Forum › Posts by FreyjaWolfieN65

joined Feb 8, 2022

And yeah, i shipped both komachi and satsuki, as well as akira and satsuki, and was a bit disappointed as well as happy that satsuki and komachi pretty much ended up together, but well, akira's still in the picture lol, im just hcing that they're a poly ship XD especially since akira did also accept komachi's curse thing

joined Feb 8, 2022

Gosh... It's been a long 4 years ahaha, and im both rly happy and rly sad with the ending UwU this rly was the best ending and epilogue ever, and tho i isnt mind the kinda sad ending with author-san's previous work, im glad this one ended happily ehehe~ i dont think anything's gonna top this manga for me bruh XD this rly is the best manga i've ever read, and that's saying smth cuz my favorite mangas are yuri mangas, and this one wasn't rly yuri focused haha, but it's that good! I'm so glad i stuck around for the ending, tho i'm a little late XD

joined Feb 8, 2022

aw reached latest update... wow things are getting somewhere huh hehehe, toriko confessing and being all lovey dovey, sorawo being dense af QwQ this is simply the best slowburn action yuri ive ever seen omg i love it so much

joined Feb 8, 2022

no new updates..? ;w;

Oddman 11 discussion 03 Mar 12:13
joined Feb 8, 2022

jeezus 2 years huh… it better be a really looong manga TwT

joined Feb 8, 2022

holy sht im all caught up now QAQ what a cliffhanger omg

joined Feb 8, 2022

huhh?? did she actually die??? omg wtf, i thought no one was gonna die or they were all gonna die at once wuuut OoO

joined Feb 8, 2022

I’m all caught up and now I’m empty inside :’-)

i get u my friend, i get u TwT we gonna be empty until August 10, apparently, so leave some empty room for it at least XD

joined Feb 8, 2022

aghhh it's cute but it's also painful to keep watching nagisa flail around unknowingly with her feelings QAQ i hope once they realize what their relationship is they stay tgt TwT

joined Feb 8, 2022

oof ofc another cliffhanger like last chapter hahaha, but damm u got a music vid for this?? so proudd, this manga totally deserves it omg

joined Feb 8, 2022

what does page 1 mean? i dont understand baka me :(

Page 1 is a flashback. Usually pages with black backgrounds are memories/from the past/flashbacks. This one is from before Ito ever met the real Sumika and Ito still idolized her. So she was celebrating her fave idol's birthday on her own.

She was remembering it while sitting across the actual Sumika that she somehow managed to become close to and start dating?! So that's why she's like 'wow, this is too much'/ "sigh, this is too extravagant", cause she can't believe that who she was back then is sitting across the very person she once idolized.

finally i understand, thankyouu

yeahh haha this explains it alot for mee, i was so scared cuz i thought the black bg and bday girl not being there meant sumika diedd QAQ

joined Feb 8, 2022

The ending before the omakes reminded me of Bloom Into You manga's ending ufufu~ also, my face was like this the entire time reading this manga: UwU =w=

last edited at Jul 19, 2022 9:16AM

joined Feb 8, 2022

Also, i have to admit the author killing Miyuki, then Natsuki, then the bird in front of Tokiko, hm.. that was a bit too mean tbh haha, i legit felt mad at the author for bullying Tokiko XD

Also, before Tokiko died, i really did expect her to kill herself, since i saw her glance sadly at natsuki's body, but the way she talked to koga sounded like she was gonna move on lol, so i was like "huhh, i thought she was gonna step in front of the train, not into it to travel away lol". In the end, she did kill herself, and i felt happy kinda, cuz she got both her dad's and her own wish of being happy, cuz author-san killed her LI TwT but it would've been a great plot twist ending tbh, walking into the train and not in front. I would've liked it less, though, so i'm glad she killed herself, as twisted that makes me sound uwu

last edited at Jul 7, 2022 2:35PM

joined Feb 8, 2022

Woww.. i gotta admit i was more amazed and immersed in this story than i expected to be. I actually have read Liar Satsuki before this one up to the latest chapter and was reading this cuz the author seems like a genius, but i rly didn't expect such a different-toned story to be just as great hehe

Btw, wasn't that mom-kid duo who saw Natsuki die the same duo that Satsuki helped by drowning the kid at a fountain?? XD

But dam, i rly love how unrelatable the mc here was as a "normal" human being (not like i'm one to label people as normal haha), usually mc's are made the opposite, but i still got to like her and sided with her pretty much all the time. I'm a bit sad the great yuri potential wasn't rly followed up, but that was still a nice friendship uwu

Gotta say, now i'm really looking forward to Liar Satsuki's newest update X3

joined Feb 8, 2022

Ohmygaddd this is by far the worst cliffhanger in the story and im loving itttt ahhhhhh, also go go go make dat yuri explicitttt, idc who you pick as satsuki's LI just do itt XD

joined Feb 8, 2022

Ughhh mah hearttt, theyre so cuuute wah //^w^//

joined Feb 8, 2022

@Woffle So what is the original, a light novel? I assume it's not been translated?

Original is a web novel, there is an author approved fan translate here:

Welp time to go read the novel hehe, the manga's too dam amazing and I can't bear to wait X3

joined Feb 8, 2022

heavenly =w= it feels more like speed blind-dating than pay for gay XD i rly love how asumi gets to know all her girls, and it's starting to feel like a yuri harem with the girls talking about her lol want moreee

joined Feb 8, 2022

Damm, i loved it, so short and simple, but so weird lol. The ending was pretty awesome too! The kind of ending I expected from this kind of story lol. Im glad it was short tbh, otherwise i'd get emotionally invested in the yuri potential and i'd hate the ending haha

last edited at Feb 28, 2022 7:19AM

joined Feb 8, 2022

wow they really should have made season 2 for the anime to finish the manga!! dam im so impressed by how deep the characters became like they had actual backstories, and even the creepy kumami had this amazing progression! it does seem less fluffy and lighthearted than what was shown in the anime but rly this deserves to be animated! plus, that bday sceeneee, and that handholding kyaaaa, and they legit went on a date on their bday X33

joined Feb 8, 2022

Hmm i liked it cuz it wasnt as messy as some manga like Living with My Brother's Wife lol, she didnt rly project the mom on the daughter. I just was a bit disappointed that all the yuri seemed kina subdued, like its mostly subtext what kind of love Midori felt for Tsugumi, and vice versa based on the letter, and if Haru and Midori became lovers when Haru grew up, it:s all kinda vague, but well I liked the gentle feelings of the story UwU

joined Feb 8, 2022

Wahh that was so nice and fluffyy X3 i loved ittt so wholesomeee but still had some naughtyness XD oho whats this incest and mochi i see?? Hehe time to investigate

joined Feb 8, 2022

ooh nvm, im going to read it theree, too curious not to

joined Feb 8, 2022

aw its dead now :( it looked like a promising story...

joined Feb 8, 2022

Hehe i reread it again, one of the best plots, best artstyle, and fave mc's everrr! Just disappointed there's no solid confession with Yuki and Riko like Mimika and Kozue uwu