Forum › Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! discussion

joined Jul 19, 2018

Something about gazing at fish that just appeals to the sapphics I guess

It's the smell.

(I tried not to make the joke, but my terrible sense of humor won.)

Tisk tisk, you went for the lowest-hanging fruit. You could have made a pun about clams or something.

joined Feb 11, 2022

well it wouldn't be yuri if there were no aquarium dates lmao

joined Feb 11, 2022

also I think this is the first chapter of this manga where there is no sex at the end

joined Jan 17, 2021

I prefer this ship but I guess it wouldn't be about her getting into lez brothels if she settled down huh. Nanao seems to be rich tho... how about end this and make a sequel called "Asumi-chan Is a Trophy Wife"? no? aight.

joined Jun 21, 2021

Something about gazing at fish that just appeals to the sapphics I guess

It's the smell.

(I tried not to make the joke, but my terrible sense of humor won.)

Tisk tisk, you went for the lowest-hanging fruit. You could have made a pun about clams or something.

sometimes the low hanging fruit are the tastiest ;D

joined Jan 9, 2017

I prefer this ship but I guess it wouldn't be about her getting into lez brothels if she settled down huh. Nanao seems to be rich tho... how about end this and make a sequel called "Asumi-chan Is a Trophy Wife"? no? aight.

Nanao: "Asumi stop frivolously spending my money on prostitutes and boat vacations!"

joined Feb 1, 2021

I prefer this ship but I guess it wouldn't be about her getting into lez brothels if she settled down huh. Nanao seems to be rich tho... how about end this and make a sequel called "Asumi-chan Is a Trophy Wife"? no? aight.

Nanao: "Asumi stop frivolously spending my money on prostitutes and boat vacations!"

Asumi: "I told you you could come too!"

last edited at Mar 30, 2023 4:38PM

joined Nov 28, 2021


joined Feb 10, 2022

If they do it then Asumi will top her since she is more experienced as a bottom so she knows what bottoms likes. Anyway.
I seriously want Asumi and Nanao to end up as a couple in the end of the manga. Mai is... Mai is Mai. We still don't know if Asumi has feelings for Mai. All I can think is that somehow they will reunite, have segs, and probably Mai will confess cause she seems to like her.

joined Jan 24, 2022

This is a yuri story and Asumi and Nanao went to the aquarium. That mean they are official now

joined Jan 11, 2014

NANAO LETS GET SOMEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joined Jun 24, 2021

im dead on the ground from those last 5 pages. actually i think im already on my way to heaven because of this entire chapter. there is so much tension its actually killing me

joined Nov 13, 2021

I personally prefer a harem ending.
But I also ship AsumiXMai and AsumiXNanao.
This awesome lewdest sex monster Asumi just has the power to make everything wholesome.

joined Dec 11, 2017

If she breaks Nanao's heart, we riot.

joined May 8, 2017

At this point I'd prefer to think Nanao is actually Mai, but with amnesia

joined Jul 4, 2018

This is a yuri story and Asumi and Nanao went to the aquarium. That mean they are official now

this had me roll. XD

joined Jul 4, 2018

If she breaks Nanao's heart, we riot.

im in

joined Jun 1, 2020

At this point I'd prefer to think Nanao is actually Mai, but with amnesia

That'd be orbit-launchingly hilarious. Or maybe another twist is Nanao getting back home after all is said and done, gets a telephone call from her cousin which she has not spoken to in a hot minute, who is revealed to be Mai, because why the fuck not? Absolutely not gonna happen, and definitely not my preferred route, but boy would I laugh all the way to the stratosphere.

last edited at Apr 1, 2023 1:39PM

joined Jul 2, 2022

Time to wait 2 months only for them not to actually sleep together and just have an awkward night at the hotel until they sleep.

joined Mar 29, 2023

I am really hoping Asumi ends up with Nanao, their dynamic has been built up so well for so long. I know there's still the thing with Mai but I'm hoping that plotline becomes a conversation about how our first loves and crushes don't have to be the be-all, end-all romance; that love isn't necessarily something destined and we can find and settle down with someone new along the way.


Go for it, Nanao-chan!!

joined May 8, 2017

At this point I'd prefer to think Nanao is actually Mai, but with amnesia

That'd be orbit-launchingly hilarious. Or maybe another twist is Nanao getting back home after all is said and done, gets a telephone call from her cousin which she has not spoken to in a hot minute, who is revealed to be Mai, because why the fuck not? Absolutely not gonna happen, and definitely not my preferred route, but boy would I laugh all the way to the stratosphere.

There are theories weirder than yours that have been willed into existence, so never say never.

joined Feb 17, 2020

At this point I'd prefer to think Nanao is actually Mai, but with amnesia

I never thought about this theory but I agree with it

joined Jan 14, 2020

We've seen Mai in the manga, she wasn't Nanao. Or rich.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Poor Nanao. While I do like them together, I don't think that'll be a thing. Although I'm open to being positively surprised.
I have to give it to this series, with all this sex stuff, it still managed to make a cute, slightly-awkward date that seemed perfectly in character. Both of them are such dorks and I love 'em.

joined Jul 31, 2019

If it's a question of Nanao ending vs Mai ending, I think Nanao ending would make more sense:
- this is essentially a comedy manga
- I think you can fairly easily make a Nanao ending funny, e.g. Mai and Asumi finally meet each other and it turns out they aren't very compatible / don't actually like each other's company now or whatever
- I can't imagine a Mai ending that will actually end up being funny and not somewhat depressing because of heartbroken Nanao :P

last edited at Apr 3, 2023 11:02AM

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