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joined Feb 10, 2020

All of them, mom, all of them

joined Jan 23, 2016

Ah yes. The worst part of any Harem series, "Now choose ONE"

joined Dec 12, 2021

what a mess...

joined Mar 25, 2021

Oh no~ what a totally not set in stone dilemma ~

joined May 29, 2021

I like this manga, but man it’s hard to tell the characters apart, except for the landlord’s daughter. And now the mom looks exactly the same as her daughter too.

joined Aug 29, 2019

Mom: Who do you like the most in a romantic sense??
Fuuka: Yes :)
Best mom! I hope she supports, not only her partner, but also the harem!
Thx 4 tl!!

last edited at Jan 2, 2022 6:58PM

joined Jul 6, 2020

Im thinking either a harem end or a poly trio with the original neighbors is most likely

joined Aug 12, 2021

yeah I really hope we get the trio with the neighbors at least, personally I love college friend too but she has not been in enough of the story to earn it over the duo of flirty neighbors who from day one have been on the offensive together

also landlord's daughter I love your energy but you are too young. and you only really showed up to intensify the conflict

last edited at Jan 2, 2022 7:51PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

yeah I really hope we get the trio with the neighbors at least, personally I love college friend too but she has not been in enough of the story to earn it over the duo of flirty neighbors who from day one have been on the offensive together

also landlord's daughter I love your energy but you are too young. and you only really showed up to intensify the conflict

I agree, a triad with the neighbors seems like the most realistic option to me as well

joined Jan 14, 2020

now the mom looks exactly the same as her daughter too.

Maybe she can stick around and take some of the load off her daughter.

joined Apr 4, 2021

maybe a harem ending is good.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I will be honest,it doesn't really feel like she is very interested in a relationship at all. She seem more like the kind of person who want to stay friends.

joined Dec 13, 2014

What if she was actually hurt by aro erasure because she thought if you had sex with someone without being in love with them that you were a bad person since that had been the only exposure to that they had? Like I could see a lot of angst being squeezed out of that for a panel or two before the gang made it clear they could really be good friends even if they had benefits.

last edited at Jan 2, 2022 9:26PM

joined Aug 12, 2019

wow. Nakano is a spitting image of her mum alright.

yeah I really hope we get the trio with the neighbors at least, personally I love college friend too but she has not been in enough of the story to earn it over the duo of flirty neighbors who from day one have been on the offensive together

also landlord's daughter I love your energy but you are too young. and you only really showed up to intensify the conflict

I agree, a triad with the neighbors seems like the most realistic option to me as well

I second this. the neighbors have more interactions with Nakano then the other two.

joined Jun 8, 2020

mom best waifu

joined Jul 26, 2016

I second this. the neighbors have more interactions with Nakano then the other two.

What a bizarre and arbitrary criterion.

joined May 12, 2020

Mom is incredibly good at reading the room and de-escalating the situation. Guess apple fell far from the tree in that department.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Everyone has been super great friend zoned.

joined Mar 5, 2016


joined Sep 14, 2014

Everyone has been super great friend zoned.

lmao that wombo combo x4

joined Apr 13, 2021

The latest chapters were a mess to follow but I'm glad this "meeting the parent" arc is going well. I'm crossing my fingers for a triad/poly endgame.

joined Oct 2, 2016

"You know that no matter who your eventual partner is, you'll have my support. Because they'll be the person that you chose for yourself."

The line I wanna hear from my parents. Sadly, growing up in a religious family/country, makes it hard for people like me to come out. I already have a girlfriend (dating for 2 years now) and I'm still in the closet.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Oof

joined Aug 12, 2019

I second this. the neighbors have more interactions with Nakano then the other two.

What a bizarre and arbitrary criterion.

well, it kinda does. though I like to be wrong on this.

joined Aug 29, 2019

"You know that no matter who your eventual partner is, you'll have my support. Because they'll be the person that you chose for yourself."

The line I wanna hear from my parents. Sadly, growing up in a religious family/country, makes it hard for people like me to come out. I already have a girlfriend (dating for 2 years now) and I'm still in the closet.

Mad respect for even pulling that one off. I can't imagine keeping a relationship hidden for more than a few months.
Hope you'll get to hear that line (or something like it) eventually.

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