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joined Apr 13, 2021

I just want my girl Yokoe to finally have a proper confession.

joined Jan 9, 2017

Yamashiro just awakened a date she cant escape

joined Jun 5, 2020

Update: omg...
It's a Yamashiro chapter: OMG

Is it.... Yatsude ??????!! I mean, she's the one she tried to avoid last time when Tsubaki invited her to the club, if not then her friend.

the revelation can't come soon enough!!!

You know that’s a galaxy brain line of thought but it would actually pair all the characters off pretty well

Just decided to do a reread and thought the same. Yamashiro wants Yatsude. Plus that one who yelled at the nurse is in a different school if I recall correctly.

joined Mar 5, 2021

did tsubaki notice again?

what a chad

joined Mar 31, 2017

Petition for this to get couple-tags like Virgin's Empire

Please no. The couples aren't that clear here and deciding on for example either one of "Piyo x Tsubaki" or "Piyo x Kaname" will give people the wrong idea of what's official.

Yeah I know it's not that easy, the couples aren't that clear like in VE, but I don't know, at least a "character tag" for when, you know, you wanna read something about some specific pairing of characters or so

I kinda doubt the staff here want to make new global tags for the characters of one series, but if you're willing to visit, I just added a character filter under the "All chapters" section.

last edited at Apr 29, 2021 10:38AM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Woah. Your site is really nice, great work. I'm afraid we're very unlikely to add character tags. As much as that might be a nice thing to have, the site isn't really built to support it.

Please no. The couples aren't that clear here and deciding on for example either one of "Piyo x Tsubaki" or "Piyo x Kaname" will give people the wrong idea of what's official.

The idea of pairing tags has been floated in shadowy backrooms before, and I (as one person, who doesn't have final say) am perfectly open to the idea. I'm not convinced we would need to pick one pairing tag per character, and that seems needlessly limiting given the series' variety. Ideally, the tags would follow exactly what content is depicted. So that should be a non-issue. However, I'm just a casual reader here, so I could be totally wrong on all of this.

joined Mar 31, 2017

The idea of pairing tags has been floated in shadowy backrooms before, and I (as one person, who doesn't have final say) am perfectly open to the idea. I'm not convinced we would need to pick one pairing tag per character, and that seems needlessly limiting given the series' variety. Ideally, the tags would follow exactly what content is depicted. So that should be a non-issue. However, I'm just a casual reader here, so I could be totally wrong on all of this.

I didn't actually consider that. I can see how that could work out, if the person who assigns those tags doesn't have their goggles on too tight and actually wants to go through every chapter to judge which pairings are even to be considered and if they're represented strongly enough in each chapter. For example, I don't think a Kaname x Yatsude tag is even an option even though Kaname keeps hinting at having an interest in her, which Ningiyau even confirmed in an interview.

I just want to err on the side of caution and not give readers wrong expectations when they see the chapter list for the first time. So as long as they're carefully applied based on the chapters' contents and not a staff member's preference for one ship over another, I wouldn't actually have a problem with that kind of pairing tags.

joined May 8, 2017

What about individual character tags instead of pairing tags?

joined Apr 20, 2013

What about individual character tags instead of pairing tags?

That would be the safest choice...

As a hard shipper with a degree on Love live relationships, I can guarantee... It's not possible to accept every option.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

I'm afraid we're very unlikely to add character tags. As much as that might be a nice thing to have, the site isn't really built to support it.

(though, I will reiterate that I am musing the same as everyone else, and nothing I say should be assumed to be perpetual fact)

joined Jul 21, 2019

did tsubaki notice again?

what a chad

Yeah and it's actually funny because she considers herself a newbie at love talk but she's the most perceptive character in the series lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeah and it's actually funny because she considers herself a newbie at love talk but she's the most perceptive character in the series lmao

The two are hardly mutually exclusive after all.

joined May 18, 2021

I'm on chapter 49, and you can't just do that to me, you can't just punch me in the gut like that, i'm going to cry myself to sleep now.

joined May 18, 2021

I am, so far, enjoying thoroughly the gayness this manga holds, it is very very GAY and I love it, and I'm hoping it only gets gayer and gayer.

joined Feb 17, 2019
joined May 12, 2020

Yeah she has a secret. She is a filthy filthy siscon. Not a basic b** like you.

joined Jun 5, 2018

God, she's such a creep.

joined Oct 19, 2020

Seeing why Yatsude got fed up with her shit now

joined Jul 6, 2020

Okay what’s Kaname’s deal, is she actually in love with Yatsude or something? That’s kinda what I’m thinking will happen, and then maybe Nakatani and Tsubaki are gonna be a thing?

joined Jul 28, 2016

I am gonna (wrongly) predict that Tsubaki was doing that dumb anime thing and snuck into Hiiragi's room and sniffed her clothes or whatever. And then she got found out and that's what that flashback's showing... unless that flashback already appeared before. Or their personalities switched and Tsubaki used to be the strong one and look out for her sister and all, and then Hiiragi saw her crying and she was disgusted. I mean, I might've just forgotten the story though. I think I remember that Hiiragi hates Tsubaki 'cause she thinks Tsubaki's better than her. Since Tsubaki looks down on herself, Hiiragi is pissed since that makes her even worse or whatever. Wait, and then Tsubaki hates herself since Hiiragi hates her? But Hiiragi starts hating her because Tsubaki hates herself? Okay, I'm mixing up some stuff, but, as far as I remember, I don't think they actually revealed what the breaking point was and why Tsubaki fell in love with her twin sister in the first place.

joined Sep 6, 2018

God, she's such a creep.


joined Dec 27, 2014

Is Kaname going to just straight up kill the rest of the cast? Homegirl putting out some serious serial killer vibes in those last few pages. "Everyone's hiding a dark past" and shit? What you got in the closet (besides the baker's dozen of lesbians you've surrounded yourself with) that makes you so certain everyone else is hiding something?

In all seriousness though, those were some creepy panels.

last edited at Jul 3, 2021 12:47AM

joined Dec 14, 2020

Man I love this manga its like yuruyuri but it aint all fun and games.

joined Apr 25, 2020

Ahh man I want KanaPiyo so much, but seing how uninterested is Kaname about her (or love in general) I guess that would never happen.

And also, like somebody(ies) said before, I don't think Tsubaki is actually in love with her sister. She said it this chapter, that she can't find a proper way to label her feelings, I think is more like their sister relationship teared apart (for unknown reasons)and she want to rebuild it, that's all.

joined Dec 7, 2020

Poor Piyo

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