Holy shit, what a chapter. I wasn't expecting them to actually show Shiho's perspective right away. Now we know that Miwa almost sorta confessed, and Shiho was also attracted to her. That's not a huge surprise, but again, I am kinda surprised that they're showing it right away. I stick by what I said about it being to early to tell if Miwa would have a better relationship with Shiho, but they have made her character interesting and endearing in just these few chapters. Also, I like how bold and brutally honest Miwa is being. She's really grown.
I wonder if we'll wind up seeing a sort of reversal of what happened in the one-shot; instead of Miwa seeing Saeko with another girl, Saeko will realize how well Miwa and Shiho are getting along and straight-up ask if Miwa likes her more, then say they should break up. Speaking of the one-shot, I wonder if that weird stalker girl will ever show up in some form.