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OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Lot of Momoka hate in this thread. Some counterpoints may be found below:


last edited at Mar 11, 2025 2:04PM

joined Apr 21, 2020

Lot of Momoka hate in this thread. Some counterpoints may be found below:


Thank you for your hard work!

joined Aug 12, 2021

okay so, what is this story trying to do honestly.

joined Nov 1, 2021

I didnt expect the last part. A part of me liked it and the other one thinks “rin is not like this” i think rin’s personality doesnt really fit the way she acted in last part. Anyways i loveeeeed this chapter

joined Aug 2, 2020

When you have a trauma related to abandonment/neglect/rejection of some kind, acting like Rin isn't that unusual. Is it healthy? No, of course not; codependency isn't a good thing at all.

I really can relate to Rin to some extent, and I've been in her shoes at least a couple times. Codependency is a vicious cycle, and unless you can build up a strong self esteem, you're pretty much bound to become even more dependant of the other party(ies).

I really don't condemn Rin. She probably has a big trusting issue, and since she grew so attached to Momoka, Rin took their friendship for granted and is using it as a safe haven. This wishy-washy behavior of Rin's shows she's trying to up to more people, but at the same time, she doesn't want to lose her "safety."

I just hope the two of them are able to sort this mess out, because both Rin and Momoka have their own issues to work on ASAP... And my take is that Rin deep inside loves Momoka, but she can't let go from her trauma and realize her feelings.

last edited at Dec 4, 2021 4:13PM

joined Dec 4, 2021

Rin is 100% to blame here and I have no idea how people think Momoka is the problem.

The circumstance at the start is that Momoka dates and flirts with a lot of people.

Then Rin has a problem with those circumstances and wants to change them

Then Momoka tells her directly what actions Rin would need to do if she wants those circumstances to change.

Then Rin agrees with those actions.

Then Rin realizes she has issues with those actions and imposes additional rules on Momoka.

Then Momoka agrees with those additional rules as long as Rin keeps up her part of the deal.

Then Rin breaks her deal yet again.

Then Momoka gets understandably pissed and tells her not to contact her again.

And now you want to tell me that Momoka is to blame somehow?

I mean of course both of these girls have massive issues and both need a therapist in an ideal world, but morally, Momoka's only offence was getting jealous over Rin, while Rin has imposed her values on Momoka, then refuses to uphold her obligations and takes her for granted and leads her on.

Anyways, interested where this is headed

joined Sep 30, 2017

This is retarded as fuck...

last edited at Dec 4, 2021 7:34PM

joined Jul 14, 2021

I'm impressed in an odd way. I don't really like either character and have no desire to see them get together, at least with how they are now. I can only think of maybe 2 other works where I felt like that, out of the hundreds of yuri I've read lol.

joined Mar 30, 2021

it seems like i'm used to manga like this XD

just what kind of manga i've been reading

last edited at Dec 4, 2021 10:51PM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Reading through the comments here I've decided I'm not going to read this. Thanks to all for giving me enough information to make a decision.

joined Nov 9, 2021

Rin is 100% to blame here and I have no idea how people think Momoka is the problem.

The circumstance at the start is that Momoka dates and flirts with a lot of people.

Then Rin has a problem with those circumstances and wants to change them

Then Momoka tells her directly what actions Rin would need to do if she wants those circumstances to change.

Then Rin agrees with those actions.

Then Rin realizes she has issues with those actions and imposes additional rules on Momoka.

Then Momoka agrees with those additional rules as long as Rin keeps up her part of the deal.

Then Rin breaks her deal yet again.

Then Momoka gets understandably pissed and tells her not to contact her again.

And now you want to tell me that Momoka is to blame somehow?

I mean of course both of these girls have massive issues and both need a therapist in an ideal world, but morally, Momoka's only offence was getting jealous over Rin, while Rin has imposed her values on Momoka, then refuses to uphold her obligations and takes her for granted and leads her on.

Anyways, interested where this is heade

how is Rin the only one getting the blame????????????
+momoka was the one who said that they should date
+ Rin never said that she likes momoka, she didn't lead her on
+momoka was clearly aware that Rin doesn't want to have sex and Rin has every right to say no. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU'RE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE FOR 50 YEARS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX THEN IT'S A NO. (she fucking dragged Rin's ass in the hotel and didn't listen to what rin is saying)
-momoka is very possessive even if it was just Rin's friends (she tripped her and she snatched her hair and ofcourse Rin is gonna get angry at that you fucking bitch)
+Rin's rules about the relationships is the bare minimum and momoka has the right to decline those things.
You fucking incel.

last edited at Dec 5, 2021 7:49AM

joined Dec 4, 2021

how is Rin the only one getting the blame????????????
bla bla bla

Yeah you didn't get what I said at all. Of course Rin has a right to not have sex and do whatever she wants. Just as Momoka has the right to flirt with all the dudes she wants. But the key issue here is that RIN AGREED TO BE HER LOVER in order to change Momokas behaviour. Rin agreed to flirt with Momoka and have sex with her, but then didn't do any of the things she promised to do, and thought that Momoka would still stop flirting with other dudes (= taking her for granted)

joined Sep 15, 2020

I think Rin's idea of their "contract" was so different than what she expected to the point where she didn't know what to say at certain moments. And even now she's still doing that because INSTEAD OF BEING HONEST, MS. GURL CHOSE THE MOST SHALLOW THING TO SAY to Momoka and it's most definitely what she didn't want to hear from her.

Overall, kinda mad at Rin rn for expecting Momoka to just take her back after that kind of reasoning. I'm sure she'll later understand why what she did was wrong but who knows? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

joined Dec 5, 2021

I think Rin's idea of their "contract" was so different than what she expected to the point where she didn't know what to say at certain moments. And even now she's still doing that because INSTEAD OF BEING HONEST, MS. GURL CHOSE THE MOST SHALLOW THING TO SAY to Momoka and it's most definitely what she didn't want to hear from her.

Overall, kinda mad at Rin rn for expecting Momoka to just take her back after that kind of reasoning. I'm sure she'll later understand why what she did was wrong but who knows? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Momoka goes about things in a trash way so her expecting her to understand where shes coming from is her just reaching tbh. If she talked up more instead of just expecting “this is how it should play it” then they wouldn't be in this problem

joined Mar 28, 2021

Loving the parents in this manga. So chill letting their kids just live and do their own thing.

Excited to see what happens next.

Points for amazing art!!!

joined Jun 15, 2019

Yeah you didn't get what I said at all. Of course Rin has a right to not have sex and do whatever she wants. Just as Momoka has the right to flirt with all the dudes she wants. But the key issue here is that RIN AGREED TO BE HER LOVER in order to change Momokas behaviour.

Being someone's lover does not give you the right to have sex with them at any time. It is not a good reason to cheat. It is not an issue.

I like the story, but Rin not wanting to have sex isn't an issue, it's normal. I thought Momoka was mad Rin called the relationship superficial.

joined Apr 7, 2021

I'm not sure what's going on in Rin's mind. She needs to make up her own, either dedicate herself in the relationship or just don't care about it.
I get that to her, this was superficial and a way to gatekeep Momoka and suppress her 'trauma' (about her mom). But that doesn't mean her intent can't be made clear to Momoka. They both should sit down and have a real talk.

(I'm genuinely enjoying the manga, I don't dislike any of the 2 main girls either. I think it's very interesting and I hardly turn away from one, unless it's really bad towards the end.)

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

uwauwauwauwauwa posted:

You fucking incel.

Please review the rules before posting in the future. It's not okay to respond to people that way. You've been banned for a day. Thanks, take care.

joined Oct 26, 2018

nice read so far

joined Dec 20, 2018

With how it’s basically become obvious, to Momoka especially, that Rin doesn’t love her. It’s even more ironic when she says the words “I’ll give you all of me” when that doesn’t really included her heart or love and Momoka knows it.

Ah, but she does love Momoka. But just like Momoka, she's afraid that admitting this might drive her away again. The wrong idea, sure, and indeed not what Momoka would have wanted to hear, but the way Momoka herself has been acting, you really can't blame Rin too much for getting things wrong either. The two still have a lot to learn about each other and their feelings, but I see no reason why this should not work out in the end, provided they eventually manage to properly talk things through.

joined Jun 15, 2021

Screw it. I like this type of manga. So I just bought it. Just to see the ending.

OK, Tankubon only has 6 chapters with an omake. Vol.2 is not out yet. So you guys must rely on the actual RAW mook to finish the last 2 chapters. Good job, and thank you!

last edited at Dec 5, 2021 8:11PM

joined Dec 6, 2021

People defending Momoka acting like this is some legal case. Of course she's within her rights to be unnecessarily difficult, but if she actually wants a relationship with Rin, have some respect. Don't break it off because she won't immediately have sex with you. Yes, Rin is far from honest, but Momoka knows this, if she just had some patience it'd quite clearly work out.

"Oh woe is me, my friend who I tricked into dating me isn't immediately madly in love, I have no choice but to run off and sleep with some random girl"

last edited at Dec 6, 2021 5:55AM

joined Jul 28, 2019

I'm also on the "Momoka is at fault" side. Rin isn't perfect, but legit if Momoka just came out and admitted it, there'd be no issue. I find it ironic that Momoka is calling Rin the tsundere when it's herself that can't just come out to the one she loves. Gotta remember that Momoka started this not as an actual confession but a "if you want me to stop going around with boys, play my little game and enter a relationship with me".

last edited at Dec 6, 2021 10:39AM

joined Mar 6, 2018

This artist just has a great way of drawing bodies. It became clear to me especially in the newer chapters with a lot more naked characters, but they just draw with a great sense of ... volume? It's hard to describe, there's just something about the design and proportions that make them beautiful. Not to mention that the facial expressions are incredibly varied and on point. I also really really like the way that blushing is used very sparingly and it makes both the situations where it does happen as well as not happen stand out to me.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Rin: Got a boy for herself.

Momoka: Gave up on Rin and pursue (convenient?)love somewhere else.

Rin: Doesn't like that.

Momoka: Told Rin loud and clear she needs love. Promised to stop if Rin gives her love instead.

Rin: Promised to give her love and start the relationship.

Momoka: Poor attempt at getting the love out of Rin.

Rin: Didn't give any love. Instead of asking for Momoka to take it slow, calls the relationship superficial(key point).

Momoka: Ogey, you're not serious about this and didn't keep your promise so bye I'll go date someone else.

Rin: *Surprised Pikachu face

last edited at Dec 9, 2021 11:17PM

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