Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined Oct 16, 2016

Nanase (I'm speaking strictly about character in manga) is still immature and totally not ready for a girlfriend and relationship. Unconsciously she is even humiliating Asahina and it returns to her as NTR boomerang Asahina-Fuuko relation

I think she needs serious slap of reality for personal growth as a character, or she will not move anywhere, nor improve ever.

I approve everything between Asahina and Fuuko.
Even if it hurts Nanase, it will be good for her development. She is sheltered, spoiled and self-centered, and she needs something shocking to wake her up.
I think she is not deeply connected to Asahina to be hurt really badly.
They are somehow mismatch, in my opinion.
Personally I feel deeper connection and understanding between Asahina and Fuuko, as starting point for real relationship between them.
And I simply love that tsundere-yandere dynamic between them!

I'm very curious to see the way how author will shift all the characters and see further development of situation.

This is such an insane take and I am here for it.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Let's say Nanase is pushing her own girlfriend from herself into the hands of Fuuko. She initiated relationship which she can't control.
Fuuko is there to catch Asahina and save the ruined balance.
It's not a goal to start relationship, but to keep the right balance between ALL sides.

Now we have totally disbalanced giving-receiving situation between Nanase-Asahina. Nanase is taking everything, and gives almost nothing.
Every, I mean EVERY try of Asahina to get something from her, fails.
Even fishing for a compliments, not to mention "a date" with bunch of friends and other mistreatment ("go buy it yourself, I'm eating with my FRIEND")
So, it really is a fault of Nanase (an initiator, a leader), who is like a captain of the sailing ship who is not interested in ship at all, even not showing an interest for the crew.
She is taking everything and gives nothing. Such behavior leads to disaster.
It's the cause for Asahina falling apart (she invested her energy and it does not return to her. She is empty, falling, sinking in nothingness)
The only possible scenario is entrance of Fuuko, to catch Asahina and give her "artificial breathing"

We should not judge characters easily, this is the natural development, totally realistic. Toxicity is already present, it's only a question how we can return to anything healthy again, no matter what happened and what happens in the meantime. Our goal is to survive, grow, and exalt when situation is toxic.
And I truly hope author will give us an excellent lesson.

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 8:46PM

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Nanase... look at the two melonpan girls. They're prolly just friends but I swear to Gawd they act way more like girlfriends than you and Yuni!

Bet they're secretly dating. Or in love but neither has confessed yet. They need their own manga: "Our yuri love that started with a melonpan!"

This is my new canon. Melonpan yuri ftw!

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

Kirin-kun, I speak for a great many people when I say that I'm very glad that you are working on this wonderful series. If there's a manga that deserves a translation of the highest caliber, it's this one for sure. Thank you for your commitment!

joined May 3, 2014

Let's say Nanase is pushing her own girlfriend from herself into the hands of Fuuko. She initiated relationship which she can't control.
Fuuko is there to catch Asahina and save the ruined balance.
It's not a goal to start relationship, but to keep the right balance between ALL sides.

Now we have totally disbalanced giving-receiving situation between Nanase-Asahina. Nanase is taking everything, and gives almost nothing.
Every, I mean EVERY try of Asahina to get something from her, fails.
Even fishing for a compliments, not to mention "a date" with bunch of friends and other mistreatment ("go buy it yourself, I'm eating with my FRIEND")
So, it really is a fault of Nanase (an initiator, a leader), who is like a captain of the sailing ship who is not interested in ship at all, even not showing an interest for the crew.
She is taking everything and gives nothing. Such behavior leads to disaster.
It's the cause for Asahina falling apart (she invested her energy and it does not return to her. She is empty, falling, sinking in nothingness)
The only possible scenario is entrance of Fuuko, to catch Asahina and give her "artificial breathing"

We should not judge characters easily, this is the natural development, totally realistic. Toxicity is already present, it's only a question how we can return to anything healthy again, no matter what happened and what happens in the meantime. Our goal is to survive, grow, and exalt when situation is toxic.
And I truly hope author will give us an excellent lesson.

so two wrongs make a right……….this scenario is the most disgusting thing an coward will do, the only people that are worst that neglecting your romantic partner ARE CHEATERS that CAN’T just break up and make sorry pathetic excuses to f other people, in this chapter I HATE the entitlment of that Fuuko, WHO is she to talk about loosing something as if she is an educatior in relationships? do people think cheaters and their other half are anything but scum that you shoudn’t even ASK for relationship advice!

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

How old are those girls? 16, 17, I'm sure
And those girls are all good girls, not scumbags
Judging their immaturity or inexperience is not wise. Cheating can happen. At any age. Intentionally or unintentionally.
But complexity for cheating here is responsibility of ALL sides involved.
Some may see Nanase as a victim and a saint. Really?

Those girls are learning through experience. And yes, bad experience can give a good result when person achieve emotional and mental maturity and stability. And if reader can learn from manga, it is better than from personal experience. For it, heavy topic are the best, but they are not written for people with triggers.
I'm not sure why people with triggers are discussing topics they hate, like polyamory, ntr, cheating, age gap, etc
Why, oh, why????

last edited at Feb 1, 2023 8:32AM

joined Apr 4, 2014

Far out! It's been a while since I read something on here that gives me such pleasure. Fuuko is everything. I'm highly anticipating how this will end though its rare that I like all three characters enough to be happy with either relationship winning out in the finale.

I think that's the recipe for a great story when all characters are likeable unlike certain other manga where some characters piss you off enough to drop it altogether.

joined Apr 19, 2018

This is such an insane take and I am here for it.

Maybe the real treasure was the insane takes we had along the way.

I have not enjoyed a manga in a long time, as much as I enjoyed this.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Fuuko I love you

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Real cheater here is Nanase, not Asahina.
She is not capable to find right balance between her club activities, her friends, AND her girlfriend.
I have no sorry for her because she deserves everything what is happening behind her back.
She is greedy and selfish, wanting more than she's capable to manage. That's why I already said she in not ready for a girlfriend.
And she must take the blow, she initiated it.

This is not about moral norms, it's about natural forces, action-reaction, call it karma, however you want.

joined Jan 30, 2012

Everyone here sucks and all but I can't lie, Fuuko is just so fucking hot that I'm rooting for her purely based off of that.

joined Jun 15, 2021

She needs to draw a small arc for both Asahina and Nanase, to explain what their domestic relationship is like. We already know in regards to Fuu.

joined Feb 20, 2022

And Fuuko adds sexual assault to her general stalking and manipulation! Luckily I'm here for the mess. Glad to see this series back, looking forward to continuing to feel gross in a perversely enjoyable way.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Question why people are rooting for Fuuko is very interesting.

She is confident, knows exactly what she wants. She knows when to push when to pool, and how. She is not distasteful in her actions, nor pretender (like Nanase)
She is very measured, intelligent and mature. And has a patience.

She said multiple times that she LOVES Asahina.
It means all stared by finding her venting account by accident, sharing same interest in girls.
At first she follows it without knowing who is behind. From a detail that she knows about 3rd month anniversary (I think so, there is a panel with exact month but I'm not sure)
At least 3 months backwards she was developing her genuine feelings for an unknown girl.
She had a lot of time to see how previously happy girl becomes unhappy.
And after finding out who the girl is, she decides to step in, already tired from falling in love with straight girls. Because she knows Asahina is attracted to girls, and she takes her chance.

It's true, Asahina is already taken, but from her venting account Fuuko sees that relationship is not healthy. So her motives to interfere are not despicable, I can say almost noble, even if she looks like homewrecker if you look from another perspective about "ruining one established couple"
But what if that couple is already "ruined"? (actually going nowhere related only to each other)
And she is just accelerating them to face reality, interfering and fighting for the girl she loves. (I really expect that her feelings are true, not lies)

More than enough reasons to root for Fuuko.

last edited at Feb 2, 2023 6:52PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

And Fuuko adds sexual assault to her general stalking and manipulation! Luckily I'm here for the mess. Glad to see this series back, looking forward to continuing to feel gross in a perversely enjoyable way.

I don't agree about sexual assault.
Look every panel and pictures she's taken, and how Yuni-chan looks
Every time Fuuko is teasing her how she is secretly enjoying those ntr actions. Fuuko is excellently reading Yuni, her needs, her desires, her true emotions. And she would never hurt her (hurting as cause of serious damages), look better at psychology of both characters
You would not believe how compatible are Fuuko and Yuni in every aspect.

last edited at Feb 2, 2023 7:15PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

And Fuuko adds sexual assault to her general stalking and manipulation! Luckily I'm here for the mess. Glad to see this series back, looking forward to continuing to feel gross in a perversely enjoyable way.

I don't agree about sexual assault.
Look every panel and pictures she's taken, and how Yuni-chan looks
Every time Fuuko is teasing her how she is secretly enjoying those ntr actions. Fuuko is excellently reading Yuni, her needs, her desires, her true emotions. And she would never hurt her (hurting as cause of serious damages), look better at psychology of both characters
You would not believe how compatible are Fuuko and Yuni in every aspect.

So, soul-mates, really. Lol

I don’t necessarily come to manga looking for good people, so this mess is fine with me.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

And Fuuko adds sexual assault to her general stalking and manipulation! Luckily I'm here for the mess. Glad to see this series back, looking forward to continuing to feel gross in a perversely enjoyable way.

I don't agree about sexual assault.
Look every panel and pictures she's taken, and how Yuni-chan looks
Every time Fuuko is teasing her how she is secretly enjoying those ntr actions. Fuuko is excellently reading Yuni, her needs, her desires, her true emotions. And she would never hurt her (hurting as cause of serious damages), look better at psychology of both characters
You would not believe how compatible are Fuuko and Yuni in every aspect.

So, soul-mates, really. Lol

I don’t necessarily come to manga looking for good people, so this mess is fine with me.

Well, I suppose we all already know moral norms, I'm not here for preaching what is morally acceptable, this is only my personal opinion observing details in manga

For real sexual assault Yuni should be completely repulsed by any other physical contact with assaulter. I think we will see in future chapters whether there was sexual assault or not. And feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

joined Apr 6, 2019

And feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

You're not wrong.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

For real sexual assault Yuni should be completely repulsed by any other physical contact with assaulter. I think we will see in future chapters whether there was sexual assault or not. And feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

"real" sexual assault doesn't work like that. The victim can feel powerless, be blackmailed, feel pressured, and a fuck ton of other reason can lead them to just accepting fate. "she should be repulsed by physical contact" so if a girl gets wet while being harassed that means she wants that? Just because she didn't fought back doesn't mean she is okay with it, don't forget that fuuko has been blackmiling Yuni since the very beggining with the venting acount and the fact that they're lesbians. Yuni wouldn't want that to be exposed since her girlfriend is not ready yet.

edited cus I got a name wrong

I am speaking STRICTLY about different aspects in MANGA, and it is my right as the reader to observe everything from my own perspectives, even many, in many ways.
Don't cross my borders, because you did cut my first part of the quote to rearrange my words.
I am not speaking about real life sexual assaults and I won't discuss it here. It's all written in my previous comment which you did cut in half.
Now, "Real sexual assault" when you cut my whole quote is actually:

-If Yuni truly was assaulted by Fuuko she would feel physically repulsed by her
(and I don't feel repulsion between them, and it's my personal feeling)

So, pass me by and find some other place and person to rage

joined May 13, 2018

Get yourself a friend who cares about you the way Yuki cares about Natsume. I find it hilarious how the way she texts fits so well with her personality. Scanlators did a great job capturing that aspect.

joined Jun 15, 2021

re: sexual assault brief discussion: a very important feeling after being sexual assaulted, is self-blame. All sort of psychological and physiological problems will start to show up later or even right off the bat, and this can ruin any present and future relationships.

The closest sexual assault incident was Yuni almost got raped by the two guys, but was saved by Fuuko, yet she does not even appreciate and thanks Fuuko.

Yuni has no obligation to have sex with Fuuko as a way to pay back the travel expense. Fuuko booked a room with two single beds, not a double. Yuni seemed to be doing fine while having sex with Fuuko. Fuuko did not ask for sex directly,
Yuni is dumb, She can easily explain that in order to go support nanase for the match, she did a compensate dating. In that case, it is not quite cheating and it is now in the grey area as prostitution. It sends a clue to Nanase that Yuni is so poor that she is willing to sell her body to get money for travel expenses. Whether she has sex with Fuuko it does not matter, and indeed there is no need to reveal, especially Yuki only see their kissing and obviously not sex. Yuni has absolutely no reason to reveal to anyone whether she has sex with Fuuko or not. No witnesses.
Fuuko wants love more than anything else. Sex is just the icing on the cake.
So yes, team Fuuko is here, and I will not ship anyone: Yuni is beyond help, Nanase is too late and too slow plus too naive.

last edited at Feb 5, 2023 7:01PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yuni is dumb, She can easily explain that in order to go support nanase for the match, she did a compensate dating. In that case, it is not quite cheating and it is now in the grey area as prostitution.

I don't even see how it's suposs to make it not cheating. She had sex with another girl than the one she is going out with, it's cheating, money or not. I don't understand the logic.

joined Jan 27, 2023

(This post contains spoilers for chapters 6-11)

Yuni has no obligation to have sex with Fuuko as a way to pay back the travel expense. Fuuko booked a room with two single beds, not a double. Yuni seemed to be doing fine while having sex with Fuuko. Fuuko did not ask for sex directly

You even said it yourself. Yuni had sex with Fuuko all on her own will. Fuko never pressured Yuni and even paid for a room with two single beds. It was Yuni out of frustration for Nanase who instigated it with Fuuko and had sex with her behind Nanase's back. So tell me how was she not cheating on Nanase?

Yuni is dumb, She can easily explain that in order to go support nanase for the match, she did a compensate dating. In that case, it is not quite cheating and it is now in the grey area as prostitution.

You could have called Yuni ambiguous when she initially agreed to the compensated dating but after she instigated the sex with Fuuko, there was no mistaking it. Yuni absolutely and mercilessly cheated on Nanase and there is no forgiving her for that act. There is no saving Yuni. She is done. She has made her bed and now she has to lie in it with nobody else to blame but herself

I don't even see how it's suposs to make it not cheating. She had sex with another girl than the one she is going out with, it's cheating, money or not. I don't understand the logic.

I agree with this smart fellow

last edited at Feb 5, 2023 10:28PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Question is why Yuni must compensate ANYTHING if she already has a girlfriend? And why she needs a venting account after all?

I am constantly seeing how she's helplessly trying to reach to Nanase, and Nanase is blocking her over and over.
It's not surprising for me if other ways are opening to Yuni, even morally questionable. Her own gf is blocking access, pushing her away constantly.

I am questioning, is this really a cheating? Because her relationship with Nanase is ZERO, nothing.
If they call themselves a girlfriends, is it enough?

joined Jun 15, 2021

She can easily explain that in order to go support nanase for the match, she did a compensate dating. In that case, it is not quite cheating and it is now in the grey area as prostitution.

That is the key here. Both cheating and prostitution elements are here. How you interpret these two words is up to you. For me it is a compromise between cheating and prostitution. Cheating has some elements of love in it, plus you know the person whom you cheated with. Prostitution has no such thing and is purely a financial deal. So in this case, it is a half-and-half. (or 100% both).
If someone who has a girlfriend, and who is completely drunk or high on drugs, and ended up having sex in that condition with some completely random stranger inside a bar bathroom, and got paid for it....half and half or 100% both is the same.

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Yeah, I understand that, if she only does compensate dating without cheating, it would be OK telling Nanase

But here we have Nanase putting Asahina in the spot, into very embarrassing and humiliating situation
Nanase does not ask about circumstances, she's just assuming that Yuni will be there, cheering on her.
Nanase is cruel, totally insensitive. She will be surrounded with girls from club, spend night with them, and she asks Asahina to come ALONE and wander around

It's completely selfish and inconsiderate.

There's no chance that Yuni can tell her about lacking money
without humiliating herself more than gaining money even by prostitution

That's why this manga is so interesting. All morally questionable things are challenged and justified

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