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joined May 13, 2018

Someone linked the raws for chapter 15 on another site and oh my fuck that relationship is all over lmao

joined Jun 15, 2021

This is gonna end with all three sides getting hurt, right? Nanase will probably be the one who breaks it off with Yuni and then end up with that girl from the club. I really want to know why Fuuko is so obsessed with Yuni tho. What made the yandere a yandere?

Fuuko has been following Yuni's blog for quite awhile, so she knows Yuni's temperament, so this is already an advantage. The other is that she knows Yuni being gay. Since people are inside the closet, confessing to someone can lead to disaster if the person is a homophobe. Out is easy, coming out is totally difficult. Not everyone's coming out get the same treatment.

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 6:39AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

Oh hey thanks for the update, no offense against the other translators I appreciate them working on the series, but it was a little rough

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 9:25AM

joined Mar 25, 2021

it's becoming worse and worse lmao i'm so glad i didn't date in high school if it was gonna be like this holy damn

joined Apr 25, 2020

It's back lol, I had already forgotten about this but this is the only yuri out there that's doing something slightly different from the rest so it's always interesting

joined Jun 1, 2020

I'm not gonna lie. Main reason I've been following this is that I love the artist's style and works, and this is really fucking hot, especially some of the stuff I've seen in subsequent chapters. That said, I do not know that I still have it in me to keep following this. This absurd trainwreck isn't really what I'm looking for, though I cannot say it isn't entertaining.

I will say that in all honesty, I prefer that Yuni and Fuuka end up together in the end. They actually have chemistry and some sort of dynamic going. If only it could develop in a more wholesome manner, I'd be ecstatic. Conversely, Natsume has not done a single thing in what I've read to actually redeem herself or even make an interesting character of herself, which is big reason for my preference. In any case, we'll see what's what.

joined Apr 27, 2014

I've been blessed with the return of this series!!! Thaaaaaaaaaank you people who translate, upload and do the do!!!!!

joined Mar 13, 2014

Natsume reads as a little innocent and oblivious to Yuni's needs, but it's clear that she is learning from her mistakes and trying to be more affectionate. I like that she's flawed but not actively malicious, but unfortunately she's going to get really hurt.

joined Oct 21, 2017

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

Their translations were not that bad jeez, At least they kept us updated on what's going on, Show a little respect for their efforts.

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 1:24PM

joined Jun 12, 2015

Yuni is shit.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Nanase... look at the two melonpan girls. They're prolly just friends but I swear to Gawd they act way more like girlfriends than you and Yuni!

They even can accurately pinpoint the reasons why you're a horrible gf who is totally gonna lose Yuni in the future.

Btw I can't remember whether we've met teammate Yuki before or she's a brand new character. Either way, I can already tell she's gonna be the one who comforts Nanase after Yuni dumps her sorry ass.

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 1:32PM

joined Jun 15, 2021

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

I must say that the previous translator did a good job to the point that it is understandable. I read the RAW, so for me a decent translation will be enough, having two scanlations means it gives me an even better perspective in comparison.
For example. Page 4 (Page 291 in Comic Yurihime raw) bottom panel, "部活の内容にわあんま興味ないんだよな" Nobody can come up with the perfect translation, simply because Japanese and English are too far apart linguistically. I remember my Latin teacher said "English is a very weak language", and just the above line shows exactly what he meant: My own reading would be "(I'm not really interested in) the details of the club activities.". The two translations are Yo's "what the club does" and yours "what goes on in her club". To me they are pretty much the same, even though all three do not put the word "club" at the very front of the sentence. A straight word by word translation can be like this: Club activities' details not interested... (which is BAD English)

I would say just appreciate more than one group willing to do the scanalation at all. If you really want to understand what is going on, read the raw, and have your Japanese (hiragana and katagana) and Japanese Kanji dictionary ready. One year should help you pretty much understand the grammar. Words wise it will take a whole lot more time. Get a Japanese keyboard if needed.

No, don't ask me for translation. I know I suck.

joined Jun 12, 2019

I hope volleyball girl breaks up with the m.c. and gets with her club member. This toxic ass relationship needs to hurry up and die

joined Sep 20, 2022

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

THANK YOU!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

joined Sep 20, 2022

Nanase... look at the two melonpan girls. They're prolly just friends but I swear to Gawd they act way more like girlfriends than you and Yuni!

Bet they're secretly dating. Or in love but neither has confessed yet. They need their own manga: "Our yuri love that started with a melonpan!"

Daremo from Parts Unknown
joined May 6, 2022

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

Thank you so much! You're the bestest!!

joined Oct 21, 2017

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

I must say that the previous translator did a good job to the point that it is understandable. I read the RAW, so for me a decent translation will be enough, having two scanlations means it gives me an even better perspective in comparison.
For example. Page 4 (Page 291 in Comic Yurihime raw) bottom panel, "部活の内容にわあんま興味ないんだよな" Nobody can come up with the perfect translation, simply because Japanese and English are too far apart linguistically. I remember my Latin teacher said "English is a very weak language", and just the above line shows exactly what he meant: My own reading would be "(I'm not really interested in) the details of the club activities.". The two translations are Yo's "what the club does" and yours "what goes on in her club". To me they are pretty much the same, even though all three do not put the word "club" at the very front of the sentence. A straight word by word translation can be like this: Club activities' details not interested... (which is BAD English)

I would say just appreciate more than one group willing to do the scanalation at all. If you really want to understand what is going on, read the raw, and have your Japanese (hiragana and katagana) and Japanese Kanji dictionary ready. One year should help you pretty much understand the grammar. Words wise it will take a whole lot more time. Get a Japanese keyboard if needed.

No, don't ask me for translation. I know I suck.

At least someone here understands.

joined Oct 14, 2014

Masina, your understanding of both translation and the languages in question seems quite poor...
Like, yes, different languages put words in different orders. Old English had very different syntax compared to modern English. The only case in which a translator wouldn't shuffle the verbiage a lot would be song lyrics, in which the cadence and rhythm are important, so changing the sentence structure requires a much more indepth rewriting.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

I must say that the previous translator did a good job to the point that it is understandable.

"Understandable" is a very poor standard.

In this case, it's not a question of the way of writing the sentences. That Yoel guy just mistranslated half of it and a lot of sentence don't make sense at all.

Page 22 of his TL: "Having a good affair". It doesn't make sense. She actually saying that it felt food to cheat.

Page 23 of his TL: "I wonder what people would think if we got mad at each other". I mean, what? That translation comes directly from google/deepl. But actually, she's talking about the nurse that would get mad at both of them.

And on, and on...

The translation currently on MD is utter garbage and if that satisfies you, you have taste for garbage.

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 2:42PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

Somehow current situation about translations is speaking exactly what is happening in manga. Let's put it like this:

Translator here is Nanase. Who is not giving to Asahina (to us readers) ANY attention (better translation) what we need from her
And then comes Fuuko (other translator) who is continually giving us what we crave.
Maybe it's not the best quality we imagined, but at least she is showing with deeds all what Nanase does not give to Asahina (to us)

Well, some will side with Nanase, some with Fuuko, some with both, depends on the reader,
we are not so different from characters in this manga.

If you want to do the right thing, give your best and do your best, because this manga is gem, a real jewel and masterpiece about multiple overlapping drama triangles and it deserves the best of the best translations

So, I hope you will get my points, and finally start to enjoy complexity of the story and character developments.

Someone CREATED this manga and gave their best insight in life giving me a thrill and awe
Discussions about translations are very trivial compared to it. Just give it to us

Love you all in advance

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 4:19PM

joined Mar 8, 2022

I feel bad for Nanase. It's clear she's bad at managing things in her life

joined Jun 15, 2021

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

I must say that the previous translator did a good job to the point that it is understandable.

"Understandable" is a very poor standard.

In this case, it's not a question of the way of writing the sentences. That Yoel guy just mistranslated half of it and a lot of sentence don't make sense at all.

Page 22 of his TL: "Having a good affair". It doesn't make sense. She actually saying that it felt food to cheat.

I know that.

Page 23 of his TL: "I wonder what people would think if we got mad at each other". I mean, what? That translation comes directly from google/deepl. But actually, she's talking about the nurse that would get mad at both of them.

I know that too.

If I have a Japanese keyboard I can also type in dialogues and dump it to some web programs such as google. You have to be an idiot to think that the translation result is 100% correct. Sometimes it makes no sense.

The most important reason why I need a translation is that I want to know certain dialogues that are crucial. For me it is a double check. The rest of them, I really do not care. Whether it is "correct" or "incorrect" the impact was not that important.

If you barely know Japanese, then a correct translation is a must, especially to those who do not know how to use a kanji dictionary, or do not have a Japanese keyboard. I have a virtual one, which is tolerable.

As you can see, 2 years of University and 5 years working for a Japanese firm, I am STILL relying on translation in order to adjust my own interpretation.

Yo did state that she would do it until someone picked it up. To be honest, this will be a Darwin situation, whichever is better will survive. You have 8 chapters to catch up and I am sure for each chapter that you did, Yo will yank hers.

This is funny since I used to work for a computer company whose expertise is to use our proprietary program to translate software and hardware into a non-English product. It was at the end of proprietary programming and the beginning of translation via web and AI. Some of us got pouched by internet companies who started to do these things. Japanese is my 5th language, but ended up as the major language we used in business.

Real person is always better. At one point, we hired my own Japanese professor as a contractor. We also hired military personnel since who else is better at translation other than them?

The one weird thing is the official translation always seem to be less accurate (or bad English) than the scanlations. I never understand why.

Oh, don't think that I am not thankful, I am. Thank you for your hard work.

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 4:34PM

Finding Jessica Lambert
joined Jun 20, 2020

I feel bad for Nanase. It's clear she's bad at managing things in her life

Nanase (I'm speaking strictly about character in manga) is still immature and totally not ready for a girlfriend and relationship. Unconsciously she is even humiliating Asahina and it returns to her as NTR boomerang Asahina-Fuuko relation

I think she needs serious slap of reality for personal growth as a character, or she will not move anywhere, nor improve ever.

I approve everything between Asahina and Fuuko.
Even if it hurts Nanase, it will be good for her development. She is sheltered, spoiled and self-centered, and she needs something shocking to wake her up.
I think she is not deeply connected to Asahina to be hurt really badly.
They are somehow mismatch, in my opinion.
Personally I feel deeper connection and understanding between Asahina and Fuuko, as starting point for real relationship between them.
And I simply love that tsundere-yandere dynamic between them!

I'm very curious to see the way how author will shift all the characters and see further development of situation.

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 5:51PM

joined Oct 21, 2017

I have no problem offending them: it was, and still is, trash machine translation by someone who doesn't know either English or Japanese.

Some people insisted I take over, because the translation on MD is godawful.

I must say that the previous translator did a good job to the point that it is understandable.

"Understandable" is a very poor standard.

In this case, it's not a question of the way of writing the sentences. That Yoel guy just mistranslated half of it and a lot of sentence don't make sense at all.

Page 22 of his TL: "Having a good affair". It doesn't make sense. She actually saying that it felt food to cheat.

I know that.

Page 23 of his TL: "I wonder what people would think if we got mad at each other". I mean, what? That translation comes directly from google/deepl. But actually, she's talking about the nurse that would get mad at both of them.

I know that too.

If I have a Japanese keyboard I can also type in dialogues and dump it to some web programs such as google. You have to be an idiot to think that the translation result is 100% correct. Sometimes it makes no sense.

The most important reason why I need a translation is that I want to know certain dialogues that are crucial. For me it is a double check. The rest of them, I really do not care. Whether it is "correct" or "incorrect" the impact was not that important.

If you barely know Japanese, then a correct translation is a must, especially to those who do not know how to use a kanji dictionary, or do not have a Japanese keyboard. I have a virtual one, which is tolerable.

As you can see, 2 years of University and 5 years working for a Japanese firm, I am STILL relying on translation in order to adjust my own interpretation.

Yo did state that she would do it until someone picked it up. To be honest, this will be a Darwin situation, whichever is better will survive. You have 8 chapters to catch up and I am sure for each chapter that you did, Yo will yank hers.

This is funny since I used to work for a computer company whose expertise is to use our proprietary program to translate software and hardware into a non-English product. It was at the end of proprietary programming and the beginning of translation via web and AI. Some of us got pouched by internet companies who started to do these things. Japanese is my 5th language, but ended up as the major language we used in business.

Real person is always better. At one point, we hired my own Japanese professor as a contractor. We also hired military personnel since who else is better at translation other than them?

The one weird thing is the official translation always seem to be less accurate (or bad English) than the scanlations. I never understand why.

Oh, don't think that I am not thankful, I am. Thank you for your hard work.

Masina Thank you for being the reasonable & understanding person on this dilemma.

last edited at Jan 31, 2023 6:40PM

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