@ 856600 Characters dont have to talk sterile just because they dont have an accent. the vast majoirty of characteres in writing (manga or otherwise) dont have accents.
If you think about it, ALL people talk with an accent- yet we dont try to subtley alter spelling to portray this- so its clear we dont have to do it. But im not saying it SHOULDNT be done- especially if a character is meant to have a notably different accent to those around them. But it shouldnt be taken too far as to slow down reading and comprehension and pull the reader out of their immersion.
Also, as a none american seeing the american accent where I know it is artifical and not actualy soundling like the accent being emulated, it really sticks out- the same for scotish too. What accent was the character meant to have in this story? Is it kansai? Its just there are certain sounds and emphasis that can convey that too, right? If you know the accent.
Im sure its hard to do any accent translation well- and it is done pretty well in this story but as I said, i still have mixed feelings about it
p.s Space cadet is 100% of american origin and usage. ive only ever seen it used in american media and never in real life - at least in the UK. There are a few other american terms used too. They stand out more to none americans.
last edited at Aug 24, 2021 12:26PM