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joined Aug 12, 2013

I'm so tired of the ''social expectation'' excuse, It's just a cheep way to create bullshit drama.

"I'm so tired of authors using an actual real-world issue that causes actual real-world drama and distress to create the same in their fiction."


Thank youuuu. Hate when people complain about the social expectations element of a story. It's very real, especially in Eastern cultures. I'm Asian American and this stuff still weighs heavily on me.

joined Dec 9, 2014

Next chapter is a B O M B

joined Jan 11, 2018

Mom to the rescue!

joined Feb 23, 2016


last edited at Apr 13, 2020 11:48PM

joined Jun 14, 2016


joined Nov 23, 2014

Mother's Day came early.

joined Mar 10, 2018

That's a relief. Compilation stories tend to jump around even when plot is happening, so I thought I'd have to wait a couple more chapters before this.

joined Nov 13, 2018

i'm so happy for them!! thanks mom!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Happiest chapter of the entire manga so far!

joined Sep 25, 2019

All's well that ends gay well <:3

joined Jun 5, 2016

Man I wish my own mother was that kind of supportive!

joined Mar 24, 2015

Huh. That happened kinda fast? I mean YES but huh. It was really that easy. Silly Aya.

joined Oct 9, 2019

It feels like the author ran out of pages at the end and rushed it... Really happy with this development and was looking forward to this but the execution was pretty lack luster (´ . .̫ . `)

joined Dec 9, 2014

I was shocked whet I saw the coming out chapter so early. I thought there was going to be more struggle before that. Anyway, one of the best chapters.

I wonder now though, does that mean the story is getting over soon and the other three pairings are going to get resolved fast as well? Are we going to get less from this couple? Or does the author intend to have them fully go through all the stages of coming out? Like Aya's mom was the supportive one, but then her dad is sick and wants grandkids. Also what about Risa's parents? It was mentioned that they have disowned her.
Wonder if all of this will appear or the story will be this short.

Btw thanks for the super fast translation!!

last edited at Apr 14, 2020 2:37AM

joined Apr 15, 2017

OMG yess! :')
Her mom is so chill, Best mom ever.
so glad I wasn't spoiled.

last edited at Apr 14, 2020 2:44AM

joined May 2, 2018

The author almost got a story going there and then chucked it aside.

last edited at Apr 14, 2020 2:52AM

joined Aug 11, 2014

Mm... It's always a little meh, for me, when two characters who can't be together because of ~societal expectations~ get back together because someone else gives them permission to do so. Like, I'm a sucker for cool moms supporting their queer kids as much as anyone, but I feel like it's narratively stronger when characters find the resolve to be together no matter what, and then discover unexpected allies supporting their choice.

I understand that familial obligations can weigh very heavily on people, but my milquetoast anarchist heart yearns for characters who tell the system to go to heck, no matter what the gosh-darned consequences may be. I guess this is more realistic, though. Bleh.

joined Aug 30, 2018

That was very easy. Barely an inconvenience

joined Dec 9, 2014

Mm... It's always a little meh, for me, when two characters who can't be together because of ~societal expectations~ get back together because someone else gives them permission to do so. Like, I'm a sucker for cool moms supporting their queer kids as much as anyone, but I feel like it's narratively stronger when characters find the resolve to be together no matter what, and then discover unexpected allies supporting their choice.

I understand that familial obligations can weigh very heavily on people, but my milquetoast anarchist heart yearns for characters who tell the system to go to heck, no matter what the gosh-darned consequences may be. I guess this is more realistic, though. Bleh.

I don't think that's what happened here. Aya's mom looked at the photo but wasn't sure what was going on (her face wasn't shocked but more like a question. And when Aya tells her, you can see that then it strikes her in that eye panel). Aya could have lied and come up with an excuse like they got matching friendship rings. Or that was for one of their presentations for college. But she took it upon her to say it.

Also Aya realized she messed up because she couldn't make a decision. So I think it is implied she would do it on her own at some time, had her mom not found that picture.
There still was room for some drama though lol.

joined Aug 11, 2014

Also Aya realized she messed up because she couldn't make a decision. So I think it is implied she would do it on her own at some time, had her mom not found that picture.

I mean, maybe? I felt like "it's time for me to put an end to this" sounded more like she was leaning towards cutting ties with Risa for good, giving them both a chance to move on. And the way she describes it to her mother - something in the past, before she got married, they broke up a long time ago - doesn't exactly contradict that. If she wanted to take this opportunity to come out for good, she could've said so. "We dated for a while, and I still have feelings for her" would be active, ongoing, motivated, but instead, she made it easy for her mother to interpret it as a phase she went through, before she got serious and married a guy.

Not that there isn't room to read this optimistically, but I don't think we're given the tools to suggest that Aya has that kind of resolve. She's a weak person, and that's fine, but I would've liked to see her become stronger before she jumped back into a relationship with the woman she's strung along for years. Maybe their story isn't over yet, and that's why this part was so easy - the author still intends to show her struggling with the relationship, but this time, she won't give up. I kinda hope that's the case. As it is, she doesn't inspire much confidence.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I mean, maybe? I felt like "it's time for me to put an end to this" sounded more like she was leaning towards cutting ties with Risa for good, giving them both a chance to move on. And the way she describes it to her mother - something in the past, before she got married, they broke up a long time ago - doesn't exactly contradict that. If she wanted to take this opportunity to come out for good, she could've said so. "We dated for a while, and I still have feelings for her" would be active, ongoing, motivated, but instead, she made it easy for her mother to interpret it as a phase she went through, before she got serious and married a guy.

Not that there isn't room to read this optimistically, but I don't think we're given the tools to suggest that Aya has that kind of resolve. She's a weak person, and that's fine, but I would've liked to see her become stronger before she jumped back into a relationship with the woman she's strung along for years. Maybe their story isn't over yet, and that's why this part was so easy - the author still intends to show her struggling with the relationship, but this time, she won't give up. I kinda hope that's the case. As it is, she doesn't inspire much confidence.

The first panel does look ambiguous of what she means by putting an end to this.
I guess someone could still think that she might admit it to her mom but also intend to end it anyway but I think that's more of a stretch because she clearly shows she was scarred of her mom finding out. Why would she go all through that fear/pain only to then end it?

Also when she visits Risa she says "I told my mom I'm in love with you". That doesn't fit with the narrative that she was just brushing her relationship with Risa off.
I think this was already a big step for Aya. If she went more strong about it, it would ruin her characterization.
I want to see more of their relationship now, so I hope the part you mentioned that Aya might still struggle be right lol. If that means we get more chapters with them. But that's not always a requirement for a lengthier story. It's a shame because about 90% of stories end a while after the main conflict is resolved. Idk, this author has proved to write in a very realistic way and I think is mature enough to know there are still things she can do with them. But maybe she didn't plan on making the story long either.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Last chapter felt like this story punched me in the gut, this chapter feels like it brought me home made cookies and hot chocolate and gave me a back rub. Also, its pretty rare to see an understanding and supportive mother on a dramatic yuri story, it feels a little refreshing actually. I was so ready for the mother to freak out and disown her with how this story was going.

joined Sep 7, 2016

Lmao her mother reminds me of my mom

joined Apr 26, 2018

This is my favourite chapter ❤️

joined Apr 6, 2018


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