Forum › A Monster Wants to Eat Me discussion

joined Mar 23, 2019

Sure, trauma and all that jazz. Personally, I always read these kind of series from the perspective of characters like Miko and right now I'm fucking pissed.

well, we are entitled to our opinions

are you going to drop the manga if Miko ends up sacrificing herself for the greater good?

joined Dec 26, 2020

I like this

joined Jan 9, 2017

This manga is like if you combined the movie "fearless" with Caster from Fate/Zero

joined Dec 4, 2019

...Oh the childhood friend sees the blood, doesn’t she? (Sad) backstory revealed but the plot’s thickened.

last edited at Dec 30, 2020 7:09PM

joined Jul 17, 2020

Hmmmm.... I hope this gets gayer. Right now it's feeling too friendly and not gay

joined Jun 20, 2020

It's starting to fall apart now. She's in a city where plenty of people must have an intact will-to-live, yet she starves herself while waiting for one person to change? "Picky eater" doesn't begin to describe her.

joined Nov 24, 2017

Now that we know Shiori doesn't want to eat Hinako as long as she wants to die, and is even encouraging her to be happy just so she can taste better when she slaughters her, this seems more like a terrible toxic relationship than ever. Unless Shiori is lying about wanting to eat her in the first place...

joined Dec 3, 2016

Well, it's just as several of us theorized: she'll wait until Hinako is healed and doesn't want to die, and then she'll kill her. This just seems like a setup for an unavoidable tragedy.

joined Feb 21, 2019

Unless Shiori is lying about wanting to eat her in the first place...

That couldn’t possibly be the final twist. I wonder what a trained therapist would think of the “learn to live happily and then I’ll grant you death” approach to treating depression

joined Sep 15, 2020


I mean we all saw it coming ¯_(ツ)_/¯

joined Dec 30, 2020

Rewatched moyashimon last week, so the idea is fresh in my mind:

Rotting and fermentation are basically the same - it differs in whether or not you want it to happen.

Shiori is just waiting for that gourmet taste to ~brew~

joined Jul 24, 2020

Well maybe she will "eat her" in a metaphorical sense? Like maybe Shiori wants Hinako to be a part of her? I bet she was probably the one to tell Hinako to live when her family died too, and maybe she is using a language related to death in order to get closer to Hinako, since she is suicidal? Anyway can't wait to see the future drama. Monster girl will fight off other monsters, but humans might be a bit more complicated in this context.

last edited at Dec 30, 2020 10:44PM

joined Sep 15, 2015

inb4 she does actually eat Hinako when she becomes happy/wants to live, her friend ends up becoming how Hinako is right now because she died and Shiori starts the same process over but with the friend instead. Some weird thing about strong emotions being linked to taste so this is something Shiori does to people all the time, y'know because she's a gourmet and all.

joined Oct 1, 2020

'Live a happy and fulfilling life so you can die one day and meet your family in heaven' is so oddly contradictory that it circles back into common sense. It feels like Shiori is simply telling Hinako to accept the cycle of life and the march of time, and will consume her only after she's lived a long, happy life, just like a peaceful, natural death. If she's a gourmet, then maybe she just likes aged wines, and will only eat Hinako once she's a vintage 80 years old.

joined Dec 13, 2018

Winston got a similar promise in 1984, no?

joined Jul 21, 2019

What if it's Shiori the one that will end up eaten? Isn't there a Japanese folk belief that eating mermaid flesh would grant you immortality or some other divine benefit like that?

joined Aug 28, 2018

This series is looking to be a 60+ chapter slow burn lmao

joined Dec 22, 2020

I love that it's exactly a Catch-22, though the style is completely different.

I could read this just for the sheer physical beauty on the page. But I think it's safe to guess we haven't learned even half of what Shiori is about, or what she'll become as the story progresses.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I think at this point I'm just going to wait a couple-few years or so until this finishes up. I definitely think this is going to be a long slow burn series, and one with a likely tragic ending. So I just kind of want to see how it ends, and get on with things if it's really going to be as predictable as her learning to be happy only to die.

Edit: I just find excess and forced tragedy that's trying to be "deep" & "beautiful" to be anything but either of those things. I personally simply find it to be extremely frustrating and the like. Ah well though, not for me, more power to the people that love it I suppose.

last edited at Dec 31, 2020 3:17AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

May you live to become delicious monster food.

joined Apr 16, 2013

interested to see how this series will go, it'd be REALLY odd if hinako is killed and eaten on the final chapter but also weird if the monster decided to just give up eating her

I've seen this tagged as yuri everywhere so I'm guessing this was advertised as such.... In that case I would expect Shiori to take a liking to the mc at some point (a cliche i love if done well so i wouldn't mind at all)
I'm liking the characters this far! Shiori is funny with her very annoying personality and Hinako is not completely catatonic which is good lol
Also I'm guessing the voice she heard the day of the accident was Shiori's?? She said she's been looking for Hinako for a long time so.... we'll see, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

last edited at Dec 31, 2020 5:08AM

joined Jan 7, 2020

That last panel though. Maybe she sees the monster blood

joined Dec 20, 2018

That last panel though. Maybe she sees the monster blood

I mean, it's not impossible, but more likely she's just shocked to see her there, knowing how such places affect her and her previous refusal to go.

joined Mar 19, 2020

That last panel though. Maybe she sees the monster blood

I thought it was just because mc said she didn’t want to go to the festival with her and now she says her with the new girl.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Tbh I hope this turns into a cute love story

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