i thought the same thing, but i think they knew each other previously? like maybe they grew up together and then sango moved away and came back during this pivotal moment in ayame's sexual development.
Ya it's mentioned right in the first chapter.
yes, im aware, but we still dont know the extent of their previous relationship, as we havent seen any of it. thats what i was getting at. sorry for the confusion.
We havent seen much, yes but it's been subtly shown. Ayame was jealous of Sango being hit on by boys and even got agitated by it. She became more content when Sango kissed her cheek. Sango also seems closer to her on a more personal level seeing how she worries about Ayame and was innocently scared when Ayame yelled her, thinking their friendship was in jeopardy. Ayame would also talk of Sango but these are usually small comments about their past or Sango's attractiveness with boys.
I think the artist really must've been trying to make this subtle with the small comments Ayame would make about her and their past together and also how they would look at each other sometimes. It's somewhat cute how subtle this romance was..
The focus of this story was always about Ayame’s sexual self-discovery and learning, and what seems to be a budding romance with Sango is framed as a part of that, rather than in other stories where you usually see the opposite. I really love that the author was able to drop in such small but evocative clues that you could feel this direction made sense and had context while keeping them short enough that the focus remained on... well, Ayame being a horny teenager and all the things that came with that.
Also how, on top of being sexually charged in a way that isn’t just fun but also helps you get into the mindset of unfamiliar, exciting, nervous sexual energy that characterizes this stage of life—thereby letting you get into the head of the protagonist—Amano Shuninta also has the writing skill and the drawn-from-life creativity to put together an interesting story so that it’s not just fun shorts like, say, Hino-san no Baka, but is actually an exploration of the exploration of sexuality as seen through Ayame. Really really love this manga, it’s fantastic and original and I can’t wait to see what comes next.
last edited at Mar 26, 2020 1:49AM