Forum › Fall In Love With The Empress discussion

joined Aug 16, 2018

Yeah ok you know what? forget the mc, the emperor, the wannabe concubines, and that horse too: Miss Gongdou is BEST GIRL and I'm head over heels crazy about her. I want her for myself!!! ( ͡♥ ͜ʖ ͡♥)

joined Jul 6, 2020

So big picture-wise, does this count as an isekai? Do readers call them isekai or is this a totally distinct Chinese genre?

Generally chinese series will use the word "transmigration" to refer to the actual act of being transported to another world, but I think that yes it would count? I'd wait for a few others to give some second opinions since I'm not entirely certain.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Thank you so very much, Zokoi, and also Cornonthekopp and everyone who kindly took the time to write an exposition of the genre & context of this manhua story! Thanks to you I finally understand what's going on, I was hopelessly lost before.

No problem! Everyone has to learn somewhere and I'm happy to have helped u understand better. There are a ton of really good GL series coming out of china so I'm just happy that we're starting to get some more people reading and learning about these series

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Super convoluted setup. I guess the gist isn't too hard to understand, but still. Quite the mess.

Historical setting are so good

Yes, modern times really miss those virtual cards that influence random people into doing random stuff ...

I find myself imagining someone saying "It's time to (palace) du-du-du-duel!!!"

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

All in all, I've decided I don't much like this genre. Too artificial for my taste.

joined Jan 22, 2017

For now I'm shipping mc and the heroine. The Empress is nice too, though. I don't mind a weird story if the art is that pretty.

joined Oct 12, 2017

This is gorgeous but wtf is going on? XD

joined May 20, 2022

The art is amazing but I chuckled because it reminds me of those app game ads on IG where the plot makes 0 sense and the choices they give you ie: 1.swallow Fire
2. breathe underwater.
3. Die.
Lmao the art always looks like this with a similar set up but I’ll still read this because I’ll take all the Yuri I can get.

joined Jun 21, 2021

This actually makes me think that we could use a proper tag (with an explanation on its page) for this kind of specific setting, since more and more manhua with it are being translated. system transmigration or smth along those lines.

joined Aug 21, 2017

The art is amazing but I chuckled because it reminds me of those app game ads on IG where the plot makes 0 sense and the choices they give you ie: 1.swallow Fire
2. breathe underwater.
3. Die.
Lmao the art always looks like this with a similar set up but I’ll still read this because I’ll take all the Yuri I can get.

That's what I was thinking! Just gotta roll with the wacky system shenanigans I guess.

joined Jul 15, 2016

All in all, I've decided I don't much like this genre. Too artificial for my taste.

I can definitely see what you mean by artificial, especially since novels like General and Princess and Ruzhui demonstrate that it's perfectly possible to write Historical Imperial-era romance without any "systems" to reward and punish the protagonist... But I will follow this one for the pretty art for the time being. :-)

joined Jul 20, 2011

For now I'm shipping mc and the heroine. The Empress is nice too, though. I don't mind a weird story if the art is that pretty.

I wouldn't mind a love triangle where Heroine and Empress vie for MC's love, preferably with poly ending.

Bonus points if they seduce little Miss Gongdou in the process.

last edited at Aug 22, 2022 3:19AM

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

i'm interested

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

This actually makes me think that we could use a proper tag (with an explanation on its page) for this kind of specific setting, since more and more manhua with it are being translated. system transmigration or smth along those lines.

Yeah that's what I was thinking too. My question is, what is this genre commonly localized as?

joined Apr 16, 2022

Yeah that's what I was thinking too. My question is, what is this genre commonly localized as?

Novel Updates uses "System Administrator"

joined Jul 29, 2017

All in all, I've decided I don't much like this genre. Too artificial for my taste.

Agreed. The baseline art is very appealing, but the sudden eruption of video-game-derived imagery is too much ping-ponging between eras for my personal cognitive faculties.

last edited at Aug 22, 2022 2:12PM

joined Aug 23, 2018

I love it already

joined Apr 12, 2018

For now I'm shipping mc and the heroine. The Empress is nice too, though.


joined Nov 27, 2016

whoever jeijei is I’m rooting for her, that was fricking cute

joined Jul 6, 2020

I’m wondering if she was faking it or if the “debuff” from her soul and body not being integrated fully just has a bad effect on her eyesight

LunaaSnow Uploader
Zephyr Scans
joined Oct 7, 2021

I’m wondering if she was faking it or if the “debuff” from her soul and body not being integrated fully just has a bad effect on her eyesight

It's the latter! That's why she keeps coughing and can't see at night lol

On another note, MC was transmigrated into this mission world through the body of a suitable corpse, so the higher her fusion levels, the more she'll grow to look like her original body

LunaaSnow Uploader
Zephyr Scans
joined Oct 7, 2021

whoever jeijei is I’m rooting for her, that was fricking cute

We'll know in chapter 3!

joined Apr 12, 2018

That was an interesting encounter. Wondering who Jeijei is, and if the person we encountered was indeed her, or our protagonist's poor eyesight getting in the way. I feel like I missed some crucial context to make that interaction make sense, but I enjoyed it all the same.

I’m wondering if she was faking it or if the “debuff” from her soul and body not being integrated fully just has a bad effect on her eyesight

It's the latter! That's why she keeps coughing and can't see at night lol

On another note, MC was transmigrated into this mission world through the body of a suitable corpse, so the higher her fusion levels, the more she'll grow to look like her original body

Don't tell me the corpse she transmigrated into, is the body of the lady the Emperor loved before?

That would cause some... drama, to say the least.

last edited at Aug 25, 2022 4:00AM

joined Jun 27, 2017

That was an interesting encounter. Wondering who Jeijei is, and if the person we encountered was indeed her, or our protagonist's poor eyesight getting in the way. I feel like I missed some crucial context to make that interaction make sense, but I enjoyed it all the same.


The "Emperor", as we know, is actually a woman, so she's got this secluded spot in the palace where she can walk around as a woman without anyone noticing. Obviously, the heroine, through the power of protagonism, stumbles right into her. The reason she conveniently can't see anything is of course so the Emperor doesn't execute her for figuring out her secret (though were I the Emperor I wouldn't trust that one moment - off with her head! ^^).

At least that's my read of this. Seems fairly straightforward, especially compared to ch.1 ...

LunaaSnow Uploader
Zephyr Scans
joined Oct 7, 2021

Don't tell me the corpse she transmigrated into, is the body of the lady the Emperor loved before?

That would cause some... drama, to say the least.

The corpse is just a corpse (lol), no relation to the overarching plot whatsoever! But there /is/ a subplot about the Emperor's dead love relating to MC

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