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joined Aug 10, 2015

Nagisa watching her GF get verbally tounge lashed by this annoying creature everytime they meet and she has the gall to act shocked/annoyed that Mashiro doesn’t like her and wants Nagisa to stop hanging around her? Definitely not a good look for her.

Like we’re all the same page here yes? That Mashiro has done nothing wrong and her feelings are completely valid? But this hacky narrative wants us to think otherwise? Like bruh what is this entire arc lmao

I was really hoping she went off on glasses girl at least a little harder lol.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Oh hey, an old friend has returned!

joined Aug 10, 2015

Yeah I regret reading this today. I try to avoid things... this disturbing and that... ugh. I hate it, I hate for so many reasons but mainly because it's so messed up and now it's stuck in my head.

Hitting the ejection seat on this one.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Fuuuuuuuuuck that hurts. And she realized she could've saved her, too. Like I expected her to ignore her mom, but to not realize the illusion was her that one time, fuck that is just too cruel.

And the look her dad gave her, with him not knowing the full story, to him it just looked like she didn't care or notice and just went to play games, fuuuuuck

Thinking all of it over is really messing me up. Damn. just....damn...

joined Aug 10, 2015

I honestly feel bad for wanting to see that line crossed, somehow. And yet, I also feel like there’s no way some of this isn’t the author intentionally teasing just a teensy tiny liiiiiittle bit...

At this point, I think I’m just reading into it what I want to see lmao.

joined Aug 10, 2015

I... have so many questions.

joined Aug 10, 2015

I need more of this. No gimmicky premise to lure readers in. No prolonged drama arcs to stretch serialization length. No giant buildup story that ends when the two finally confess. Just a simple manga following the everyday stories of a couple in love. All my thumbs up.

Just need stuff that makes me feel happy to follow along sometimes.

...okay a lot of the time lol

last edited at Oct 27, 2021 2:31AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

Pretty much share the same sentiment that I’m happy for the ending, but the time skip is kinda eh as is “they’re a couple” ending. I wanna see more of the story after that point darn it

…okay I might just be a little greedy lol

joined Aug 10, 2015

That ended up even more cute and wholesome than I expected somehow.

Liberty discussion 16 Aug 16:55
joined Aug 10, 2015

Like I really don't like to post negatively and certainly am not trying to dunk on the author, but... the more I think about it the more I'm just kinda appalled, in a bad way.

Let's take a step back on all this: first liz is a teenager AND an idol, she is completely in a different world and has totally illogical and selfish reactions.


What you've described, very reasonably, is a rise-and-fall redemption arc. That may be what the author is going for, and is attempting to execute.

But one key to the artistic/narrative success of such an arc is that the audience needs to be invested enough in the character despite their flaws and missteps to want to see that redemption happen. (With the same artist here also as writer, the series Kimi Koi Limit is full of very imperfect characters, but that story basically works in the terms it establishes.)

If, on the other hand, the audience would prefer to see your tragic character hit by bus rather than redeemed, your story has gone badly astray along the way

This is, basically, the problem I've had from the start. Liz is not only unlikeable, she doesn't even feel like she's putting in that much effort to be redeemable. And Maki herself is so woefully passive that rather than cheering for her happiness, I'm instead screaming internally at the pages for her to do... something.

Maki almost did something, only for Liz herself to intervene, and instead of going after the girl that literally just came out of her shell in front of her for a brief moment, says "nah," and in the next scene is going on like that didn't happen, and then gets rewarded for it (oh I can have this relationship in public?).

And that's after all the crap she already put Maki through... are we supposed to cheer for them?

Maki, meanwhile, just feels like a complete doormat at this point. Passive is one thing but... wow. She's cheated on you twice, and that's after she physically assaulted you before for giving her a gift, wtf.

And to that point:

What have Maki done to deserve this?

Well, for once, she's way too passive. That doesn't mean she deserves this, but it does explain why she keeps getting shat on.

The whole series went south when Liz slapped Maki in the face for giving her a birthday present, and Maki proceeded to apologize.

Granted, an interesting series could have been written around such twisted and perverse characters. But this has not been that series.

I won't be surprised if when they inevitably do reconcile (because clearly they will), Liz slaps her again and berates her for "letting her cheat" or something equally silly. To which.... Maki apologizes.

Liberty discussion 15 Aug 12:28
joined Aug 10, 2015

It's rare for me to read something that actually pisses me off. So I guess mission accomplished there.

I'm still reading it so it's doing... something right.

I would be absolutely astounded (and genuinely happy) if Maki just moved on.

Please, please tell me that her dreamy, irresistible senpai has a husband and kids in England.

That's exactly what I'm thinking. Ugh I hate that senpai.

...yeeeup this is totally what's going to happen lmao

joined Aug 10, 2015

Why does this feel so heartwarming? It's three naked girls in a bath with two of them discussing how to illegally acquire porn, but wholesome. I love it.

...somehow I didn't even think about it that way, but when I read your post it did suddenly hit me lmao

joined Aug 10, 2015

…oh he dead. Like, super dead.

Just a heads up that /u/ scanlations (specifically me and Urbs) will be picking this up in lieu of Yuri Ichigo's mysterious absence.

Y’all are awesome!

joined Aug 10, 2015

What are you doing step-sis? Surely there were better ways of ending that conversation other than getting on top of a minor with your hand covering their mouth with? And that serial killer look. It legit changed genres for a few pages.

Part of me legit thought she was about to smother her. Like I knew she wouldn’t, but damn it was so sudden, and that look on her face... took a sharp left turn lol

joined Aug 10, 2015

cheers loudly enough to disturb the neighbors

SHY discussion 22 May 03:05
joined Aug 10, 2015

Oh.... this plan looks doomed to fail. In like, the worst possible way.

last edited at May 22, 2021 3:05AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

It's becoming quite a STRETCH.


joined Aug 10, 2015

I needed something like this to brighten my day. So gosh darn wholesome.

SHY discussion 15 Apr 01:32
joined Aug 10, 2015

I'm not counting my eggs yet, I need some solid proof that the sister survives, and won't be killed randomly by a sniper or something...

Same, but I’m kinda hopeful now!

That said there is one other outcome / theory I’m holding on to... but I don’t want to speak it into existence lol.

SHY discussion 11 Apr 13:33
joined Aug 10, 2015

For the record, I should note my comment isn't about me disliking this series, I actually love it. I just want the sisters (and tokimaru for that matter) to make it our okay =(

SHY discussion 04 Apr 03:51
joined Aug 10, 2015

Well, this series has defied tropes before, it's entirely possible that it'll surprise us again after this cliffhanger. Similarly possible it won't, though.

Sadly this looks like it is going to do exactly what I assumed it would. I get why to an extent, but it is frustrating to read.

And yet, if I’m completely honest... I can’t say I wouldn’t have it turn out in a similar way.

And the author has pretty much established the pattern going forward: each Amalreiks member has a tragic past they can’t escape, and doing so means a very likely death. No face turn without immediate consequence.

If the author does somehow defy that here, I’d honestly be (pleasantly) shocked.

joined Aug 10, 2015

That tag baited me so badly lol. Then I remembered "oh yeah it's THAT day"

joined Aug 10, 2015

this hand of mine is filled with an awesome power
its burning tips tells me to make u cum

Pure poetry.

SHY discussion 24 Mar 03:48
joined Aug 10, 2015

I’m really liking this face turn, and I’m really, really hoping it doesn’t end the way I think it will. Just let the twins live happily =(

joined Aug 10, 2015

If there's a level beyond Wholesome, they just reached it

My god, the sweetness levels are off the charts

And I love it