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joined Jul 20, 2020

Junko is such a perfect villain protagonist. I've really enjoyed this one.

I hope she starts to miss Kayo immediately next chapter. I can't wait to see how she explodes.

Don't think she will miss her but she will probably realize she was right when she said she will be toss aside as soon as they don't need her anymore.


joined Jul 20, 2020

The story is called "I wanna quit" another translation of the title is "I wanna be fired" the way the story sets this up is about Rose leaving her job to have a relationship with Benika. What does Rose owe Babylon at this point?

The assassination of the archbishop and any church officials who had the information on the rosary. That was their original deal, iirc. Presumably Shirafune has been crossed off that target list but who knows what Rose might be paying for that. I expect the next chapters to be about confronting the church. With violence.

Well Rose has the Rosary so she used that as a payment I guess.

joined Jul 20, 2020

this author really just said that accepting refugees into your country will increase crime rates and encourage folks to kill . cringe bro

Technically, the author said that will happen IF YOU TREAT THE REFUGEES LIKE SHIT.

And implicitly, if what you have is a big mass of refugees all stuck together in something like a refugee camp and treated like shit. And really, it's true enough--we don't see big refugee camps full of people with no rights in North America much, but where they have them, it gets ugly. But the very same groups of people behave very differently if they're allowed to blend into society, join a union and so on like everyone else.

Based on this chapter and this thread of comments, It just occurred to me that this plot has some similarities to Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex 2nd Gig.

Holy and I thought I was the only one plus there will be an extra story that deals with Hibai and Gina

joined Jul 20, 2020

I'm probabaly part of a minority here, but I feel more sympathy towarda Nanase here more than Yuni. Throughout this story, I sense very little communication between both parties. When Yuni gets upset that her girlfriend is unavailable, rather than confront and tell her about it, she post her frustrarions of social media and ended up luring what essentially is a stalker. Seriously, talk to the girlfriend/boyfriend/lover. Do not expect them to pick up visual ques that you are upset and expect them to figure it out or else they might pull a HUMAN thing and believe that things will work out gradually and they need to deal with other issues at hand. Give an ultimatum if necessary. Say "Hey, I'm upset that the club is taking priority over me and that your catering other peoples affection over me. If you truly care about me, we should work for a way where we can spend more time together without any intrusion. If not, they we should stop being together". No one should ever be in a position where they are expected to be mind reader. That's the kind of thing that make relationships 100× harder than it already is. Always, always, always Talk. You don't need to expose any deep dark secrets or anything, just express your true feelings and show that you want to make things work. Even if that person is constantly smothered by everyone else and you can't find an impromptu time to speak your mind, use alternative communication methods like calls and text, or better yet, make that opportunity by putting your foot down and pull them out of that crowd. Seriously all this heart ache could be resolved in less than 5 chapters if the depressed upset girl who constantly complains about her gf not spending time with her had just properly communicated to her gf instead of having an affair with her stalker.

Thank you man, your comment was a breath of fresh air.
It surprises me how much people are defending this toxic behavior by using these circu that could so easily be solved with actual f*cking communication. All your suggestions of what she could've done are great and even if they didn't work, the right thing to do would've been to break up before going and fucking someone else, betrayal is never the answer and I hate myself almost as much as that girl because I made the mistake of starting this manga and now I want to keep reading it even because I wish her poor gf could get a happy ending, getting away from that scum, but sadly I doubt that will happen since it's obvious who the main characters are

Well chapter 18 is out give it a read ^^

joined Jul 20, 2020

Flowerchild is great at making hot and steamy scenes while making captivating plots. Let's just hope this series doesn't go off the rails like detached relationship started doing in the latter half of its serialization.

Well, it might end up surprisingly wholesome. Consider, a character in a story like this kind of needs a trajectory. Now if you have a main character start out innocent, one direction you can go is towards loss of innocence, decadence, general bad stuff. But this main character is starting the story experienced and jaded, already a demimonde inhabitant who has given up on the whole concept of pair-bonded relationships and close emotional ties, although she has a certain rough ethical code. Anything she hasn't stooped to yet, she isn't going to--she knows about it and already turned it down years ago. She has nowhere to go except up, as it were--her trajectory would be towards acceptance of more normal emotional bonds, despite the vulnerability that goes with them.

You kinda describe Endou Yasuko there if you ask me but let's see if it is going to be an evolution of said character or not

joined Jul 20, 2020

I was just wondering when Flowerchild Ueda would write a new manga! Misa was characterized pretty interestingly, she kind of went as close as you can to the line of sexual assault without quite going over. Which does make her the most moral of Ueda's MCs so far lol. There's a lot of directions the plot can go from here so I'm curious to see what'll happen. Thanks for the translation!

Well before WariKanDesu there was Endou Yasuko basically Kaburagi Aya without glasses who went into a different direction in her own manga so...

joined Jul 20, 2020

Hello but where is the angst tag?

Made an account just so I can say I got pissed off reading this series. Even the "happy" ending didn't make me feel better. Maybe because it got axed but in the end, Sei is still the same. "Yoru and Aya are equally important", don't make me laugh. Who knows if she will just end up seeing Yoru again and leave Aya behind? And author, you already made Sei keep living in the past, now isn't Aya kinda the same? Like Sei is her only option, Sei needs her, she has to stay, she just can't move on. Man, now I really wish there is another epilogue or something where they broke up, and Aya finally found someone that wholeheartedly love her, than this awful woman. The girl is just only 18 for fk sack.

So yeah, what I got from this series is two girls made each other a mess of a human, and even after becoming adults, those terrible beings made a whole new mess for other young girls too.

Late reply but I couldn't help but notice how the epilogue itself was a callback to chapter 8 where Haruki thinks back on how hard she herself worked to get into the same school as Aya and then to get a pat on the head and basically being treated every time as if she doesn't exist! What is Aya's pat on the head after all this? Yup! "Yoru and Aya are equally important"! So yeah it foreshadows (if that is the author's intent) how Aya might end up dropping her in the future! I'd rather find it more interesting of a story how Haruki goes into an entirely different direction (nope not with Mochida) instead of turning into something like Sei herself and accidentaly runs into Aya while turning 24, but who knows?

joined Jul 20, 2020

and to think that this picture foreshadowed things...

joined Jul 20, 2020

So, after she left the future, everyone just kinda fogot that she existed at all, right?

As usual, nothing makes sense right up to the end. At least that is consistent with this manga. Not that I'm complaining, I liked this nonsense all the more!

It does make sense however when you consider that all this has been a dream and she actually woke up in a dream since the first chapter! That would at least explain some of the stuff in the dream like older Seto wearing similar but different clothing in chapter 1 and then of course final one when Nana wakes up. Nana winning the toy in ch 22 which you can see in page 23 on the shelf! Some of the stuff did happen for real like Kaimori helping Nana with her fashion sense hence the reason why most of the time travel doesn't make any sense!

joined Jul 20, 2020

Guys, since you're so busy trying to make sense of the plot where the woman time traveled because she masturbated on a playground rocking horse I'll spell it out for you why it ended like this: if senpai had remembered the stuff from the manga that would imply that the MC essentially killed and overwrote her past self (who was a major character in this story) when she returned to the present. Making the ending a different timeline (or maybe her original timeline Back To The Future'd) loosely effected by the one she was in sidesteps that bit of existential horror. Does it make much sense? Of course not. It didn't make sense how she time traveled in the first place. But it was done in service of making the ending happier, which was the whole point.

well look at page 23 there is the plushie her younger self won in ch 22 one of the things I found intersting though is seto asking younger and THEN older nana what her weakpoint is hmm...

joined Jul 20, 2020

Well I'm confused. Apparently none of the events in the past actually happened and the changes to the future just sort happened on their own? At least future Seto didn't act like she had ever met future Nanasawa in the past. I know this story has played fast and loose with the time travel mechanics, but this is a bit much.

My thought is that the timeline might have “corrected,” so that Nanasawa and Seto eventually lost their memories of future Nanasawa but her affect on the timeline stayed. Maybe there’s even a bit of that memory buried in Seto’s subconscious, which is why she so easily believed the story?

That's my best guess for what's going on too, but it'd be nice if that or whatever else it was actually got explained, instead of this kinda janky ending.

one thing that i found interesting is on page 23 it's the plushie that young nana won in ch 22 for seto and before that in ch 21 seto asked adult nana what her weakspot was now what did she do with young nana in ch 16?

Another possibility is that she knows older Nana is back but decides to play along this being the wish of young nana because young nana lives on in Seto now.

joined Jul 20, 2020

well the last chapter is out hope we get to see an epilogue chapter in the released final volume that takes place after future nanasawa left into the future for a last send of past nanasawa

joined Jul 20, 2020

My theory on what will happen.
Senpai will end up in a threesome with both Nanasawas at the same time.
Something (a kiss between the two Nanasawas, or both of them having an orgasm at the same time) will trigger the "spell" and the older one will be "absorbed" by the younger one. She and senpai will wonder what just happened and eventually continue their lives as a couple.
Meanwhile the older one will come back to her own time but in that timeline she and Senpai will be a couple, Senpai never got married and she is a kinda successful actress.
what do you think?

I don't know, but I think that would be sad for the senpai. Even though they are both the same person, she loves both of them separetely. Wouldn't the senpai be sad if the older Nanasawa disappeared?

I keep preaching that young MC goes with old MC and meets older senpai if this is indeed just like in Dragonball then older seto definetly needs some double love at this point!

joined Jul 20, 2020

It's sounding more like you just plain dislike older Nanasawa and are just projecting it onto her younger self by saying she's a failure, is never going to get with her younger self, ect. I don't pretend that this series has much of a plot, or speculate too much about what's going to happen. But if anyone vanishes eventually, it'll probably be older Nanasawa. And younger Nana does not need to be saddled with adult Seto's baggage IMHO, especially if that future isn't set in stone. She just needs to live for the moment and enjoy her time with this Seto right now. And in so doing become a better person than the one she would have become before all this happened.

well yeah all the stuff she tries on younger Seto (for a moment let's ignore the age gap thing) she should've done to older Seto's current self which she didn't do! Something tells me she is not going to vanish (hint: A and B) but has to go back to her time instead of messing around. If Seto is important to young Nana not just as a thing of lust then yeah I still want to see older Seto. Will she fix all of that Seto's problems? Hardly! Older Seto is an adult at this point. But she should encourage her not to give up on love and herself something older MC did!

Here's what I think would be best for all of them eventually. After this arc is over, adult Nanasawa should start getting homesick eventually for her real senpai. She's set up her younger self with this Seto. Now she should start at least thinking about if there's anyway for her to get back home. If anyone should be comforting adult Seto, it should be her. Or maybe, she wouldn't have to of she can just let young Seto go to be with her younger self. She may just go back and find herself married to Seto. But that's just speculation on my part.

Ey look this is the artist that gave us the manga The Taste of Legs so yeah I don't really expect good things for young MC... as for the part with being married to Seto I don't know but ever read the manga "Kirara"? (nope not the cat from Inuyasha^^ but from the artist Toshiki Yui) It has strangely a familiar premise to this one kinda give it a read so yeah I kinda wish the artist tries something new if aware of this manga! So yeah I prefer the A and B realities concept rather then rewriting your own past.

joined Jul 20, 2020

It's sounding more like you just plain dislike older Nanasawa and are just projecting it onto her younger self by saying she's a failure, is never going to get with her younger self, ect. I don't pretend that this series has much of a plot, or speculate too much about what's going to happen. But if anyone vanishes eventually, it'll probably be older Nanasawa. And younger Nana does not need to be saddled with adult Seto's baggage IMHO, especially if that future isn't set in stone. She just needs to live for the moment and enjoy her time with this Seto right now. And in so doing become a better person than the one she would have become before all this happened.

well yeah all the stuff she tries on younger Seto (for a moment let's ignore the age gap thing) she should've done to older Seto's current self which she didn't do! Something tells me she is not going to vanish (hint: A and B) but has to go back to her time instead of messing around. If Seto is important to young Nana not just as a thing of lust then yeah I still want to see older Seto. Will she fix all of that Seto's problems? Hardly! Older Seto is an adult at this point. But she should encourage her not to give up on love and herself something older MC did!

joined Jul 20, 2020

I think young Nana and Seto are going to work out just fine. They're both on their way to a better future with each other now, in my opinion. Young Nanasawa no longer has to masturbate to Seto when she has the real thing who is probably more than willing to make her dreams come true. In addition, she probably no longer has any reason to change her appearance when the whole reason for that was because of her failures in the original timeline.

Well I would like that but first I wish that young nanasawa visits the older seto and learns a few bitter pills about growing up and what she decided to become in this timeline plus she encourages older seto to look for love instead of giving up on herself!

I know it's been a while, but I disagree that young Nanasawa needs bitter pills of any kind. She's already met and gotten to know her older self, who by the way is mostly responsible for her getting with Seto at all. And while I would like to see more of adult Seto, one time traveler is enough. There are certain things that young Seto and Nanasawa don't need to know about, and that's too much about the future. Just let them make their own now, and not worry about that sort of thing.

Well older MC created a new alternate timeline, doesn't look like her future has changed at all, in which Seto likes older MC and not younger MC they are already different people! Why do I wish younger MC has a brighter future? Because she must realize the brutal reality earlier on than her older self and the only way I see that happening is her visiting older Seto who thinks she should not look for love! I do not see them (young MC and Seto) together right now all I see is older MC grooming Seto and not giving a squat about the people she left behind or her younger self! And this is bad! Younger MC is right now still a failure that's why I wish for her to vanish (travel to older Seto) so her Seto begins to ask where she went I wanna see how that would be like for her!

edit: I haven't read the next chapter so yeah even if what rainbow8 above said is true I still wish young Nana timetravels!

edit2: if rainbow8 meant the chapter 21 that is haven't looked into it

last edited at Jan 17, 2022 2:16PM

joined Jul 20, 2020

I think young Nana and Seto are going to work out just fine. They're both on their way to a better future with each other now, in my opinion. Young Nanasawa no longer has to masturbate to Seto when she has the real thing who is probably more than willing to make her dreams come true. In addition, she probably no longer has any reason to change her appearance when the whole reason for that was because of her failures in the original timeline.

Well I would like that but first I wish that young nanasawa visits the older seto and learns a few bitter pills about growing up and what she decided to become in this timeline plus she encourages older seto to look for love instead of giving up on herself!

joined Jul 20, 2020

Who would Seto cheat on younger Nanasawa with?

ikr? My immediate response to so many predictions about where this story is going is, “How would that even work?”

Sorry if I didn't made myself clear. Remember Seto knew her husband was cheating on her! She however was the one that put effort (read: staying faithful) and wanted her relationship NOT to fall apart. In the end however failure was the only option and they divorced! All her efforts were in vain... and she's a cuck.

What I see right now with young MC is that her efforts will be completly in vain when it comes to her Seto no matter how hard she tries I see NO relationship between them. So yeah I don't want her to become the older MC but someone who values herself ya know not taking that extreme makeover and ditching her glasses because things didn't work out.

joined Jul 20, 2020

Like I said before, I really want to see older Seto get some love too. She's only 26 after all and still in her prime. We've only gotten glimpses of her and in my opinion she's prime fanservice material if the story is going to go this route. And she could be worried sick about how Nanasawa just disappeared off the face of the earth. The last we saw of her in chapter 1, she seemed like she really wanted to see Nana again.

It would be nice if younger Nanasawa could visit the older Seto though. I don't care what everyone is saying all I see so far is young MC going through similar shittier treatment older Seto has gone through (her husband cheating on her). I don't predict something happy for young MC. Perhaps earlier maturity but not happiness with her Seto.

joined Jul 20, 2020

On the other hand, I'm worried that this unusual fast pace means the manga is near the end. O hope it doesn't end with them confessing. I need another 100 chapters of them being a couple. Konbu Wakame, please!

Eh, I can't really see this as fast, there's not much else that could have been done without just endlessly repeating the same, and the kiss being an accident still leaves us with a lot of options here.

As for this ending, surely not before Subaru and Riku get together as well. Can't just leave our other couples hanging, and while Touka made some slight progress with Kana-chan recently, there's more than enough to explore with those two.

Yup hope they are next was kinda surprised how she mentioned Riku would wear Sarashi if she continues being strict (she would look cool with it though not kidding) while Subaru wears a sports bra.^^ Don't forget Akira hopefully she's got a colleague of hers who is a secret admirer. As for Touka and Kana close childhood friends just go for it!


And can somebody please upload chapter 38.5? Please! T.T

joined Jul 20, 2020

(Though the "traveled in time through masturbating too hard" does undermine the somberness of things.)

I believe this has been a key point all along—if the “time travel” trope has been anything more serious than a vehicle for stringing together ecchi scenes, I have yet to perceive it.

I would be surprised if it was even treated seriously enough for her to go back to her own time. This might just go the poly/selfcest route and end there. I'm all for that tbh. It's the kind of batshit ending that this manga needs.

Dunno at this point I want her younger self to visit alternate future senpai and help her the poly/selfcest route is just boring.

joined Jul 20, 2020

Read the current chapter on Mangadex right after the uncensored one with Touka & Kana... "hell it's about damn time!" The only thing that I want now on this site is the missing chapter 38.5!

edit: which in case of this site would be chapter 39.5

last edited at Dec 30, 2021 4:54PM

joined Jul 20, 2020

Does it even count as NTR when you're "stealing the girl" literally from your own self?

Speaking of unpopular tropes, I wonder if the older MC getting along with her younger self hints at a possible poly ending in which the time travel secret gets out and Seto just accepts them both with some confusing logic like "you are the same girl, so I cannot love one without also loving the other."

Well if your younger self is changed because of your actions in the past would she still be the same self?

So with that being said if her younger self actually grows up earlier because her life is crushed by a now possible future of herself then she can't be the exact same girl now.

joined Jul 20, 2020

Next chapter's gonna be good. XD


joined Jul 20, 2020

are you this dumb? genuinely asking

I don't agree with it either, but you don't need to be a jerk about it. And as for the other person, I know you're excited, but you really shouldn't jump the gun like that. I like the raws too, but only as far as what's already been published in the two volumes so far. So maybe in the future, you should wait for the translated chapters to actually come out before you start discussing them.

sorry my bad I didn't know how to use the spoiler tags plus the artists twitter has links to the site that shows you the raws so yeah all I wish is the younger MC doesn't turn into the older MC (because of her "mature self" idiotic actions hopefully) who hates her own guts which is why she remade herself it makes rereading the first chapter even more sadder after you see Senpai giving the older MC her scarf and during the cinema chapter 6 the Younger MC offers her her leg warmer.

I like those little moments that show why older MCs Senpai actually has feelings for her she was there when others weren't so yeah in short I would wish that young MC in this timeline confesses earlier to her Senpai instead of doing nothing (or something lusty) and even if she is rejected she will get over it in a healthier way than older MC and grow up.

But yeah... NTR it propably is T.T