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joined Dec 18, 2021

I'll give this a 7.

joined Jan 2, 2022

No kiss after the confession? Is there at least going to be an extra chapter or omake or something? This felt like a non ending.

joined Jan 9, 2017

I like the time skip, and I'd like to think her power came back

joined Jan 1, 2021

I'll give this 7.6. The storyline are very good but kinda sad that three of them didn't end up together but still it's really a good story. Also tysm for translating this manga it was good ^^

joined Jun 5, 2018

The prophesied incest 'arrow' finally made its debut in the last chapter. All's well that ends well.

joined Apr 25, 2018

Is this subtext triad

I suppose it could be worse!

joined Jun 6, 2013

WOW so Rinna just gets unapologetically friend zoned and ends up alone? WTF AUTHOR!? Weak ass rushed ending, did this series get the axe or something? Feels like the author straight up tried to take back the fact that this series was a competition between Rinna and Sayu at the end and basically retconned that Rinna was in love with the main character because “she gives it her all when it comes to love” and loves everyone. That is such BS. This ending was so damn rushed and unsatisfying and has amazingly gone from one of my favourite recent Yuri mangas to one of my biggest disappointments. It’s going to feel real bad taking this series of my favourites list. God dammit author…

The Red Dart here says it all.

Some people are saying that it would be forced if it was poly. But given the "she loves everyone" angle out of nowhere at the end, and the kiss Rinna and Sayu shared, I don't think it's that preposterous.

So unfortunate though. >_<

joined Mar 22, 2021

Wow, I was full sure this would be poly ending but at least the childhood friend won. I do feel that the poly ending could have happened if Rinna got more attention and another arc for herself as there was hints and I did enjoy her idol arc but she just didn't enough time for that ending to work.

Tbh I would have liked to see more of the arrows like when the two are dating and seeing her girlfriends arrow shrink and grow through the relationship but I am glad with what we got.

Tbh with the ending as a whole it does feel rushed but that happens to a lot of yuri sereis sadly so I am happy that we at least got an ending. I think this series is a nice short read.

Thanks for translating this!

last edited at Feb 13, 2022 4:50AM

joined Mar 14, 2021

Sayo my boo she's so gorgeous with short hair too I can't. I really didn't think it was gonna end like this but I'm so happy. For once it ended how I wanted it to.

last edited at Feb 13, 2022 5:06AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

What can i say other than i'm not surprised peoples are dissapointed and try to rewrite the manga to their liking. What kind of poly building are you talking about ? Seeing a poly couple working ? Cause that's mostly all you have and that's not an argument for me.
The whole story was about the MC witnessing differents forms of love and Poly was one of them,the ending goal was for her to find her own form of love,not just taking one and roll with it. If it would have been that, then the author would have focused more on one of the form of love. But poly like the others didn't get such treatement so it was clear it wasn't the ending.
Honestly, don't talk to me about the arrow between the two friends. A weak ass arrow that got shattered after the MC told the friend she like her and was never seen after. Hell, the childhood friend didn't had an arrow. "But they feel awkward about it", no shit Sherlock, they accidentaly kissed, of course they gonne be awkward about it at first.
Honestly, i think most of you see the poly couple and take your hope to delusionals levels of a poly ending when the ending, has rushed as it is,is perfectly fitting. It was already known that RInna tend to fall in love pretty easily, it's just that her love for the MC was stronger than for the others.

Bonus point for the poly couple saying what i just said

joined Sep 3, 2017

What can i say other than i'm not surprised peoples are dissapointed and try to rewrite the manga to their liking. What kind of poly building are you talking about ? Seeing a poly couple working ? Cause that's mostly all you have and that's not an argument for me.
The whole story was about the MC witnessing differents forms of love and Poly was one of them,the ending goal was for her to find her own form of love,not just taking one and roll with it. If it would have been that, then the author would have focused more on one of the form of love. But poly like the others didn't get such treatement so it was clear it wasn't the ending.
Honestly, don't talk to me about the arrow between the two friends. A weak ass arrow that got shattered after the MC told the friend she like her and was never seen after. Hell, the childhood friend didn't had an arrow. "But they feel awkward about it", no shit Sherlock, they accidentaly kissed, of course they gonne be awkward about it at first.
Honestly, i think most of you see the poly couple and take your hope to delusionals levels of a poly ending when the ending, has rushed as it is,is perfectly fitting. It was already known that RInna tend to fall in love pretty easily, it's just that her love for the MC was stronger than for the others.

Bonus point for the poly couple saying what i just said

lol if you dont like poly just say that but dont pretend like you cant see the buildup was happening or that its absurd that anyone could see the buildup lmao

joined Jun 25, 2019

What buildup ? If you want to contradict me then make an argument, don't just say "you're wrong lol". Peoples talk about a buildup but i don't see anything that look like a poly build up outside of the poly chapters. The others were just about a Love triangle.
I tell you my two cents: Almost nobody was thinking about a poly ending seriously before the poly chapters.They just get their hope up after the Poly chapters but if you read the chapters, there was no build up or hint to a poly ending after those chapters. Peoples just wanted to happen but there was no promises. The author never chicken out of a poly ending or was a coward because they probably didn't think about it or even let hints (which ones btw ?).
I never ever said i don't like Polyamory, i just dislike Poly resolution for a Love triangle. I've read some poly doujins and i liked it. Hell, i didn't say anything about the Poly Teachers didn't I ? Trust me that if i really didn't like Poly i would have talk about that.

joined Feb 8, 2022

Hmmm im a bit disappointed it didnt go poly like i hoped, like in the vn Curse of Kudan true ending lol. I mean i get why she fell in love with the childhood friend, but it seemed kinda rushed? But it was pleasantly surprising to have an actual kiss in the story haha

joined Mar 6, 2021

I liked this as a final chapter, I don't see why so many people are trashing it like this. Yes, it did feel like the last few chapters were rushed and I can understand the frustration towards the tired time-skip endings, but I liked how Rinna was handled tbh.

Thinking about it again, I'm not sure how a poly ending would have worked, since Sayo not only didn't show any romantic interest towards Rinna, but also got jealous when Mei hung out with other people. She clearly wanted Mei to herself. Perhaps it could have been done if Sayo and Rinna were given more time, but I guess that wasn't the author's (or the publisher's) intention. I definitely would have preferred if the kiss scene between them hadn't existed at all though... As I've said previously, that is a ridiculous trope and I can only understand its use when it actually helps progress the relationship of the characters involved. Otherwise it's just silly and unnecessary.

The prophesied incest 'arrow' finally made its debut in the last chapter. All's well that ends well.

Idk, I didn't read it like that. I went back to reread chapters 12.1 and 12.2 and it just didn't seem like that to me (or maybe it's because these types of incestuous relationships you see in manga seem completely absurd to me lol). I do have to wonder whether the author intended to hint at that with the panel of the two of them though, because it can be a bit hard to tell with this series...

joined Sep 5, 2019

For some reason, even though this was adapted from a novel the story feels so messy and meandering

joined May 29, 2021

Very rarely do I see a promising manga drop the ball so hard and so fast. The manga’s entire premise was dropped for the last arc, without her powers the story became boring and stock. The mangaka clearly had no plan for what do and when the axe came just glazed over everything for a lazy, unsatisfying ending for everyone. Setting aside the obvious poly backdown, even the actual romance was not written in a satisfying way. I’m convinced the people who liked it are more happy they won a meaningless shipping war than actually getting a good story. In any case I won’t be recommending this to anyone. It’s sometimes worse to be utterly mediocre than an outright train wreck.

joined Feb 10, 2022

Well this manga lacked explaining the arrow thing. It was supposed that she stopped seeing it cause she found love but even in the end she could still see them. I'm disappointed tbh cause it hinted me that it was gonna end with a 3 way relationship. I'll never understand the reason of the kiss between Sayo and Rinna and the times where Mei said she wanted to be with both of them, and that likes both of them. At least I wanted to see Rinna dating someone, Akane for example. This could have easily been(for me) the best manga with a 3p relationship but it wasnt. It's a bittersweet ending.

joined Feb 10, 2022

I liked this as a final chapter, I don't see why so many people are trashing it like this. Yes, it did feel like the last few chapters were rushed and I can understand the frustration towards the tired time-skip endings, but I liked how Rinna was handled tbh.

Thinking about it again, I'm not sure how a poly ending would have worked, since Sayo not only didn't show any romantic interest towards Rinna, but also got jealous when Mei hung out with other people. She clearly wanted Mei to herself. Perhaps it could have been done if Sayo and Rinna were given more time, but I guess that wasn't the author's (or the publisher's) intention. I definitely would have preferred if the kiss scene between them hadn't existed at all though... As I've said previously, that is a ridiculous trope and I can only understand its use when it actually helps progress the relationship of the characters involved. Otherwise it's just silly and unnecessary.

The prophesied incest 'arrow' finally made its debut in the last chapter. All's well that ends well.

Idk, I didn't read it like that. I went back to reread chapters 12.1 and 12.2 and it just didn't seem like that to me (or maybe it's because these types of incestuous relationships you see in manga seem completely absurd to me lol). I do have to wonder whether the author intended to hint at that with the panel of the two of them though, because it can be a bit hard to tell with this series...

For me at least, that kiss between Sayo and Rinna was the first step for then to love each other. Idk what happened maybe the authors just wanted to get rid of this manga and step back with the poly thing. Even they dont need to love each other to be in a 3p relationship with Mei. Sayo knew Rinna was in love with Mei and the authors could have easily make her share her love with Mei. Sayo didnt feel jealous, she just was feeling left out. Even Mei said she wanted to be with both in 14.1 but it wasnt ok cause of selfishness. If this was intended to finish like this since the beginning then those hints for a poly end and the accidental kiss were not necessary cause it made some of the readers to think of that type of ending. But we will never know. Seems mikami likes this type of manga where the mc have to choose one of out couple of girls so...

joined Jun 25, 2019

For some reason, even though this was adapted from a novel the story feels so messy and meandering

It wasn't a novel though

joined Feb 10, 2022

For some reason, even though this was adapted from a novel the story feels so messy and meandering

No, the one you're talking about is the other manga were the MC have to choose one between 4 girls. As far as I know this wasn't adapted from a novel.

joined Jan 23, 2017

That was obviously canned. Weak ending to a very interesting premise. Nothing satisfying happened in the end. Most of the side couples didn't get resolution. The main couple didn't even kiss. Stories like this make me wish we had more behind the scenes insight to these things. This is obviously not the planned ending. Rinna got nothing. She didn't even get her idol as a consolation prize though I wouldn't want that to happen out of nowhere. Oh well, another one to the don't revisit pile.

joined Mar 6, 2021

Sayo didnt feel jealous, she just was feeling left out.

I'm not so sure about that... Obviously she was feeling left out, but I think she always wanted to keep Mei to herself. I agree with your take on the kiss between Sayo and Rinna, it sure gave me the impression that the author wanted to start something between the two. That's why I'd rather they had never included it in the first place, if they weren't gonna do anything with it.

joined Sep 8, 2019

I liked this as a final chapter, I don't see why so many people are trashing it like this. Yes, it did feel like the last few chapters were rushed and I can understand the frustration towards the tired time-skip endings, but I liked how Rinna was handled tbh.

Thinking about it again, I'm not sure how a poly ending would have worked, since Sayo not only didn't show any romantic interest towards Rinna, but also got jealous when Mei hung out with other people. She clearly wanted Mei to herself. Perhaps it could have been done if Sayo and Rinna were given more time, but I guess that wasn't the author's (or the publisher's) intention. I definitely would have preferred if the kiss scene between them hadn't existed at all though... As I've said previously, that is a ridiculous trope and I can only understand its use when it actually helps progress the relationship of the characters involved. Otherwise it's just silly and unnecessary.

The prophesied incest 'arrow' finally made its debut in the last chapter. All's well that ends well.

Idk, I didn't read it like that. I went back to reread chapters 12.1 and 12.2 and it just didn't seem like that to me (or maybe it's because these types of incestuous relationships you see in manga seem completely absurd to me lol). I do have to wonder whether the author intended to hint at that with the panel of the two of them though, because it can be a bit hard to tell with this series...

-Her supernatural power gone
-Not explained
-Poly was hinted
-Think It doesn't work
-Want to run a normal 1-1 relationship but they get doesn't get proper romance chapter
-Most chapters are dropped towards other side characters with this Student council using her to solve the problems
-But not enough chapters for the main characters again
-No kiss, time skipped, and friend-zoned

Idk how do you people like this but who am I to judge? I am sure it is not something I would recommend considering how bad and rushed the ending was.

last edited at Feb 13, 2022 8:11AM

joined Oct 22, 2021

What buildup ? If you want to contradict me then make an argument, don't just say "you're wrong lol". Peoples talk about a buildup but i don't see anything that look like a poly build up outside of the poly chapters. The others were just about a Love triangle.
I tell you my two cents: Almost nobody was thinking about a poly ending seriously before the poly chapters.They just get their hope up after the Poly chapters but if you read the chapters, there was no build up or hint to a poly ending after those chapters. Peoples just wanted to happen but there was no promises. The author never chicken out of a poly ending or was a coward because they probably didn't think about it or even let hints (which ones btw ?).
I never ever said i don't like Polyamory, i just dislike Poly resolution for a Love triangle. I've read some poly doujins and i liked it. Hell, i didn't say anything about the Poly Teachers didn't I ? Trust me that if i really didn't like Poly i would have talk about that.

"Poly" route suggesting pages: and the following pages
whole chapter 8

That means we had a poly-suggesting page in every second chapter before it became obvious it was going to go full on sayo (ch 10).

  1. If a story that has X chapters has a whole chapter dedicated to poly relationship in an older person with similar circumstances, the most common story structure does indeed imply the same thing will happen again. All these stories on this website of girls going to school X as their mother did, and then meeting a special "friend" etc, etc.

  2. The story did not end after the original confesion from Sayo, so people expected something new to happen. Especially with hints of everyone-loving-everyone earlier on

  3. That being said, everything after ch. 10 definitely went full on sayo route.

last edited at Feb 13, 2022 8:20AM

joined Mar 20, 2015

Why must the good die young

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