Murderers do like to keep trophies/souvenirs from their victims, so it kinda makes sense why she hasn’t deleted that one picture
Et tu, Brute?
Y’know, half way thru I kinda got that she was going to replace the childhood friend, but I thought she was going to do it because the childhood friend passed away in an accident or something.
A handful of us thought so, but it's kinda refreshing to see it not being the case, if that makes any sense?
I need a sequel where the girlfriend had found the photos, noticed it wasn't her friend, but threw them away on purpose to stay with the crazy bitch.
That is really good sequel idea and it could go either way, potential revenge? twisted love? mutual yandere love? The sky is the limit
Above comments aside, Muraskino's stories really catch my attention, they have a charm that really suck me in.
The characters can be so comfy cute in some scenes and agonizing in pain in another, Murasakino knows what they are doing with their art. It's so good to see them write all different kinds of stories. This was a really good one too, I don't really know how to put it, but the fact it was actually just plain old pushing from the cliff murder was kinda refreshing to see. Nowadays it's all well thought out motives and plans, deep monologues, super emphasized psychotic vibes, so it felt like a neat twist to me that she just up and killed her friend.
last edited at Sep 15, 2020 2:28PM