Forum › Hana Ni Arashi discussion

joined Dec 3, 2016

Oh come on, let them have their date!

joined Nov 8, 2017

Third Wheel ni Arashi

joined Mar 3, 2019

I don't mind the "third wheel".

This part is looking fun. Can't wait for the next chapter.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Is this what they mean by star-crossed lovers?

joined Feb 10, 2013

Those poor kids just can’t catch a break.

joined Mar 8, 2016

What's the female equivalent of a "cock block?" "Clam slam?" "WAP slap?"

joined Jan 30, 2017

What's the female equivalent of a "cock block?" "Clam slam?" "WAP slap?"

Clam jam

Sarah of the Night
joined May 12, 2020


joined Jul 31, 2013

This shouldn't be this hard

joined Apr 30, 2020

I'm thinking 3rd wheel becomes wingwoman. She'll probably notice Chidori and Nanoha are already a couple but still needs some pushing. Or alternatively she asks them for relationship advice.

joined Feb 15, 2019

A gay third wheel is still a third wheel, I wanna see the date damn it.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Dammit, Abe-chin... I know you want to have a date with Yoshida-sempai too, but do you have to sit between our couple?

joined Aug 26, 2018

lowkey this series is getting kinda boring because there’s no progression. Plot doesn’t exist because fluff, but there’s not much progress in their relationship either. They still shit their pants just by being in close proximity of each other. nanoha/chidori constantly getting pussyblocked by everything is annoying too. Just let them go on cute dates dammit

last edited at Feb 20, 2021 8:41AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I never quite understand complaints about “lack of progress” in series where the couple starts out together.

Sure, I get the desire to see more physical intimacy between characters, but in episodic stories about high school kids there’s a lot more comedic material to be generated keeping things fairly chaste than in ramping up the skinship or, as in this case, normalizing their public relationship.

“They’re dating but it’s a secret” is the whole founding premise—when that goes away, it’s likely that the whole series goes away (which may be where the presence of Abe-chin is pointing anyway).

joined Sep 1, 2017

What's the female equivalent of a "cock block?" "Clam slam?" "WAP slap?"

Clam jam

Beaver dam

joined Jul 29, 2017

"A thin premise, endlessly restated" -MST3k

joined Mar 8, 2016

I never quite understand complaints about “lack of progress” in series where the couple starts out together.

Sure, I get the desire to see more physical intimacy between characters, but in episodic stories about high school kids there’s a lot more comedic material to be generated keeping things fairly chaste than in ramping up the skinship or, as in this case, normalizing their public relationship.

“They’re dating but it’s a secret” is the whole founding premise—when that goes away, it’s likely that the whole series goes away (which may be where the presence of Abe-chin is pointing anyway).

Progress is essential to storytelling. There are more ways for a story to progress than "Girl meets girl. They become a couple. The end."

Personally, I find the "dating but it's a secret" framing device tiresome. We've never seen any evidence that any of their friends or family would react poorly to the idea of them dating. Their extreme caution to avoid even stuff that non-coupled female friends would do with each other seems at odds with how generally pleasant their world is. We get it, they're young and nervous but that is the area where they should be growing.

This is never going to be a story that deals with the reality of being gay in Japan - it's much more fantasy along the lines of the Kase-san series. So in that vein it would be nice to see them make strides in being comfortable with who they are and be able to enjoy each other's company more openly. Stories about lesbian couples don't have to only be about how they got together - straight couples certainly aren't limited to that. They can be a couple and deal with life around that and still have funny, relatable stories to participate in.

I actually really like this manga for the characters and the art style. I just wish the author would realize that they've outgrown the framing device and it's time to do more with the characters.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I actually really like this manga for the characters and the art style. I just wish the author would realize that they've outgrown the framing device and it's time to do more with the characters.

Well, with graduation coming up and the talk of possibly moving to Tokyo, it looks like we are actually starting to see more.

joined Jul 22, 2017

Oh no! She's cute!

joined Aug 1, 2011

Well, so much for a date

There's no reason she couldn't bugger off for a few hours after their tour. If it was one of the other girls it might be difficult to justify splitting up, but since they already know she's gay, and she seems to realize she's third wheeling, it shouldn't be too unreasonable to say "Hey, could we meet back up at the train station in a few hours?"

Actually, depending on how the timeline lines up, it's possible her girlfriend is in Tokyo and she already intends to bugger off as soon as possible.

joined Jan 6, 2015

A double date would be fun too. I'd just be happy if they got a friend they could openly talk to at this point.

joined Jun 7, 2019

A double date would be fun too. I'd just be happy if they got a friend they could openly talk to at this point.

i want them to have a double date too!!
it would be so cute and nanoha and chidori would be around people with whom they feel comfortable

joined Dec 20, 2018

Nanoha has a new rival - the library.

joined Oct 22, 2018

TBH, despite my love of history, I didn't really make the decision what I'd do about uni until like the last few days before enrollment season, and even now I'm not fully decided which profession within the field would I go for, so I can kinda relate to Nanoha in regard to not being sure about my future.

That aside, I really hope Nanoha and Chidori come out to Abe about their relationship lol

joined Dec 13, 2018

it's okay, chidori, you just need to believe in the final victory

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