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Cat Day discussion 19 Nov 00:43
joined Jan 7, 2020

Cute one shot

joined Jan 7, 2020

Still waiting for translations to catch up to the raw… I think it’s up to 82 now?

joined Jan 7, 2020

The tags check out. Just needed to turn off my brain to read it.

joined Jan 7, 2020

Nice read

joined Jan 7, 2020

Aww, last release?
Not translating anymore? ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)
Welp, back to reading it in Spanish, I guess. ¯⧵_( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)_/¯

Time to learn Spanish again I guess

joined Jan 7, 2020

Shit, guys it's been licensed. Well, guess my broke ass will never know the end. Damn it...
I mean I'm happy for the creator. But fuck me man. Literally so many mangas to read... (T_T) :'/
RIP: My yuri cravings
They gonna starve. XD

Ye. Plus even if I get the English copies, I’d have to hide the physical copies, so the only way to read it is here ;w; or just download the chapters to re-read. In case it gets taken down. Sigh…

joined Jan 7, 2020

Just found this today and was getting really into it, but cancelled….

joined Jan 7, 2020

This is actually pretty useful. Will take it into account when I make my webtoon

joined Jan 7, 2020

Looks interesting

joined Jan 7, 2020

When you shoot people thought the head, they die!

Or summon a persona XD

joined Jan 7, 2020

I wonder whether this would interfere with the memories of her future self since she’s creating new memories

joined Jan 7, 2020

Does anyone know what font is used for the "Manga Time" title?

This feels slightly off-topic…
Anyways, plugged an image into WhatTheFont, I want to say it's "Harlekin" (but is also nearly identical to Harlow Solid and its variants). Minor adjustments were made (notably the stars replacing the lowercase i's dot, and in the lowercase a).
Don't know the Japanese font, though.

Apologies about it being slightly off-topic, thanks though.
Too bad this was pretty short, thought it would be longer since it has some potential

last edited at Aug 14, 2021 2:51AM

joined Jan 7, 2020

Does anyone know what font is used for the "Manga Time" title?

joined Jan 7, 2020

Lol, this is exactly how I realized that I was attracted to my friend except in the dream she was coming on to me instead of rejecting me. Now we're dating so I hope this continues so I can see the same thing happen to these two :')

Aww that’s really sweet

Scarlet discussion 06 Jul 14:38
joined Jan 7, 2020

Damn. Finished reading it. Too bad it ended pretty abruptly

joined Jan 7, 2020

I keep clicking but nothing is happening

Same. I was like where’s the next page??

joined Jan 7, 2020

Does anyone know the love live (?) doujin where the characters get stuck in a gacha game and they had to roll a ssr character in order to get out?

Maybe this?

That’s the one. Thank you!

joined Jan 7, 2020

Does anyone know the love live (?) doujin where the characters get stuck in a gacha game and they had to roll a ssr character in order to get out?

joined Jan 7, 2020

I don’t play genshin but all my yes XD

joined Jan 7, 2020

I was actually enjoying it ;w; and what was that ending ;w;

joined Jan 7, 2020

I swear I thought this was a series first few pages in....


joined Jan 7, 2020

Actually teared up a bit. Might not understand it on a personal level but the story was good. The characters definitely felt believable.

joined Jan 7, 2020

Love it XD

joined Jan 7, 2020

That last panel though. Maybe she sees the monster blood

joined Jan 7, 2020

Maybe check your spam mail? And make sure that you’re subscribed to the “main” series. Not the chapters of the series of the manga you’re reading. Otherwise, you won’t be getting any notifications.

last edited at Nov 22, 2020 9:18PM