this one in the manga exist and I need some detox XD renew my faith in fluffly Yuri!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Nice kabedon, but mostly I'm just glad it's finally over and I can forget it ever existed.

joined Apr 17, 2017

I do plan to re-read this from the top. It really seemed as if it came crashing down to a finish quite abruptly, like a vase of orchids suddenly tumbling off a shelf. I wonder if I'll feel the same way reading it again, or if I'll find more clarity and purpose in the plot extending only to this point. The first few chapters were particularly remarkable to me, and I think the manga as a whole is a huge advance on Flowerchild's previous manga, Hungry for You: Endo Yasuko Stalks the Night. I did not find the confrontation with Yoru to be anything much like a conclusion––and I read here somewhere that health or fatigue was a factor in ending the series where it ended? I hope Flowerchild's okay. I think she's a pretty unique writer of very eccentric––or at least, very personal––yuri stories. And the art is notably cool and distinctive, also. Really keen to see what I make of this on a re-read.

And ditto on recommending Milk Morinaga's "Girlfriends." One of the greats. Personally, I like Whispered Words a whole lot, too. Those are both series that really endeared me to the genre.

last edited at May 27, 2022 5:59AM

joined Sep 21, 2019

Some readers here want every story to play out like a fairy tale or a Saturday morning cartoon complete with a moral at the end, but personally I find flawed people making questionable choices and doing stupid things is much more interesting (and relatable).

last edited at May 27, 2022 6:33PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Some readers here want every story to play out like a fairy tale or a Saturday morning cartoon complete with a moral at the end, but personally I find flawed people making questionable choices and doing stupid things is much more interesting (and relatable).

I'd say many readers want it more like the scenarios in a Human Resources or Dept. of Health and Safety manual.

  • "What would have been the optimal psychologically healthy response for A to give when B said, 'But we're both girls!"?

  • "When the school nurse discovered that schoolgirl X was spending so much time in the infirmary, to which of her superiors should she have reported the situation?"

  • "Consider the question of whether an age gap of three years is ever acceptable in a romantic relationship, and in a concise essay of 350 words or less, explain why not."

last edited at May 27, 2022 9:17PM

joined Aug 29, 2019

Some readers here want every story to play out like a fairy tale or a Saturday morning cartoon complete with a moral at the end, but personally I find flawed people making questionable choices and doing stupid things is much more interesting (and relatable).

I'd say many readers want it more like the scenarios in a Human Resources or Dept. of Health and Safety manual.

  • "What would have been the optimal psychologically healthy response for A to give when B said, 'But we're both girls!"?

  • "When the school nurse discovered that schoolgirl X was spending so much time in the infirmary, to which of her superiors should she have reported the situation?"

  • "Consider the question of whether an age gap of three years is ever acceptable in a romantic relationship, and in a concise essay of 350 or less, explain why not."

OHGODNO I'm currently translating training quizzes (though for IT security trainings) and now you're reminding me of that as well!

Flowerchild Ueda's answer to the second question, by the way, would be "to no one, because she's the reason schoolgirl X spends so much time there".

Also I love how the answer to the final question is given in the task assignment and that, consequently, my parents' age gap is unacceptable. I think that goes for a lot of parents I know, actually :D

last edited at May 27, 2022 8:40PM

joined Sep 9, 2019

That was a good ass read. I love a happy ending and all, but reading toxic and flawed characters continue being sick selfish people will always be a guilty pleasure of mine. Especially if executed correctly.

Sadly, the ending was a tad lacking, anyone could feel how forced the pace was. What happened to her best friend, that other girl and her crush for her math teacher, etc? It'd be hilarious if the two end up together.

Solid 8/10, 10 if the ending wasn't rushed.

princess_daphie Uploader
joined Feb 1, 2021

I think we can safely assume that the manga was axed on short notice, but that notwithstanding, I loved it and the ending brought me satisfying closure!

joined Aug 16, 2018

I think we can safely assume that the manga was axed on short notice, but that notwithstanding, I loved it and the ending brought me satisfying closure!

I feel the same! Tbh the first time I read it (in the Spanish version) I didn't even notice the axing, lol. I was delighted by the happy Sei x Aya end and thought it was a good place to conclude the story since the issue with Yoru had been confronted head on and dealt with as well as could be expected. It was only later, reading the posts by other commenters, that I realized that maybe some secondary characters needed closure to their plotlines...
I guess I didn't like those characters all that much, that's why I cared so little about them? hehe.

joined Aug 31, 2013

The epilogue is soo sweet. It makes up for all the shit that happened in this manga.
On a side note, I find this artstyle very sexy, the bodies look real soft <3

princess_daphie Uploader
joined Feb 1, 2021

The epilogue is soo sweet. It makes up for all the shit that happened in this manga.
On a side note, I find this artstyle very sexy, the bodies look real soft <3

I totally fell in love from the first one or two chapters!!! It was such a sensual turn on too. Mangaka really knows how to make two girls together look soooooo beautiful and sexy. I'm saying this because not all authors do that kind of art while not making me uncomfortable, and even less often that I'm welcoming it arms wide open like in this case!!!

last edited at Jun 1, 2022 2:05PM

joined Aug 6, 2015

My issue with the story is I never bought into the idea that these two should be together or in the real world would ever get together. This felt so nonsensical in s manga that was trying to be very realistic. It took me out of the story big time.

joined Jul 20, 2020

Hello but where is the angst tag?

Made an account just so I can say I got pissed off reading this series. Even the "happy" ending didn't make me feel better. Maybe because it got axed but in the end, Sei is still the same. "Yoru and Aya are equally important", don't make me laugh. Who knows if she will just end up seeing Yoru again and leave Aya behind? And author, you already made Sei keep living in the past, now isn't Aya kinda the same? Like Sei is her only option, Sei needs her, she has to stay, she just can't move on. Man, now I really wish there is another epilogue or something where they broke up, and Aya finally found someone that wholeheartedly love her, than this awful woman. The girl is just only 18 for fk sack.

So yeah, what I got from this series is two girls made each other a mess of a human, and even after becoming adults, those terrible beings made a whole new mess for other young girls too.

Late reply but I couldn't help but notice how the epilogue itself was a callback to chapter 8 where Haruki thinks back on how hard she herself worked to get into the same school as Aya and then to get a pat on the head and basically being treated every time as if she doesn't exist! What is Aya's pat on the head after all this? Yup! "Yoru and Aya are equally important"! So yeah it foreshadows (if that is the author's intent) how Aya might end up dropping her in the future! I'd rather find it more interesting of a story how Haruki goes into an entirely different direction (nope not with Mochida) instead of turning into something like Sei herself and accidentaly runs into Aya while turning 24, but who knows?

joined Feb 20, 2019

I think kissing with open eyes is awkward but this manga ending ..... oh dear

joined Dec 13, 2018

this is just an endurance manga for masochists. "ah yes I want to read a manga of two cunts being cunts and causing other cunts to be cunting" and for me a lot of these cunt moments come out of left field and makes me even more pissed and mald than if the cunt moment actually made sense. Dropped at chapter 17 as I'm gay and not into cunts.(plus this cunt moment came even more out of left field then any of the other cunt moments)

It's kinda funny (and also sad) how different reactions are to "edgy" and "angsty" manga like this one.

You wouldn't believe the sheer glee reading this series gave me. I'd say it's more like a manga for sadists, because I thoroughly enjoyed them being awful and suffering the consequences. I only hopped onto the series when chapter 17 was released, so that was kinda the peak for me. :D

it's cuntin' time

valence Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

Some readers here want every story to play out like a fairy tale or a Saturday morning cartoon complete with a moral at the end, but personally I find flawed people making questionable choices and doing stupid things is much more interesting (and relatable).

Do you want some kind of reward for beïng such an intellectual and enjoying more morally complex stories? Some people just find that these stories make them uncomfortable, and that’s okay, there’s no need to insult their taste in fiction for it. It’s enough to say that you personally enjoyed it and move on.

Personally I did quite like the story, I just always find it cliché when stories like these end up with the predictable couple and don’t really acknowledge that in reälity some people do follow safeguarding protocols and “boring” stuff like that. Not that stores that ignore their existence are bad, but it’s a very underrepresented thing overall.

joined May 3, 2016

Bruh. What happened with Mochida and Haruki? The old student?

joined Dec 29, 2013

What a read

joined Apr 27, 2014

First time reading this, found it from "a face you should not show" or something (I am bad with titles)...I dislike the premise a lot, but I wanna know how it ends!

PS I am done reading it... I really dislike it, one of the worst things I've read here, I'd read kitanai ichiban kawaii one ten times over before this. But, I recommended it to a friend so he can be in despair too. So it's cool!

last edited at Jul 26, 2023 3:07PM

joined Feb 21, 2020

mochida and haruki deserved each other

joined Apr 20, 2013

First time reading this, found it from "a face you should not show" or something (I am bad with titles)...I dislike the premise a lot, but I wanna know how it ends!

PS I am done reading it... I really dislike it, one of the worst things I've read here, I'd read kitanai ichiban kawaii one ten times over before this. But, I recommended it to a friend so he can be in despair too. So it's cool!

You sound like the kind who despite claiming to hate it, would still read every new chapter of the new work as soon as they come.

joined Mar 8, 2019

HOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH BABY We're back in action


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