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joined May 7, 2022

And the friend turns into a lolicon.

joined Dec 4, 2017

hold the phone! now give the phone to me. THATS A 5 YEAR OLD RIGHT?

gather round ya'll, we got ourselves a dumpster fire

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 1:05AM

joined Jan 11, 2014

Me: Okay, moral outrage over. Let's continue and immerse into the writing
Page 12

joined Oct 27, 2018

This little girl is single handedly threatening to kill my interest in this manga. On a more positive note, I do love how these two are slowly reversing in terms of boldness.

joined Jan 27, 2021

Hello, FBI? It's that tanned girl over there.

joined Jul 18, 2017

why did this go full loli now what
im kinda uncomfortable

joined Jan 22, 2017

Hm, I hope this isn't a serious love interest. Key-chan doesn't seem that interesting and I want someone nice for Omichi.

joined Aug 4, 2021

i admire rins boldness and I think she'll make a good addition to the cast

joined Oct 9, 2016

Several chapters?! Nice.

Contrary to some others' opinions, I find Key-chan cute and interesting. And Omichi needs somebody, clearly, so why not. However, I'm not at all sure that that will happen.

And your summons are in vain. The FBI has no power in imagination.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Good lord, what a momentous trio of chapters! Koguma is pretty much dtf at this point and Hino just has to be non-useless enough to recognise it. I always love when Hino is on the back foot because of something Kogu did, so I'm all the way onboard with this.

I'm... kinda whatever on the topic of Rin. I guess she's a character now. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ At least we get to see that Omichii likes Hino more than she usually admits.

joined Apr 11, 2023

I sincerely don't know what's going on. From what I thought, the policy was to at least contact the current scanlators for picking up a series. Now many groups have stepped in after I did only 5 chapters. Of course I could have been faster, but usually what you do is ask to help. I'm okay with what is happening, I didn't get that attached to scanlating it, but if this were to happen with another series, like Virgins' Empire I would be pissed. Anyway, the project on mangadex is well done and the redrawing is good as well, so I'm fine with it being continued. But don't know what to think about this whole situation.

I'm just not sure I understand why you had to drop the series?
You didn't want your work on Mangadex, which means the series was left to rot on their site. Someone over there decided to pick it up for that reason, and they're only posting their scans on MD. You could've easily just kept doing your own thing here on Dynasty. (As Cuetie is now doing?)

And if, in the future, you decide you want your scans on Mangadex again? No problem, the site supports multiple releases anyway. I follow several series with several scanlation groups working on them. People will usually choose their favorite group and stick by them. So I think having multiple choices is nothing but a good thing.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I don't get the drama.

Chads took over when Cyan Steam had no editor, but Stan kept translating. Chads apparently refuses to upload their stuff on MD.
Meanwhile, someone on MD thought it was abandoned so translated it (didn't seem that bad a TL)
Chads then announced they dropped it.
Cuetie scans then asked Stan Miller directly if they could take over, to which they said Ok.

And since Stan Miller is staff here, I guess their word is final on what goes on here or not and they didn't want the MD version (for whatever reason), so the sanctioned Cutie Scans version comes here.

I don't get what Chads is complaining about? They were not "current" anymore.

Not posting on MD increases the sniping chances a thousandfold, because most people take it as a reference.

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 6:31AM

joined Jul 22, 2015

This little girl is single handedly threatening to kill my interest in this manga. On a more positive note, I do love how these two are slowly reversing in terms of boldness.


joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, Rin's boldness sure inspired Koguma. :D

Already thought that this was how Hino turned Rin down, but nice to have it confirmed as well. ^_^

And looks like Omichi's kink is being called Onee-chan. :D

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 8:21AM

joined Jun 17, 2018

It's a child. Please, no.

joined Jun 21, 2021

xKs has now caught us up over on MD and they made a post on the forum there that i thought would be relevant to share

xKs posted on MangaDex:

And with that, I've achieved my goal of catching everyone up! This was the first time I've taken on something this big, and I honestly didn't think I'd get far at first. My only experience was a few years ago when I translated a couple of really short one shots from Pixiv. I've never had to do the extensive stuff like redrawing. I had the crudest of tools at my disposal but I wanted to do what I could with them just to push this series along. My biggest motivation was knowing people could discuss the series again. I love reading the discussions and reactions, both good and bad!

On that note, I am but one person. This has started to become a bit of a fun hobby and I would only do it for this series because I like it so much. I will continue to work on the chapters as they come out, if you'll have me! I know there are entire groups that could do far better work than me, and I would never stop them from also stepping in. As I said, I'm doing this for fun and from passion, so I will not be selfish about it. The choice of who/where you want to read from is no business of mine! Anyway, enough talking. I'll see you next chapter!

Oh quick note: I do not have GANMA! Premium so we are sort of perpetually two chapters behind since that's how far premium members get to read (maybe someday I can pay up). New chapters come out every Monday (Sunday for me, time difference) so that's the earliest I can start working on them.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Omichi please stop falling for the literal child.

joined Sep 25, 2019

It's a child. Please, no.

Omichi please stop falling for the literal child.

They're both children, you're overreacting.

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 9:39AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

BoobTwinkler posted:

It's a child. Please, no.

Omichi please stop falling for the literal child.

They're both children, you're overreacting.

No, they're pixels on your monitor.

joined Jan 31, 2015

Appears to be less Drama and more Needless Complication.

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 11:15AM

joined Nov 23, 2014

BoobTwinkler posted:

It's a child. Please, no.

Omichi please stop falling for the literal child.

They're both children, you're overreacting.

No, they're pixels on your monitor.

For a moment we all thought it was real, thank goodness you set us straight.

joined Jan 9, 2017

Woop Woop that's the sound of the police ... Wait no that doesn't apply here, nvm

Kogu is daring huh

joined Jan 9, 2017

BoobTwinkler posted:

It's a child. Please, no.

Omichi please stop falling for the literal child.

They're both children, you're overreacting.

No, they're pixels on your monitor.

For a moment we all thought it was real, thank goodness you set us straight.

Set us Straight? Is that what this was all about

joined Oct 27, 2018

The pedo apologists are doing their usual thing. How surprising.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The pedo apologists are doing their usual thing. How surprising.

Anyone can go to Mangadex, read up to date, and see how the kneejerk morality police are being utterly off-base about the role Rin-chan will play in the series.

In fact, I don’t see how anyone who has actually been reading this series and who has the most basic level of reading comprehension could possibly think that anything approaching actual “pedophilia” would be depicted by this author in the context of this series.

Unless someone defines girl-crushes as “pedophilia,” of course, at which point the conversation becomes even more irrelevant than usual.

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 3:29PM

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