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joined Jun 15, 2021

Thank you. Now I have some basic translation to read and understand better from the raw.

joined Jun 21, 2021

If my checking on jisho isn't wrong then the Kanji used for "farewell letter" here can also mean suicide note, soooooo

last edited at Sep 27, 2022 9:53PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Why would her first immediate thought be "this lady is crazy" and not "she must have some sort of illness"

Maybe just that she looks so lively and healthy. Sure, you and I know that in manga you can be in the late stages of terminal illness and seem totally just fine until the moment you collapse, but SHE doesn't know that. ;)

Also she mentioned planning the time, which I suppose could refer to euthanasia before whatever it is gets really bad, but normally you time that kind of thing based on the progress of symptoms, you don't schedule it for nice funeral weather or whatever.

joined Sep 3, 2022

Maybe she wants to fake her death like "lol bye, I'm out"

joined May 7, 2022

Really hope the second chapter comes soon. This first chapter was… interesting.
(Don’t know if in a good way or a bad one)

joined Aug 28, 2018

This is such a banger first chapter what

joined Sep 25, 2021

it’s kinda cool to see the premise and the tag interact with each other. “slice of life” and “a girl who’s about to die” is a cool combo

joined Apr 25, 2021

It's finally translated.... TSYM <3

joined Apr 16, 2020

MC's right, only someone vengeful would do that and now she's being used for the other's revenge towards whoever she is vengeful with--those she directly or indirectly blame for her future death. But hey, MC doesn't have to read it all anyway since the girl would've already been dead.

last edited at Sep 28, 2022 3:05AM

joined Jul 23, 2019

¡Reflautas, está reloca!

joined Aug 16, 2018

If my checking on jisho isn't wrong then the Kanji used for "farewell letter" here can also mean suicide note, soooooo

Wow. This gives everything a whole new meaning. If the mc understands "farewell letter" as "suicide note" then there's no mystery about the cause of Sayaka's forthcoming death.

When I first read the chapter I had a lot of questions. Like, why the mc never asks for details about the circumstances that will lead to Sayaka's passing. Or how come she's so rude in some of her replies. ("I'll read your damned letter!") But if Sayaka pretty much opened up by admitting she's gonna kill herself, it makes sense for our wannabe seiyuu to be on edge, reticent and nervously tense.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Man, that premise is dark AF. Unless it's all a publicity stunt/art project by the Instagram model Sayaka and she doesn't really intend to die, just to play out a what-if scenario?

Why would her first immediate thought be "this lady is crazy" and not "she must have some sort of illness"

My interpretation is that empathy requires energy, and Yanimaru is so burned out after seven years of grind, it is easier for her to just dismiss Sayaka as a crazy person, rather than assuming that she is sick, as that would almost inevitably make her feel compassion for her and drain her already limited resources.

last edited at Sep 28, 2022 4:38AM

joined Apr 27, 2021

Wow, that's a heavy first chapter. Also super happy to have Miyahara Miyako back, her previous manga is my absolute favourite. But I guess she's not in charge of the story this time

joined Sep 20, 2016

Why would her first immediate thought be "this lady is crazy" and not "she must have some sort of illness"

or "she must be going through hard time.."
like how is that her first reaction?

she says the word d so easily hon..ive got news to you, you're SO gonna regret this in the future when you fall in love w her im so sorry

joined Jul 31, 2019

Halfway through reading this I was thinking she's planning to fake her own death, but picking a dress to look nice in the coffin kind of puts a dent into that theory :P

It's not really about death, is it? Like in a literal sense I mean. Because the first page shows both of them at a funeral (I assume) and alive.

I'm pretty sure this is just a cover and it doesn't need to portray anything that actually happens in the story, so I wouldn't read too much into it. I don't think we can really interpret what they're talking about as anything other than literal death.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, that was quite the start... Makes you wonder why she will die, wants to die, or whether she'll die at all at the very end...

If my checking on jisho isn't wrong then the Kanji used for "farewell letter" here can also mean suicide note, soooooo

In my native Estonian, that is literally what a suicide note is called.

joined Jun 21, 2021

If my checking on jisho isn't wrong then the Kanji used for "farewell letter" here can also mean suicide note, soooooo

To go into this a bit more, on page 13 we see Sayaka use the term 遺書 (with furigana いしょ). Which, according to jisho, can mean "note left by a dead person; suicide note; testamentary letter; will; testament", and is also the wikipedia definition of a suicide note.

Compare that to 遺言 (ゆいごん) which is defined as "will; testament; last request; dying wish" and is also the wikipedia definition for a Will in legal terms.

I don't anything about the cultural side of things but just going off of possible interpretative meanings, i feel like if Sayaka just wanted to have Yunimaru read a regular Last Will kinda testament, she would've said Yuigon, not Isho.

joined Dec 22, 2021

After Sayaka talks about "what the rate is for a voice actress of your position is", and then offers five hundred thousand yen.

I am surprised the MC did not ask if she had the wrong person.
Since she makes more from a retail job.

joined Jun 11, 2016

Couldn't it be a social funeral? Like leaving her current social life behind and saying farewell to her past... and become someone else... at least that's what I hope for instead of the terminal illness or suicidal route cries

why is no one talking about this comment? This is also a possibility, and personally I find this the most likely case.

Or maybe girl is just really suicidal. Ngl I kinda relate to her doing this lol.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Couldn't it be a social funeral? Like leaving her current social life behind and saying farewell to her past... and become someone else... at least that's what I hope for instead of the terminal illness or suicidal route cries

why is no one talking about this comment? This is also a possibility, and personally I find this the most likely case.

Or maybe girl is just really suicidal. Ngl I kinda relate to her doing this lol.

Having correctly predicted the plots of several previous serial manga, and yet never received my winnings at all, I’m just waiting to see what the story actually says.

joined Jul 28, 2020

Oh~, so it's from the same author as "Even If It Was Just Once", both the character design and the tone feel pretty different, but that makes me appreciate their new approach even more!
Anyhow, I really hope it's suicide, since it would be very interesting to see MC have a breakdown over the idea that a denizen of 'Reality' could be unhappy enough to plan their own death.

joined Mar 4, 2018

Pork sausage, please don't wear lemon. U2 is a fate worse than death! Easy to tell why Miss VA didn't get any gigs with that rotten attitude seeping from every orifice.

joined Jan 13, 2021

The manga adaptation of Megamind is shaping up to be pretty good.

joined Jun 15, 2021

well, it finally was scalated. Thank you.

joined Aug 1, 2011

Why would her first immediate thought be "this lady is crazy" and not "she must have some sort of illness"

To be fair, that wasn't the only odd part of her request. She was treating the MC like a famous voice actress or, at least, someone getting a lot of work and who's talents are in demand, when it would be clear to anyone who's heard of them that they're functionally a nobody. There's also the way she contacted the MC, out of the blue, and the collaboration portion of the request.

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