Hello! We are The Macaron Press, an up-and-coming yuri doujinshi publishing house. While we do not yet sell doujinshi on behalf of creators (setting up a legitimate manga localization service with no parent company is a long, laborious process), we do offer free translation/english publication services to them so they can distribute English versions of their work as they see fit. Touki, an artist totally new to the scene, has given us the okay to host their work on Dynasty Reader!!
While we do not support or condone piracy, we're a bit different from our collegues in this business. We know that the only way doujinshi can be a successful enterprise in the west, the only way we can help it sustain independent creators, is to make sure it is community-driven. Just like in Japan, and just like in independent publishing in the west. And, by golly, there's only one place to do that! We hope to negotiate with our authors to place more of our free releases on Dynasty, or maybe even previews (depending on how you all and the Dynasty staff feel about that).
If you need to check out our legitimacy, please see our work on https://twitter.com/PressMacaron. We're also happy to answer any questions you may have.
We look forward to working with you all in the future, and please enjoy this release from Touki m(__)m