Forum › Nomura Nao and Kyougoku Hina discussion

Starving Jiangshi
joined Dec 3, 2020

Well that was nice, but it is a shame that there was no repercussions for her family.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Nice to see this finally get a release.

joined Oct 16, 2016

Well that was nice, but it is a shame that there was no repercussions for her family.

Sometimes shitty people get away with being shitty. The best thing Nomura can do is spend her life happily with people she loves, and let her family continue being miserable together while she carves her own future.

Also, this manga is genuinely fantastic and I loved it to pieces. I also love that the author's twitter handle is "imgayhowbouthat".

joined May 17, 2020

Dam. I really liked this. I loved the story and would love to see a serialisation if possible!

joined Aug 10, 2015

I literally teared up towards the end.

joined Jun 26, 2018

I literally teared up towards the end.

sniff me too Q_Q. It was soul crushing to have to see Nao's crying face every time I went through typesetting this.
Here's a fun fact though: the small English lines over Nao's eraser and Aina's fishy are in the original. I didn't have to translate those.

joined Oct 6, 2014

Man. A classic case of shit people dumping their insecurities on others. Glad she got out of that and found a nice family.

joined Feb 28, 2015

IT was greeeeeat art was amazingg. The family was a bit too much ubt I liked it I actually expected that she will leave her family and since they don't really care about her that it wouldn't be a problem but this is nice too.

last edited at Feb 21, 2021 5:01PM

joined Jan 26, 2019

it was really nice

joined May 26, 2020

I usually frown upon beating people with a crowbar, dowsing them in kerosene and lighting hem on fire, but in the case of Nao's "family," I'll allow it.

I'm so glad she and Hina found each other. And Mom is a shipper on board. ^_^

joined Sep 27, 2017

This was a great read.

Well that was nice, but it is a shame that there was no repercussions for her family.

Sometimes shitty people get away with being shitty. The best thing Nomura can do is spend her life happily with people she loves, and let her family continue being miserable together while she carves her own future.

Also, this manga is genuinely fantastic and I loved it to pieces. I also love that the author's twitter handle is "imgayhowbouthat".

Yeah unfortunately shitty people get away with being shitty all the time IRL, the best "revenge" she can have is living her best life.

IT was greeeeeat art was amazingg. The family was a bit too much ubt I liked it I actually expected that she will leave her family and since they don't really care about her that it wouldn't be a problem but this is nice too.

It sounds like you're saying the author made the abuse a "bit too much", which bothers me. Physical and emotional abuse of this extent is unfortunately more common than you might think. I don't think this manga is unrealistic in that regard. Some families have severe cases of all kinds of abuse, including sexual abuse as well. People sometimes even kill their children, even in just a brief moment of rage it happens.

joined May 25, 2020

the brother will get a inferiority complex and can't find a job so he will come back and become a neet. the sister will get pragnent without marriage and will come back home with a kid for her parents to raise it. mc will go to tokyo uni and get rich. her parents will come to her for money but she will turn them down. easy true ending
BTW is that woman a single mother with 5 kids ???????

last edited at Feb 21, 2021 5:17PM

joined Oct 10, 2018

Ahh~ The abuse tag worried me but that wholesome ending is all I need. I wish them the best in their future lives together.

joined May 15, 2020

Ahh~ The abuse tag worried me but that wholesome ending is all I need. I wish them the best in their future lives together.

Yeah stories with the abuse tag are always a bit of a risky click, but it feels so worth it when it ends happily

joined Jun 24, 2013

Been a while since I read some yuri that would make me tear up. Great story and thanks a lot for translating it.

joined Mar 10, 2018

This is going straight in the favorites folder

joined Aug 10, 2015

this was so wholesome direct to favs

joined Aug 16, 2020

loud happy sobbing

joined Feb 28, 2015

This was a great read.

Well that was nice, but it is a shame that there was no repercussions for her family.

Sometimes shitty people get away with being shitty. The best thing Nomura can do is spend her life happily with people she loves, and let her family continue being miserable together while she carves her own future.

Also, this manga is genuinely fantastic and I loved it to pieces. I also love that the author's twitter handle is "imgayhowbouthat".

Yeah unfortunately shitty people get away with being shitty all the time IRL, the best "revenge" she can have is living her best life.

IT was greeeeeat art was amazingg. The family was a bit too much ubt I liked it I actually expected that she will leave her family and since they don't really care about her that it wouldn't be a problem but this is nice too.

It sounds like you're saying the author made the abuse a "bit too much", which bothers me. Physical and emotional abuse of this extent is unfortunately more common than you might think. I don't think this manga is unrealistic in that regard. Some families have severe cases of all kinds of abuse, including sexual abuse as well. People sometimes even kill their children, even in just a brief moment of rage it happens.

Oh no I know about that. It was just family was a bit too much ' evil without a reason'' and it got a bit too heavy suddenly from neglecting her to beating her up was a bit too fast. But I agree with you and it was actually pretty nice to show that acutally family is the people we love and share our lives with instead of just bloodline.

joined Jun 3, 2020

It sounds like you're saying the author made the abuse a "bit too much", which bothers me. Physical and emotional abuse of this extent is unfortunately more common than you might think. I don't think this manga is unrealistic in that regard. Some families have severe cases of all kinds of abuse, including sexual abuse as well. People sometimes even kill their children, even in just a brief moment of rage it happens.

I totally agree with this part being realistic, but in this case I think we also have to admit that a forehead kiss and someone who cherishes you (and a place to be yourself even) may not be a good enough afford for healing emotionally and mentally. I love love love this manga, but I think the ending portrays getting out of an abusive situation too lightly. I still am happy that they are seemingly very happy with each other, they are too cute!

last edited at Feb 21, 2021 5:57PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Oh no I know about that. It was just family was a bit too much ' evil without a reason'' and it got a bit too heavy suddenly from neglecting her to beating her up was a bit too fast. But I agree with you and it was actually pretty nice to show that acutally family is the people we love and share our lives with instead of just bloodline.

A lot of abuse within families is "evil without reason". There's a lot of people that are just mean, often for next to no reason. I don't think the physical violence was "too sudden" or unrealistic, her family was already emotionally and verbally abusive and she spoke out because of her frustration, so it's unfortunately not unrealistic for an abusive family in that situation to go from 0 to 100 in a moment of rage and start beating her. It happens in real life all the time. It's also entirely possible they were already physically abusive in the past, she said this is just how her family shows their "love". This story only showed some of her life and some of the abuse she endured, and it even said she hated her family before the starting point of the story.

It sounds like you're saying the author made the abuse a "bit too much", which bothers me. Physical and emotional abuse of this extent is unfortunately more common than you might think. I don't think this manga is unrealistic in that regard. Some families have severe cases of all kinds of abuse, including sexual abuse as well. People sometimes even kill their children, even in just a brief moment of rage it happens.

I totally agree with this part being realistic, but in this case I think we also have to admit that a forehead kiss and someone who cherishes you (and a place to be yourself even) may not be a good enough afford for healing emotionally and mentally. I love love love this manga, but I think the ending portrays getting out of an abusive situation too lightly. I still am happy that they are seemingly very happy with each other, they are too cute!

Well the main thing is that it's a one-shot, so only so much time in the world. Yes she very likely needs therapy, but I think the one-shot perfectly encapsulates the point of the narrative, which is "Moving on from an abusive family and making a new family with people that actually love you, is one of the best things you can do, and blood relations don't really matter".

Edit: I also think a big point of the narrative is that it ends on a hopeful note of, "She's moving on, and starting the healing process". Yes there's more work to be done, but that's again not the point of this one-shot.

last edited at Feb 21, 2021 6:34PM

joined May 10, 2018

This was crazy good

joined Jul 22, 2017

1) The best revenge is a life well-lived
2) The prime motivator for abuse is control. There doesn't need to be a reason beyond that.

joined Feb 21, 2021

Is it just me or did Nao somehow had her life changed all connected to things that she hates?

1st if she didnt hate her family she wouldnt take the way to the library that day...
2nd if that fish wasnt wiggled in front of her by hina's sister she wouldnt be stop on her way to the library..
3rd her curiosity to hina (which on her list of things she hate)
Wouldnt led her to see that hina is a gorgeous living human with a gorgeous family...
4th the report card, the report card is the climax of connection that led her to let out her feelings to hina....

In short nao's family is crap and im glad she found hina...

And i cried especially on the line

"family isnt about blood but love"

joined Jun 17, 2018

I want a whole series about them. I love them sO MUCH

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