Forum › Blue Skin, Big Tits and a Fucking Loner discussion

joined Jan 15, 2021

As much as I disliked Theo's character up to this chapter, I kind of warmed up to him. It's not everyday I get to read a manga where a 2nd tier character hands out a good old-fashioned classic Texas style ass-kicking (including the broken wine bottle) to stop an attempted rape. I can forgive a large amount assholeishness for such a reason.

joined Sep 14, 2014

man i love this series, it hits the right spots = v =
I'll add it to the list of series I'll buy when I'm financially secure and stable

joined Jul 23, 2021

Oh god, I already wanna see more of this ship.

joined Feb 10, 2013

I’ve saved the “just fucking die” panel to my computer. I get the idea I’ll be using it a lot on social media. Also, this manga has (rather surprisingly) become a favorite of mine.

joined Sep 30, 2021

i deplore rape as a plot device, but this was me during the beatdown

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

This week's chapter is half a chapter (6 pages) with a cliffhanger, the latter part being due next week, on October 8. I think they did that because Vol1 comes out on October 6 and they don't want to spoil the end of the volume before it's even out.

I already translated that first part, but I'll wait for the 2nd part to release it, so we will have a full chapter.

joined Feb 1, 2013

...Is it building up to this being future Earth?

More a like the shit part of a mexican city

Or Detroit. Jokes aside the subtext is slowly getting less subtext and I'm loving it

There's yuri subtext in the author's other major series. I just wish the rest of it gets translated, because the raws make it seem like the two characters with all the subtext are living together by the end.

last edited at Oct 9, 2021 4:03AM

joined Apr 20, 2013

A really dangerous cliffhanger

joined Sep 26, 2020

Hello, Pippi-chan. Hello!

joined Aug 4, 2018

Ok, not a bad chapter, but...

If you overdose on SUCCUBUS EXTRACT of all things, I would have expected the resulting effect to be a little bit different.

Involving heat? Sure. But different.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Succubus charm. "Overheated", sure...

joined Jan 9, 2017

Ok, not a bad chapter, but...

If you overdose on SUCCUBUS EXTRACT of all things, I would have expected the resulting effect to be a little bit different.

Involving heat? Sure. But different.

Its a decent word play

joined May 15, 2021

Ok, not a bad chapter, but...

If you overdose on SUCCUBUS EXTRACT of all things, I would have expected the resulting effect to be a little bit different.

Involving heat? Sure. But different.

Well thats what mostly happen when you mix Horny and heat bath, you end up overheating and gg (even in +18 doujinshis)

joined Aug 21, 2020

Is Glamour trying to be nice? It's hard to tell.

joined May 9, 2021

Their faces are so close
So close that I thought Liane and Glamor kissing with that hilarious expression in their eyes

joined Jul 15, 2016

Is Glamour trying to be nice? It's hard to tell.

Pretty sure she is trying to emotionally manipulate Liane into putting herself in a social situation she is not comfortable with (as an introvert), so she'd either embarrass herself in front of all the top brass (ruining her chances to become an archangel) or is so exhausted by the ordeal, she simply gives up on the thing altogether. Glamor is not actively malicious, so she doesn't want Liane to be hurt, but she is ambitious and manipulative, so she definitely wants someone who has repeatedly injured her pride in the exam rankings knocked down a peg and is not above pressuring her psychologically.

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

Translator here.

I was thinking about renaming the series to a romanization of the title, Ao Hada Kyonyuu to Kuso Bocchi, because I see lots of people, at each chapter release, complaining about how this would be more popular if the title wasn't mentioning tits (even though the title means what I translated it to).


joined Jul 31, 2019

That would be a very easy way for existing readers to lose track of new releases :P

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

As if on cue, MD just allowed creation of new series today.

So I uploaded this one under the romanization of the title, with "Blue Skin..." as an alternate.

joined Apr 20, 2013

I don't think the title should be changed, it's a bold title for a bold series that gives you exactly what it says, then again, it's a minor issue for me so you can change it if you feel like it XP

joined Dec 20, 2018

Translator here.

I was thinking about renaming the series to a romanization of the title, Ao Hada Kyonyuu to Kuso Bocchi, because I see lots of people, at each chapter release, complaining about how this would be more popular if the title wasn't mentioning tits (even though the title means what I translated it to).


I mean, it literally says that anyway, so I see no reason to change it (although I do believe the comma may be unnecessary).

joined Aug 11, 2014

Translator here.

I was thinking about renaming the series to a romanization of the title, Ao Hada Kyonyuu to Kuso Bocchi, because I see lots of people, at each chapter release, complaining about how this would be more popular if the title wasn't mentioning tits (even though the title means what I translated it to).


Personally, I much prefer when titles are translated. The title is a part of the work and readers should know what it means, especially with the latest trend of extra-long titles that also serve as a plot summary. A title is supposed to attract attention, and this one certainly does.

I mean, it literally says that anyway, so I see no reason to change it (although I do believe the comma may be unnecessary).

If anything, there's one too few commas. [Oxford comma war commences]

last edited at Oct 10, 2021 10:20AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I mean, it literally says that anyway, so I see no reason to change it (although I do believe the comma may be unnecessary).

If anything, there's one too few commas. [Oxford comma war commences]

I would not mind that one, but currently the English title doesn't quite convey the correct impression of there being two characters, one of which is the "Blue Skin Big Tits", and the other the "Fucking Loner".

Kirin-kun Uploader
Rehashed Scans
joined Mar 21, 2021

The title is in fact in two part, as you noticed. (AoHada Kyonyuu) and (Kuso Bocchi). Each part defines the "pairing".

But it doesn't fly right in English.

joined Jan 22, 2015

Translator here.

I was thinking about renaming the series to a romanization of the title, Ao Hada Kyonyuu to Kuso Bocchi, because I see lots of people, at each chapter release, complaining about how this would be more popular if the title wasn't mentioning tits (even though the title means what I translated it to).


I have tits, you have tits, we all have tits. As for making the manga more popular... do we have actual metrics on this? Can we track views after a title change to render judgment on potential readers aversion to tits? Cause people are always gonna complain, and you can't satisfy everyone.

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