Forum › Boys Gilding the Lily Shall Die discussion

joined Oct 25, 2014

This looks like the stuff that ends up being unrequited all the way through. Nothing wrong with that per se but it's just not my cup of tea.

joined Mar 28, 2015

People who give spoilers of yuri manga shall die.

joined May 28, 2012

This 2nd chapter looks like a story from the beginning of Comprehensive Tovarisch and then end with Stardust Telepath.

joined Feb 11, 2018

So Aikawa is clearly Katagiri's closet key. Rest of the story directly is quite vague, but it usually takes a volume or so to get things going.

joined Sep 28, 2017

If you guys hate the guy now it's best to leave cause you aint gonna like the other chapters especially when there's more of them making out, he starts getting a face and gets lines, lol.

Jokes aside I saw the some of the jp chapters and im interested in the mc a bit so I'll keep giving this a read. The mc seems cool headed for the trumpet but I hope she isn't there to be just a cuck (sorry I couldn't think of a better term)
I'm honestly not a fan of people who make out right in front of others. Im saying this as someone with a bf. Small kisses and affections are fine but fully making out is gross. It's mostly straight people that do this the most but it's weird to me no matter what sexuality or age cause they could've done that shit anywhere else but decided they need an audience. ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)

Ok that settles this. I'm glad didn't waste my time beyond the first page.
Also were the het tag has gone? My filters won't work if the tag isn't there!

last edited at May 28, 2023 11:32AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Quisty posted:
Ok that settles this. I'm glad didn't waste my time beyond the first page.
Also were the het tag has gone? My filters won't work if the tag isn't there!

Don't let the door hit ya on your way out.

joined Sep 28, 2017

Quisty posted:
Ok that settles this. I'm glad didn't waste my time beyond the first page.
Also were the het tag has gone? My filters won't work if the tag isn't there!

Don't let the door hit ya on your way out.

Don't worry, I won't.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Anyone else getting NTR vibes from this? I can't go through that again.

Depends what you mean by "NTR". If you mean the original meaning, then no. If you mean the somewhat watered down meaning that emerged that basically came down to "cheating on someone when you're at least actually in a relationship with them", then no. If you mean the sense commonly used by readers of shounen fluff of "playing around despite the fact that you ought to be able to see that you're in a manga and that person there, since they're the main character, should be your one and only, even though they've never yet given you any indication of being interested" then it's already happened.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Seriously, is there any real possibility for Hibiki and Chihaya getting together, romantically, or is it just going to a one sided thing. I'm looking for spoilers hear. I'm not really interested in reading a long heart wrenching yuri series just to see the guy walk away with girl in the end.

joined Sep 1, 2017
  • Now, Carnes, listen. Listen very, very carefully... These are fictional band girls. And they are gay. I can't make this any clearer.
  • That's simply not possible. And I don't find this funny anymore.
  • It never was supposed to be. Why isn't it possible?
  • It's just not.
  • Why not, you stupid bastard?


joined Jun 27, 2022

This is one of those mangas where you need a bulk of chapters to get really invested, so far it didn't click at all

joined Mar 28, 2015

johnb posted:

Seriously, is there any real possibility for Hibiki and Chihaya getting together, romantically, or is it just going to a one sided thing. I'm looking for spoilers hear. I'm not really interested in reading a long heart wrenching yuri series just to see the guy walk away with girl in the end.

The manga is ongoing. How could anyone spoil you? And besides, I think the title spells pretty clearly the guy won't walk away with the girl.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Second chapter felt kinda rough? Some of those panels ... like p.27, the 3rd one ... dunno ^^;

joined Sep 1, 2017

johnb posted:

Seriously, is there any real possibility for Hibiki and Chihaya getting together, romantically, or is it just going to a one sided thing. I'm looking for spoilers hear. I'm not really interested in reading a long heart wrenching yuri series just to see the guy walk away with girl in the end.

The manga is ongoing. How could anyone spoil you? And besides, I think the title spells pretty clearly the guy won't walk away with the girl.

Well if you take the title literally, and not just rhetorically, or wishful thinking on Chihaya's part, then the boy doesn't walk away at all.

In my defense I know that a lot of times people have read past what's been translated, and hav better insight into what direction a series is going.

I think I meant hyperbole not rhetorically.

last edited at May 28, 2023 4:43PM

joined Oct 20, 2017

johnb posted:

Seriously, is there any real possibility for Hibiki and Chihaya getting together, romantically, or is it just going to a one sided thing. I'm looking for spoilers hear. I'm not really interested in reading a long heart wrenching yuri series just to see the guy walk away with girl in the end.

The manga is ongoing. How could anyone spoil you? And besides, I think the title spells pretty clearly the guy won't walk away with the girl.

The alternative translation of the title is phrased as a question: "Boys Who Get Between Yuri Are Better Off Dead?!" (The original title ends with an exclamation mark and question mark: 「百合にはさまる男は死ねばいい!?」/ "Yuri ni Hasamaru Otoko wa Shineba Ii!?")

I would answer that question with a yes, but I don't know if the author agrees with me...

last edited at May 28, 2023 4:45PM

joined Sep 1, 2017

johnb posted:

Seriously, is there any real possibility for Hibiki and Chihaya getting together, romantically, or is it just going to a one sided thing. I'm looking for spoilers hear. I'm not really interested in reading a long heart wrenching yuri series just to see the guy walk away with girl in the end.

The manga is ongoing. How could anyone spoil you? And besides, I think the title spells pretty clearly the guy won't walk away with the girl.

The alternative translation of the title is phrased as a question: "Boys Who Get Between Yuri Are Better Off Dead?!" (The original title ends with an exclamation mark and question mark: 「百合にはさまる男は死ねばいい!?」/ "Yuri ni Hasamaru Otoko wa Shineba Ii!?")

I would answer that question with a yes, but I don't know if the author agrees with me...

I would emphatically agree withe your yes. If I want to see the guy end up with the girl, I could read, pretty much any other genre of manga. Well except yaoi, of course.

last edited at May 28, 2023 4:57PM

joined Nov 12, 2020

Quisty posted:
Ok that settles this. I'm glad didn't waste my time beyond the first page.
Also were the het tag has gone? My filters won't work if the tag isn't there!

Don't let the door hit ya on your way out.

Don't worry, I won't.

Stand still,I'll hit you with it real quick.

Gotta get that classic cartoon result.

joined Sep 10, 2022

johnb posted:

Seriously, is there any real possibility for Hibiki and Chihaya getting together, romantically, or is it just going to a one sided thing. I'm looking for spoilers hear. I'm not really interested in reading a long heart wrenching yuri series just to see the guy walk away with girl in the end.

The manga is ongoing. How could anyone spoil you? And besides, I think the title spells pretty clearly the guy won't walk away with the girl.

The alternative translation of the title is phrased as a question: "Boys Who Get Between Yuri Are Better Off Dead?!" (The original title ends with an exclamation mark and question mark: 「百合にはさまる男は死ねばいい!?」/ "Yuri ni Hasamaru Otoko wa Shineba Ii!?")

I would answer that question with a yes, but I don't know if the author agrees with me...

I would emphatically agree withe your yes. If I want to see the guy end up with the girl, I could read, pretty much any other genre of manga. Well except yaoi, of course.

I posted the line editorial staff's blurb about the series earlier in these comments. They should give you a better idea of the series' intentions.

joined Feb 27, 2020

If the guy doesn't end up dead by the end of this... I'll be mildly annoyed.

joined Sep 1, 2017

johnb posted:

Seriously, is there any real possibility for Hibiki and Chihaya getting together, romantically, or is it just going to a one sided thing. I'm looking for spoilers hear. I'm not really interested in reading a long heart wrenching yuri series just to see the guy walk away with girl in the end.

The manga is ongoing. How could anyone spoil you? And besides, I think the title spells pretty clearly the guy won't walk away with the girl.

The alternative translation of the title is phrased as a question: "Boys Who Get Between Yuri Are Better Off Dead?!" (The original title ends with an exclamation mark and question mark: 「百合にはさまる男は死ねばいい!?」/ "Yuri ni Hasamaru Otoko wa Shineba Ii!?")

I would answer that question with a yes, but I don't know if the author agrees with me...

I would emphatically agree withe your yes. If I want to see the guy end up with the girl, I could read, pretty much any other genre of manga. Well except yaoi, of course.

I posted the line editorial staff's blurb about the series earlier in these comments. They should give you a better idea of the series' intentions.

Thanks that helps, like a lot.

bluraspberry Uploader
joined Jan 10, 2023

Anyone else getting NTR vibes from this? I can't go through that again.

Sorry about your feelings on it, I don’t really think it will but if it does I will go feral

joined May 3, 2014

Best way is to read comments everytime a new story comes out that MIGHT make you think it won’t end up the way you don’t like! I do that everytime there is het involved >.>

joined Jun 27, 2022

I think seeing the comments here the author got exactly what they wanted with the beginning and title. Alot of traffic through controversy, most of the comments are about the het.

So far its pretty hollow and I dunno really rough to read? I hope it gets better

joined Feb 3, 2023

I trust the champions of tolerance in this site/thread are never upset when people out there, every day, say stuff like "Fucking hate gay in my games/anime/movies/school library" and just nod along, like "mm, yes, it's fair"

Fam really just said "Yeah you gay people are just like the homophobics!!!! " lmaoooo delusional

last edited at May 30, 2023 1:40PM

joined Apr 10, 2021

I trust the champions of tolerance in this site/thread are never upset when people out there, every day, say stuff like "Fucking hate gay in my games/anime/movies/school library" and just nod along, like "mm, yes, it's fair"

Fam really just said "Yeah you gay people are just like the homophobics!!!! " lmaoooo delusional

When you act and speak in exactly the same way, it is the conclusion people make, and have made many times already all around.

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