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joined Oct 2, 2021



joined Mar 20, 2020

Is this really the end?

Lately some of yuri series work as my wish. This one they broke childhood friend always lose trope, but... In the end it's just the matter of what author choice to end the series. Still, what's the point on showing those 3 girls loving each others at apartment. Is it just red herring? Poly or harem is preferred, but well... that is always impossible for self-insert and climatic end.

Rina getting cuck-ed is a big twist for me. She cries makes me cry too. I thought Rina kissed Sayo will make a lead to interesting plot, but the fact that author didn't not give meaningful story for you in last 2 chapters is just too cruel.

Still, is this realy the end? I hope more good stories are coming next.
Thanks as always for the author, scanlator and uploader. Hope you all stay healthy.

joined Dec 23, 2020

This feels ridiculously rushed. While I'm all for happy endings, it felt like it skipped too many questions. The red herring with the three teachers was already suspicious, but this...this feels wrong somehow.

I'm happy she finally realized her feelings, don't get me wrong. But calling this a "speedrun" is putting it mildly. Almost like Rinna was just axed right in front of us.

To put it bluntly... what the fxxk just happened?

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 1:11AM

joined Jun 5, 2018

Can't believe the guy who hypothised about the world being pink and so MC cant see arrows anymore was actually right. What a god!

joined May 26, 2011

well i'm glad it wasn't a poly ending but it was also so rushed and about halfway through just kind of a boring series in general. interested in what else the author does in the future, though.

joined Nov 15, 2016

I really thought this was gonna be a three way relationship
Colour me surprised

joined Mar 25, 2019

I somehow think the girl having an harem is better than her just getting two girls.

Just read Watanare if you want yuri harem

Unfortunately there's no translator for that anymore.

Uh actually, if you go on Mangadex they've been updating it there.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Tbh, it wasn't anything to write home about.

It feels like the author had planned for a poly relationship, but then suddenly took a hard turn away from it and rushed to a "safe" conclusion.

From the beginning, it was about the MC learning what love is. So, she should have learned that it comes in many shapes and that there's not one answer only to people's feelings.

But then, bam, childhood friend, end of story.

Overall, it was meh.

joined Mar 25, 2021

getting axed? hopefully not, but eh couldve seen this taking like about 5 or 7 more chapters of MC learning about love.

And It kind of makes sense Sayo won, with Rinna being rather underdeveloped and all.

But man, I really wish they took it slower, like just 5 chapters slower showing Sayo and Mc getting a tad more developed.

joined Dec 11, 2021

Bro it feels like the author abruptly change from poly to mono. I thought it was gonna end up with a 3p poly after Mei saw the 3p relationship of the teacher, like it was a foreshadow. So then what was the point of showing that if this was gonna end with mono? I was waiting to see some development between sayo and rinna since they didnt go further after that kiss they had. C'mon I wanted the win win ending. I like the 3 of them but with rinna left out I'm kinda disappointed.
But this is not the end I have some hopes left. Let's wait until the end of the manga.

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 6:38AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

I somehow think the girl having an harem is better than her just getting two girls.

Just read Watanare if you want yuri harem

Unfortunately there's no translator for that anymore.

Uh actually, if you go on Mangadex they've been updating it there.

What’s the full name of the series? It’s not coming up in a search for me with just that name

joined Jan 9, 2017

Im pretty sure they wont have the heart to leave Akane behind and she ends Up as an intergrated 3rd wheel, aka poly

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 7:01PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

hmm, given that the story isn't over yet I'll still hold out hope for the poly endgame, but to be fair this is also good. excited for where this will go from here.

There's certainly a small chance left for this, so all we can do is hope for the last chapter to deliver, but we'll see. Sudden backstory dropping in gave Sayo a bit of an edge here, but Rinna certainly proved the depth of her feelings as well. And Mei has already learned that there are other options available than just a regular couple. Whether she decides that this is something for her as well is another question, of course...

joined Dec 11, 2021

hmm, given that the story isn't over yet I'll still hold out hope for the poly endgame, but to be fair this is also good. excited for where this will go from here.

There's certainly a small chance left for this, so all we can do is hope for the last chapter to deliver, but we'll see. Sudden backstory dropping in gave Sayo a bit of an edge here, but Rinna certainly proved the depth of her feelings as well. And Mei has already learned that there are other options available than just a regular couple. Whether she decides that this is something for her as well is another question, of course...

The author said there is one chapter left or that's what I read from one of the twitts. And according to what you said, yes. What the manga told me is that she loves Sayo but also has feelings for Rinna and that the relationship of the teacher is an option or was a foreshadow for her. But since the author said next one is the last, chances to see Mei talking with Sayo about Rinna joining them(even if there is no love between Sayo and Rinna, like Sayo accepting that is the best sharing her love(Mei) with Rinna) are 1 in a billion.

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 6:53AM

joined Dec 11, 2021

Im glad it didn’t go the poly route (probably since i don’t think it’s ended yet) cuz that would have be a crappy ending. Glad to see the childhood friend win

Why crappy? Mei clearly saw it can work out after seeing the relationship of the teacher. I thought the author used that chapter for that reason as a foreshadow but anyway

joined Jun 25, 2019

Peoples saw the poly and think it was forshadowing, completly forgetting the others forms of relations we've seen. Man, just because they see poly doesn't mean it was the end point at all. It was to show her another form of love. I think it's better that she choose her own form of love, instead of choosing one just because she saw it.
Really, just accept the outcome without throwing assumptions about what the author supposidly wanted. There was no promise of poly ending, outside of a speculation.

joined Apr 6, 2021

Whaaaat no poly ending!? No way! That makes me so unsatisfied! Apparently there’s one chapter left, but I don’t see how it can have a satisfying conclusion now. The introduction of the teachers being poly was clear foreshadowing, otherwise those parts of the series would be COMPLETELY POINTLESS. I will be very disappointed if the author doesn’t fix this, because it’s what the series has teased the entire time. You don’t introduce the concept into the story and not use it at all. It’s poor writing to take time and use pages go emphasize a potential plot point then do nothing with it. It’s bad storytelling

Also this feels SO RUSHED, like the pacing has been terrible the last 4 chapters

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 7:21AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I mean, I can definitely see this ending just like this with the childhood friend winning as always, but seeing who the writer is for this series, simple and conventional doesn't quite seem their style, so a final twist in the last chapter is certainly still in the cards, no matter how unlikely.

joined Dec 11, 2021

Whaaaat no poly ending!? No way! That makes me so unsatisfied! Apparently there’s one chapter left, but I don’t see how it can have a satisfying conclusion now. The introduction of the teachers being poly was clear foreshadowing, otherwise those parts of the series would be COMPLETELY POINTLESS. I will be very disappointed if the author doesn’t fix this, because it’s what the series has teased the entire time. You don’t introduce the concept into the story and not use it at all. It’s poor writing to take time and use pages go emphasize a potential plot point then do nothing with it. It’s bad storytelling

Also this feels SO RUSHED, like the pacing has been terrible the last 4 chapters

Yea. For me it was foreshadow cause it's also a way of showing her Mei that she has that way to love not only the normal 1x1. Since there is one chapter left, or that's what I read from the author I twitter, I'm dont have any hopes now cause the chapters are short. The reason I'm kinda disappointed is that we dont have another character in the manga who can be Rinna's lover since Mei was the only one who had interest in her. But anyway seems that the only good poly yuri manga for now is luminous blue tho its ending was unexpected tbh

joined Jan 6, 2017

In before this pulls a Kashimashi (anime) and has a time skip with Sayo and Mei having broken up and then she gets married to Rinna

Anyway, while I don't think the teachers were supposed to be foreshadowing I can definitely see why others would.
Sayo and Rinna were treated as equals in the plot, nothing was showing one as a more likely "winner" than the other so poly seemed like the most sensical ending. And then the series actually shows a functional poly relationship awknowledging it as a possibility, which certainly makes that sensical ending feel even more likely

joined Oct 6, 2021

Whaaaat no poly ending!? No way! That makes me so unsatisfied! Apparently there’s one chapter left, but I don’t see how it can have a satisfying conclusion now. The introduction of the teachers being poly was clear foreshadowing, otherwise those parts of the series would be COMPLETELY POINTLESS. I will be very disappointed if the author doesn’t fix this, because it’s what the series has teased the entire time. You don’t introduce the concept into the story and not use it at all. It’s poor writing to take time and use pages go emphasize a potential plot point then do nothing with it. It’s bad storytelling

Also this feels SO RUSHED, like the pacing has been terrible the last 4 chapters

I’m with you 100% here, the story had such nice pace and foreshadowing, and in the last few chapters completely rushes ahead and ditches a main character making the entire manga feel so pointless. Unless the last chapter is a very long poly redemption from the author, I’m gonna be very disappointed (but it’s probably gonna be the cop-out timeskip with Rinna going out with Akane)…

joined Jul 29, 2017

with the childhood friend winning as always

This is surprising to me, because I thought the conventional wisdom was that the childhood friend never wins. Offhand I can think of It’s a Detached Relationship and (the dreadful) Pages in Search of a Bookmark where that’s the case, but I know there are many others.

That fits my sense too—if there’s a childhood friend in love with the MC who’s never spoken up before and a new love interest appears for MC, the endgame odds are wildly stacked against Childhood Friend. (That’s where the, “Am I not good enough for you?” trope comes from.)

Or did you mean “winning in this series”?

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 8:46AM

joined Jul 20, 2011

Shitty plot twist out of nowhere: suddenly she retroactively has only a crush on one of her two true loves. I feel cheated out of the poly ending. This is outrageous. I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds.

joined Dec 11, 2021

Whaaaat no poly ending!? No way! That makes me so unsatisfied! Apparently there’s one chapter left, but I don’t see how it can have a satisfying conclusion now. The introduction of the teachers being poly was clear foreshadowing, otherwise those parts of the series would be COMPLETELY POINTLESS. I will be very disappointed if the author doesn’t fix this, because it’s what the series has teased the entire time. You don’t introduce the concept into the story and not use it at all. It’s poor writing to take time and use pages go emphasize a potential plot point then do nothing with it. It’s bad storytelling

Also this feels SO RUSHED, like the pacing has been terrible the last 4 chapters

I’m with you 100% here, the story had such nice pace and foreshadowing, and in the last few chapters completely rushes ahead and ditches a main character making the entire manga feel so pointless. Unless the last chapter is a very long poly redemption from the author, I’m gonna be very disappointed (but it’s probably gonna be the cop-out timeskip with Rinna going out with Akane)…

Akane is a possibility cause it was shown she cares for Rinna but we never saw love interest for each other, just friendship.
Edit: After reading chapter 9.2 well forgot that Akane said she found someone she loves and that Akane was not gonna lose against her love. I think it means she likes Rinna

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 9:19AM

joined Dec 11, 2021

Well after reading all chapters. I'm saying... I'm sad for the not poly ending. I know some of you dont like poly but it's the everyone's likes so. Now since Chapter 15.1 and 15.2 are the last according to the author there is no way Rinna is gonna join them BUT AT LEAST I want Rinna together with Akane who showed love interest in Rinna(Check Chapter 9.2) cause I dont want to see Rinna alone. At least that's what I want to see.

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 9:26AM

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